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File metadata and controls

208 lines (145 loc) · 4.9 KB

Linter Settings

Each linter plugin can provide its own settings. SublimeLinter already provides these for every linter:


Specifies extra arguments to pass to an external binary.

The value may be a string or an array. If it is a string, it will be parsed as if it were passed on a command line. For example, these values are equivalent:

    "args": "--foo=bar --bar=7 --no-baz"

    "args": [

The default value is an empty array.


Disables the linter.


Set additional environment variables.

    "env": "{'GEM_HOME': '~/foo/bar'}"


This setting specifies a list of path patterns to exclude from linting. If there is only a single pattern, the value may be a string. Otherwise it must be an array of patterns.

Patterns are matched against a file's absolute path with all symlinks/shortcuts resolved. This means to match a filename, you must match everything in the path before the filename. For example, to exclude any python files whose name begins with “foo”, you would use this pattern:

    "excludes": "*/foo*.py"

The default value is an empty array. Untitled views can be ignored with <untitled>, and you can use ! to negate a pattern. Note that :ref:`Settings Expansion <settings-expansion>` can be used here as well.


At any time you can manually set the executable a linter should use. This can be a string or a list.

    "executable": "${folder}/node_modules/bin/eslint",
    "executable": ["py", "-3", "-m", "flake8"],
    "executable": ["nvm", "exec", "8.9", "eslint"]

See :ref:`Settings Expansion <settings-expansion>` for more info on using variables.


Lint Mode determines when the linter is run.

  • background: asynchronously on every change
  • load_save: when a file is opened and every time it's saved
  • manual: only when calling the Lint This View command
  • save: only when a file is saved


This should point to a python binary on your system. Alternatively it can be set to a version, in which case we try to find a python binary on your system matching that version (using PATH).

It then executes python -m script_name (where script_name is e.g. flake8).


This defines if when given linter is activated for specific file types. It should be a string containing a list of comma separated selectors.

For example, by default yamllint is activated only for YAML files (source.yaml) files. But we also want to activate it for ansible files, which have the source.ansible scope.

To do that, we can override the selector for this linter:

    "linters": {
            "selector": "source.yaml, source.ansible"


To find out what selector to use for given file type, use the "Tools > Developer > Show Scope Name" menu entry.

It's also possible to exclude scopes using the - operator. E.g. to disable embedded code in situation where linting doesn't make sense. For eslint we disable linting in html script attributes:

    'selector': 'source.js - meta.attribute-with-value'


The selector setting takes precedence over the deprecated syntax property.


Styles can be set per linter.

You can change the color (via scope) or icon per linter, for errors or warnings, and even for each error code if the plugin reports them.

Example: this changes the appearance of shellcheck warnings:

    "shellcheck": {
        "styles": [
                "mark_style": "stippled_underline",
                "scope": "region.bluish",
                "types": ["warning"]

Example: this changes the appearance of whitespace warnings in flake8:

    "flake8": {
        "styles": [
                "mark_style": "outline",
                "scope": "comment",
                "icon": "none",
                "codes": ["W293", "W291", "W292"]


This setting specifies the linter working directory. The value must be a string, corresponding to a valid directory path.

For example (this is also the default):

    "working_dir": "${folder:$file_path}"

Here the linter will get invoked from the ${folder} directory or the file's directory if it is not contained within a project folder.

See :ref:`Settings Expansion <settings-expansion>` for more info on using variables.