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Group API

StormFX edited this page Dec 13, 2022 · 1 revision


Masque's Group API provides authors with the means to interact with Masque's skinning engine at the group level. Using a group's meta-methods, authors can add or remove groups and buttons, retrieve skin settings, or refresh a group or button's skin in the event of a conflict.

Button Group

A button group is a collection of buttons that are part of a common frame, object or add-on. These groups allow Masque to organize the buttons logically and to display them in a user-friendly way in Masque's interface. The following example demonstrates the group hierarchy.


- AddOn
   - Bar1
      - Bar1Button1
      - Bar1Button2
      - Bar1Button3
   - Bar2
      - Bar2Button1
      - Bar2Button2

  • While the add-on group and its sub-groups can each have their own buttons, only the add-on group can have sub-groups. This limitation is intentional to prevent excessive nesting.

Getting Started

In order to access the methods for a group, one first needs to establish a reference to Masque's API. Once established, the author can then create a new group or retrieve a reference to an existing group by calling the Group API method.


-- Establish a reference to Masque.
local Masque, MSQ_Version = LibStub("Masque", true)

if Masque then
   -- Retrieve a reference to a new or existing group.
   local myGroup = Masque:Group("myAddon", "myBar1")

The following table lists the methods available to the Group API along with descriptions of their purpose. For more information about a particular method's usage, visit its page by clicking the relevant link.

Method List

Method Description
AddButton Adds a button to the calling group and applies its skin.
Delete Removes the calling group and any sub-groups or buttons.
GetColor Returns a set of color values assigned to a region.
GetLayer Returns the specified region assigned to a button.
GetOptions Returns an AceConfig-3.0 options table for a group.
RemoveButton Removes a button from the calling group and applies a default skin.
ReSkin Reapplies a group's skin to its buttons.
SetCallback Registers a callback at the group level.
SetName Changes the name of the calling group and updates Masque's GUI.

  • Home

  • Contributors
  • History

  ⚬ Masque API
  ⚬ Group API
     • AddButton()
     • Delete()
     • GetColor()
     • GetLayer()
     • GetOptions()
     • RegisterCallback()
     • RemoveButton()
     • ReSkin()
     • SetCallback()
     • SetName()
  ⚬ Regions

  • Skin List

  • CurseForge
  • Wow Interface

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