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Simple Squad menu

GLuaLint Workshop Page

A basic squad/party creation addon for Garry's Mod.


  • Create a private or public squad with a custom name, icon and color
  • Players can view all available squads and join/request to join them
  • Squad leaders can choose if your members can damage eachother (friendly fire)
  • Squad members can see the health/armor of all members
  • Squad members have indicators in the world so you can tell who is on your squad

For developers

You can check a Player's squad by calling this function:

-- Available both on SERVER and CLIENT.
-- Will be -1 if this player is not in a squad.
local id = Player:GetSquadID()

On the server only, you can use this function to get a specific squad instance:

local squad = SquadMenu:GetSquad( id )

    This allows you to access things like:      - string
    squad.icon      - string
    squad.leader    - Player

    squad.enableRings   - boolean
    squad.friendlyFire  - boolean
    squad.isPublic      - boolean

-- You can get the player entities that are part of the squad with:
local players = squad:GetActiveMembers()

-- "p" represents a player Entity or a string you can get from SquadMenu.GetPlayerId:
squad:AddMember( p )
squad:RemoveMember( p, reason ) -- reason is a number from SquadMenu.LEAVE_REASON_*

Hook: ShouldAllowSquadName

You can also filter the squad name before it's assigned by using the ShouldAllowSquadName hook on the server.

hook.Add( "ShouldAllowSquadName", "BlockWordsExample", function( name, leader )
    -- When you only return false, the squad will be "Unamed".
    if string.find( name, "amogus" ) then
        return false

    -- Optionally you can also return a second value for the name
    if string.find( name, "sus" ) then
        return false, string.Replace( name, "sus", "nope" )
end )

Hook: SquadPlayerSay

You can also override/filter squad-only messages by using the SquadPlayerSay hook on the server.

hook.Add( "SquadPlayerSay", "BlockMessagesExample", function( sender, text )
    -- When you return false, the message will not be sent.
    if string.find( text, "amogus" ) then
        return false

    -- You can return a string to override the message.
    if string.find( text, "sus" ) then
        return string.Replace( text, "sus", "nope" )
end )

Hooks: SquadMenu_OnJoinedSquad and SquadMenu_OnLeftSquad

You can use these hooks to detect when a player has joined/left a squad on the server.

hook.Add( "SquadMenu_OnJoinedSquad", "JoinedSquadExample", function( squadId, ply, plySteamID )
    -- Get the squad instance's name
    local squadName = SquadMenu:GetSquad( squadId ).name

    -- Get the player name, if the player is not valid then just use their SteamID
    local playerName = IsValid( ply ) and ply:Nick() or plySteamID

    -- Print a message on everyone's chat
    for _, p in ipairs( player.GetAll() ) do
        p:ChatPrint( playerName .. " joined the squad: " .. squadName )
end )

hook.Add( "SquadMenu_OnLeftSquad", "LeftSquadExample", function( squadId, ply, plySteamID )
    -- Get the squad instance's name
    local squadName = SquadMenu:GetSquad( squadId ).name

    -- Get the player name, if the player is not valid then just use their SteamID
    local playerName = IsValid( ply ) and ply:Nick() or plySteamID

    -- Print a message on everyone's chat
    for _, p in ipairs( player.GetAll() ) do
        p:ChatPrint( playerName .. " left the squad: " .. squadName )
end )


Before you open a pull request, if it deals with Lua code, please read this.


A simple squad/party creation addon for Garry's Mod.







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