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Binary data classification using TensorFlow and Keras in python and achieving data parallelism using MPI

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Binary data classification using TensorFlow and Keras in python. Data parallelism using MPI for data augmentation, model training and testing.

Steps to use the program

  1. Download/ clone the repository.

  2. Navigate to the respective folder in PC and create 4 seperate folders named "logs", "models", "dog_cat", "data" and "augmented". The model will be saved in the "models" folder and logs in the "logs" folder.

  3. Download the data from the dataset and put them in the "dog_cat" folder by creating subfolders with their label name. For eg: in the data folder create a folder called "dog" and inside the dog folder create another folder by the same name "dog" and put all the downloaded images of dog in here. NOTE: The data augmentation program would work properly only if this is done properly.

  4. Once after the data folder is ready with all the data files go to the augmented folder and create separate folders for separate labels, for eg: one folder named "dog", one named "cat". These label names should be same as the name in the "dog_cat" folder. NOTE: It is the data in the augmented folder that is used as the main data for training and testing the model.

  5. Now we can successfully run the augmentation by just changing the number of iterations to get the desired number of data generated.

  6. Now we can just run the file to separate the data to acheive data parallelism. The total data would be separated into a number of folders equal to the number of threads giving during in MPI execution command. Now each data subfolder will have separate class of data. **NOTE: Currently the classification would work for only 4 data folders. So give 4 threads. If you change the number of threads then you are expected to make neccessary changes in the file.

  7. Finally, run the classifier program by changing the desired number of iterations.

Commands to run the program

  1. mpiexec -np 4 python
  2. mpiexec -np 5 python