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(Laravel) The package offers a contemporary and versatile USSD application solution that supports multiple languages, including English and Swahili. Its syntax is expressive and elegant, making it incredibly user-friendly. It features a built-in USSD simulator that simplifies the process of debugging and maintaining the application


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About Aguva Ussd Package

Aguva Ussd is a modern multi-language (english and swahili) laravel dynamic ussd application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. Very easy to use. It also has a ussd simulator for easy debugging & maintenance.


Add the following to your root project's composer.json

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": ""

Add the following under 'require' key (list of required pakages) in your root project's composer.json

"aguva/ussd": "dev-main"

Publish the language files

php artisan lang:publish --provider=\"Aguva\\Ussd\\Providers\\UssdServiceProvider\" --tag=aguva-ussd-lang --force

Publish package support files

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=\"Aguva\\Ussd\\Providers\\UssdServiceProvider\" --force

Run the migrations

php artisan migrate

Add the following variables in your root project's .env

DEFAULT_MESSAGE= # The default message to show when no other message is available
RESTRICT_TO_WHITELIST=true # Set to false to allow all msisdns
LOG_USSD_REQUEST=true # Set to true to log all ussd request payloads from provider
WHITELIST_MSISDNS="254705799644" # Comma separated list of msisdns to whitelist
END_SESSION_SLEEP_SECONDS=2 # Delay in seconds before ending session
USSD_CODE=657 # This is the ussd code given to you by your provider eg 999
ONLINE_ENDPOINT='api/process-payload/55034fd5-bd23h5d9948f' # The endpoint to receive ussd payloads from provider

Create a UssdProcessor.php file in root project's app/Repositories dir & add the following boilerplate code. This is your PLAYGROUND, GO CRAZY

N/B Treat each a method as a new USSD screen instance

namespace App\Repositories;
use Aguva\Ussd\Repositories\Handler;

class UssdProcessor
    // Distinguish if it's a new user (first dial) or a registered user
    static function activityHome(ActivityLibrary $activityLibrary, $params)
        if (array_key_exists('newUser', $activityLibrary->userInput) && $activityLibrary->userInput['newUser']) {
            return self::activityHomeNewUser($activityLibrary, $params);
        return self::activityHomeExistingUser($activityLibrary, $params);

    // This is an existing user
    static function activityHomeExistingUser(ActivityLibrary $activityLibrary, $params)
        $activityLibrary->message = __('ussd.welcome_new_user', ['name' => $activityLibrary->user->first_name]);
        $menu = [
            1 => [
                'text' => __('ussd.item_home'),
                'activity' => 'activityHome',
            2 => [
                'text' => __('ussd.item_choose_language'),
                'activity' => 'activityChooseLanguage',
            3 => [
                'text' => __('ussd.item_quit'),
                'activity' => 'activityQuit',
        $activityLibrary->menuItems = $menu;
        return self::activityReturnValidMessage($activityLibrary);

    // This is a new user
    static function activityHomeNewUser(ActivityLibrary $activityLibrary, $params)
        $activityLibrary->message = __('ussd.welcome_registered_user', ['name' => '']);
        $menu = [
            1 => [
                'text' => __('ussd.item_choose_language'),
                'activity' => 'activityChooseLanguage',
            2 => [
                'text' => __('ussd.item_quit'),
                'activity' => 'activityQuit',

        $activityLibrary->menuItems = $menu;
        return self::activityReturnValidMessage($activityLibrary);

    // Exit the application
    static function activityQuit(ActivityLibrary $activityLibrary, $params)
        $activityLibrary->message = __('ussd.item_message_quit');
        $activityLibrary->end = true;
        return self::activityReturnValidMessage($activityLibrary);

    // Choose app language
    public static function activityChooseLanguage(ActivityLibrary $activityLibrary, $params)
        $activityLibrary->message = __('ussd.item_choose_language');
        $languageLookUp = ['1' => 'en', '2' => 'sw'];
        $activityLibrary->userInput['localeLookup'] = $languageLookUp;

        $activityLibrary->menuItems = [
            '1' => [
                'text' => __('ussd.item_language_english'),
                'activity' => 'activityChangeLanguage'
            '2' => [
                'text' => __('ussd.item_language_swahili'),
                'activity' => 'activityChangeLanguage'
            '0' => [
                'text' => __('ussd.item_navigation_home'),
                'activity' => 'activityHome'

        return self::activityReturnValidMessage($activityLibrary);

    // Change the app language
    public static function activityChangeLanguage(ActivityLibrary $activityLibrary, $params)
        if (!collect($activityLibrary->userInput['localeLookup'])->has($activityLibrary->ussdString)) {
            return self::activityHome($activityLibrary, $params);

        $locale = $activityLibrary->userInput['localeLookup'][$activityLibrary->ussdString];
        $activityLibrary->user->locale = $locale;


        $activityLibrary->message = __('ussd.item_locale_saved');

        $activityLibrary->menuItems = [
            '0' => [
                'text' => __('ussd.item_navigation_home'),
                'activity' => 'activityHome'
        return self::activityReturnValidMessage($activityLibrary);

    // Returned message
    public static function activityReturnValidMessage(ActivityLibrary $activityLibrary)
        if ($activityLibrary->invalidInput) {
            $activityLibrary->message = __('ussd.enter_valid_input') . " $activityLibrary->ussdString\n$activityLibrary->message";
        return $activityLibrary;


Simulator URL

The ussd simulator can be found in the url "/simulator". Kindly note that it mimics a live ussd environment meaning that you have to click "new session" button whenever you want to simulate the start of a new session.

Queue Workers Used

The choice is totaly up to you. You could use either of the following;

N/B Install horizon console or beanstalkd console to help you monitor the queues & also install the necessary respective laravel packages.

Queues Used

Listen to the following queue in your root project

  • save-ussd-message (used to save ussd sessions data into the database)


composer remove aguva/ussd

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within the library, please send an e-mail to Cyril Aguvasu. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This library is owned and maintained by Cyril Aguvasu


(Laravel) The package offers a contemporary and versatile USSD application solution that supports multiple languages, including English and Swahili. Its syntax is expressive and elegant, making it incredibly user-friendly. It features a built-in USSD simulator that simplifies the process of debugging and maintaining the application






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