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Detailed analysis of global sustainable energy data spanning from 2000 to 2020, sourced from Kaggle. The code encompasses essential tasks such as data cleaning, visualization, correlation analysis, and developing a linear regression model for predicting CO2 emissions in Nepal.


Most output could be generated using simple functions, But I have used loops to understand better key concepts of reproducible programming.

the format of files folders is:

        │   └───images

Packages used


  • library(here)
  • library(janitor)
  • library(rnaturalearth)
  • library(sf)
  • library(kableExtra)

Key Steps:

  1. Data Cleaning:

    • The code reads energy data from a CSV file, checks for duplicate rows, and ensures correct data types for each column.
    • Column names are shortened to enhance model interpretation.
  2. Visualization:

    • The code maps global energy data onto a world map using the rnaturalearth and sf libraries.
    • Correlation analysis is performed to understand associations between variables.
  3. Country-Specific Analysis (Nepal):

    • Nepal's energy data is isolated, and trends for various variables are visualized over the years.
    • Columns with all NA values and redundant data are removed.
  4. Regression Modeling:

    • A linear regression model is built to predict CO2 emissions in Nepal.
    • Step-wise regression is performed to select significant predictors.
    • Feature selection results in six significant variables influencing CO2 emissions.
    • The dataset is split into training and testing sets, and a linear regression model is fitted on the training data.
  5. Model Evaluation:

    • The accuracy of the model is assessed using Mean Absolute Error (MAE), normalized for better interpretation.
    • The code also includes a forecast using a naive method and evaluates its accuracy.
  6. Summary and Documentation:

    • The code provides a comprehensive summary of the entire analysis, making it suitable for inclusion in a file.
    • Key findings, model accuracy, and forecasting results are highlighted.

This code serves as a robust framework for exploring, analyzing, and modeling sustainable energy data, specifically tailored for the case of Nepal.


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