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Simple script to enumerate virtualhosts - Hackthebox/CTF oriented


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This is a simple Python script (requires Python 3.6+) used to enumerate virtualhosts. The main use-case is during CTFs or HackTheBox machines where different sites are served based on the virtualhosts.

For example:

# Serves default page
# Serves hidden site

Usually, in order to detect such sites it is necessary to add every host to the /etc/hosts file, or do some scripting with curl (using the --resolve option).

This script makes it slightly simpler.

How does it work?

The help of the script says it all:

python3 -h                                                     
usage: [-h] [-w WORDLIST] [-s] -i IP [-p PORT] -d DOMAIN
                     [-b BASELINE] [-t THREADS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST
                        The wordlist to use
  -s, --tls             Use HTTPs
  -i IP, --ip IP        The ip of the host
  -p PORT, --port PORT  A custom port to use
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        The domain to use
  -b BASELINE, --baseline BASELINE
                        The baseline subdomain to use
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads to use
  -v, --verbose         Set loglevel to DEBUG

The -w options is to specify a newline separated list of words to use a subdomains. This can include also sub-subdomains (e.g., dev.test).

The -s option is used to specify whether we want TLS or not.

The -i option is used to specify the IP to use for the DNS resolution (e.g.,

The -p option is used to specify a custom port to use, for example 8080.

Please make sure that -s and -p options are used sensibly (requesting HTTPs to HTTP port or vice versa will obviously fail).

The -d option is used to specify the main domain name to use (e.g., machine.htb).

The -b option is used to specify the baseline subdomain, so one domain that we already know exists (defaults to www).

The -t option is used to specify how many threads to use as workers (to make requests).

The -v options enables debug logging.

The logic is the following:

  • A request to baseline.domain:port will be performed. The length and hash of the response content will be saved and used to compare the response for other virtualhosts.
  • A request to word.domain:port will be performed, for every word in the wordlist.

At this point, the script makes the following choices:

  • If the request returned 200, but with the same length or hash as the baseline, this is considered to be the same page and therefore the corresponding word won't be validated (this is the case for a default backend in Haproxy for example, that will respond to every request that doesn't match other ACLs). The reason why the length is also used is to try to catch pages where some small content changes (maybe a timestamp), but the page is basically the same (so hash won't match).
  • If the request returned 200 and the hash and length of the response are different from the baseline, the virtualhost will be added to the discovered ones and will be reported.

Note about the wordlists

The wordlist included by default with this repo is for test purposes only (still faster to dump ideas there that in hosts file). In order to find appropriate lists, it might be possible to use Cewl o generate a custom one or use some generic list from seclists or similar projects.


The installation is pretty straightforward

Clone the repo and install requirements (the only package required is requests).

git clone
cd vhost-enum
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x
./ -h
# Or, in alternative
python3 -h


Awesome tools such as wfuzz or ffuf can do already a very similar job. The only difference is that they require to filter out the size of the length for a false positive. This is mostly a convenience tool to do the same thing in a slightly more comfortable way.


curl -s|wc -l
# we get 5093
ffuf -c -w wordlist.txt -u -H 'Host:` -fs 5093
python3 -i -d -b baseline -t 40 -w wordlist.txt

At the same time, other tools more sophisticated then this can do the same and more, such as vhostscan.

I guess here it comes the pleasure of just writing your own tool :)


Simple script to enumerate virtualhosts - Hackthebox/CTF oriented







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