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Gamzia Utility Library - from ANSI colouring output, to postfix resolver, to extra data structures. A little bit of everything for the serious Python developer. Fully documented.


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Gamzia Utility Library for Python 3.7+

This is a module for Python, containing various specialized utilities. This document will describe the contents and provide examples of usage.


To use a module in your Python program, simply use the following import syntax:

(Example to use the colours module; see below for details) (Americans: Note the Canadian "our" spelling of colour)

from gamzia.colours import Colours as C

from gamzia.datastructures import Stack

from gamzia.timer import Timer



Module Classes Summary
colours Colours Contains ANSI colour codes for adding colour to text
timer Timer A high performance timer, stopwatch style, for timing code execution and the like
accountmanager AccountManager An SQLITE based user/password manager, using salted hashes, for authentication purposes.
datastructures Stack, Queue, BinaryTree Contains popular computer science data structures
filedescriptor FileDescriptor Used by FBOMB protocol client/servers to get file metadata

API Documentation

The timer module provides the Timer class, a simple to use high performance timer.

Usage examples:

from timer import Timer

Or, if using the gamzia package:

from gamzia.timer import Timer
# ... do logic here...

# Report seconds used to 4 decimal places
print (f"Time taken: {my_timer.elapsed():.4f}")

# Report microseconds; could also use unit=micros
print (f"Time taken: {my_timer.elapsed("µs"):.2f}")

# Report hours; could also use unit=h
print (f"Time taken: {my_timer.elapsed("hours"):.2f}")


Method Parameters Returns Summary
Timer() None Class instance Constructor
start() None nothing Starts the timer
stop() None nothing Stops the timer
peek() Optional unit=seconds; choices are "ns|µs|ms|s|m|h|d" or "nanoseconds|microseconds|milliseconds|seconds|minutes|hours|days" Returns the current elapsed time in seconds without stopping the timer. Returns 0 if timer hasn't been started. Peeks at current time elapsed on timer
elapsed() Optional unit=seconds; choices are "ns|µs|ms|s|m|h|d" or "nanoseconds|microseconds|milliseconds|seconds|minutes|hours|days" Returns the final elapsed time in seconds, or in the requested unit type. Stops timer if it is still running. Use peek() to get time interval without stopping timer.


Running the following:


...will execute the Timer unit test cases.

Colours provides ANSI colour codes for formatting text strings with colour adornments.

NOTE: In Windows 10, ANSI colour is NOT supported in DOS CMD nor PowerShell terminals, and therefore cannot be used. However, compatibility is kept by instead substituting empty strings ("") for the ANSI code, so coloured text strings will render properly under an ANSI Unix terminal but will not clutter / break a Windows terminal. Not all styles are supported by terminals; YMMV.

Colours are identified with a 3-4 letter foreground code (cxx), background code (bxx), or style code (sxx). Colours can be turned off (reverting to terminal default) with "coff" (Colour OFF), "boff" (Background OFF), the generic "off" (foreground & background off). Styles need to be turned off individually.

NOTE: ANSI colouring supports 16 colours as listed below:

Colour List

NOTE: You can have 1 active foreground colour, 1 active background colour, and multiple active styles (for example, bold and underline).

Usage examples:

from colours import Colours as C

Or, if using from gamzia folder, use:

from gamzia.colours import Colours as C
print(f"{C.clc}This is in light cyan.{} This is back to normal.")
print(f"{C.cly}{C.bdr}This is light yellow foreground on a dark red background.")

s=f"{C.clb}This is blue text and this is {C.clg}{C.bdg}green on dark green.")
print("With colour: "+s)
print("Without colour: "+Colours.cstrip(s))

Note that to effectively use text colouring, you simply insert the text format string in the appropriate location in the string to enable it. One does not need to turn off the colour before applying a new colour; the previous colour/background/style remains in effect until overwritten or turned off.

Note: All format strings can be accessed statically, ie: Colours.clr, etc... and no instantiation of the Colours class is necessary.


Method Parameters Summary
cstrip Colour formatted string This is the only method in the class. It strips all ANSI colour codes out of a string, returning the 'clean' string. It is a static method so can be called without a class instance, ie: Colours.cstrip()
Foreground (Text) Colour Strings
String Meaning
cbl Foreground colour black
cdr Foreground colour dark red
cdg Foreground colour dark green
cdy Foreground colour dark yellow / brown
cdb Foreground colour dark blue
cdm Foreground colour dark magenta
cdc Foreground colour dark cyan
cdgy Foreground colour dark gray
clgy Foreground colour light gray
clr Foreground colour light red
clg Foreground colour light green
cly Foreground colour light yellow
clb Foreground colour light blue
clm Foreground colour light magenta
clc Foreground colour light cyan
cwh Foreground colour light white
coff Foreground colour off
Background (Reverse) Colour Strings
String Meaning
bbl Background colour black
bdr Background colour dark red
bdg Background colour dark green
bdy Background colour dark yellow / brown
bdb Background colour dark blue
bdm Background colour dark magenta
bdc Background colour dark cyan
bdgy Background colour dark gray
blgy Background colour light gray
blr Background colour light red
blg Background colour light green
bly Background colour light yellow
blb Background colour light blue
blm Background colour light magenta
blc Background colour light cyan
bwh Background colour light white
boff Background colour off
Style (Effect) Colour Strings
String Meaning
sbo Style Bold
sdi Style Dim
sun Style Underline
sbl Style Blink
sre Style Reverse
shi Style Hidden
sbof Style Bold Off
sdif Style Dim Off
sunf Style Underline Off
sblf Style Blink Off
sref Style Reverse Off
shif Style Hidden Off
soff Style effect off
Other (Macro) Colour Strings
String Meaning
off Foreground & Background off
no Foreground light yellow, background dark red
yes Foreground light green, background dark green
old Foreground light yellow, background dark blue
retro Foreground white, background black
paper Foreground black, background white


Running the following:


...will execute the Colours unit test cases.

Example of Foreground, Background Colour Combinations:

Colour Grid

The AccountManager class is intended to provide a simple way to incorporate authentication into an app. For example, in a client-server paradigm, a login may be required prior to providing services. Account management is a repetitive pattern that is covered with this class.

The programmer can quickly incorporate a user database with salted hash passwords. For security reasons, the actual or "plain-text" password is not stored. Instead, the SHA256 secure hash algorithm is used to create a hash, which is formed from the input of the user name (the salt) and the password. This hash is stored in the database, and for future comparisons, the salted hash is first recreated and then the hashes are compared.

AccountManager uses an sqlite database, which is a local binary file. Queries employ the use of parameterization to harden it against SQL injection attacks. The programmer provides the database name, hence a database can be isolated to a single app or shared among several apps.

The sqlite3 library must be installed first to use this class:

pip install sqlite3

Usage examples:

from accountmanager import AccountManager

Or, if using from gamzia folder, use:

from gamzia.accountmanager import AccountManager
# Create a schema / or open existing one

# Add three test users

# Load all users

# Create a saltedhash to compare input with DB and verify password
saltedhash = AccountManager.saltPassword("Guest","Anonymous")
if (mgr.verifyPassword("Guest",saltedhash)):
   print("Password verified")
   print("Verification failed")

# Change the password on account "Test", load before and after

# Remove user "Test" from db

NOTE: User names are unique, case insensitively. Thus "User" and "user" are considered the same and not permitted. This constraint is enforced at the database level as part of the schema. User name cannot be NULL. Password cannot be NULL.


Method Parameters Returns Summary
AccountManager() (Optional) Database file name. If not provided, uses default, "accounts.db" Class instance Constructor. Takes optional db file name. If the db does not exist, it creates the schema, otherwise it opens it for read/write access.
doesUserExist() string user name True if user exists in database, False otherwise Checks if a user already exists in database.
addUser() string user name; string password True on success, False otherwise Adds a new user record with salted, hashed password to database.
listUsers() None Returns a list of tuples, where each tuple is the equivalent of 1 record from the accounts table. The fields in a record are ID (integer), Username (String), Password (String) and CreationDate (String, date/time format). If the table is empty, an empty list is returned.
getUser() string user name Returns a tuple containing the complete user record, or None if no record found. Always check for None in case user wasn't in the db. This can be avoided with a call to doesUserExist() before calling getUser().
getPassword() string user name Returns the password entry for the specified user, or None if user not found. Password value is the salted, SHA256 hash value of the original password. Plain-text passwords are not stored. Passwords are salted with the User name (the salt value is not secret).
updatePassword() string user name, string newpassword True on success, False otherwise. NOTE The class will salt and hash the password, so you need only provide the plain-text version of the password to this method.
deleteUser() string user name True if successful, False otherwise Deletes user from database. NOTE If user doesn't exist, it returns False as nothing was deleted. Again, the programmer can avoid ambiguity on the meaning of a False return value (ie, user didn't exist, or DB error occurred) by first calling doesUserExist().
verifyPassword() string user name, string value to test Returns True if user's salted hash password value matches the value provided, False if not. NOTE This requires that the value you test is the salted pasword hash and not the plain text password. See saltPassword() below for how to do this, and see the usage examples above for a code example.
Static AccountManager.saltPassword() string user name, string plain-text password Returns a string containing the salted, SHA256 password hash NOTE This is a static method that can be used anytime without a class instance. The user name is required, as it is the salt value that is used (the salt value is not secret).


Running the following:


...will execute the AccountManager unit test cases.

The Data Structure module contains multiple classes representing basic computer science data structures. You can easily add a stack to your programs, for example, using this module. Please see the usage examples below along with the method reference for more details. Examples of using these data structures can be found in the module's unit tests.

Currently supported data structures include Stack (LIFO), Queue (FIFO), and BinaryTree. More structures, such as AVL Trees, Red/Black Trees, and Priority Queues (Heaps) are intended.

Usage examples:

from datastructures import Stack, Queue, BinaryTree, TRAVERSALS

Or, to include all classes and enums:

from datastructure import *

Or, if using the gamzia package:

from gamzia.datastructures import *

Further usage examples are provided per class below.

Stacks work like piles; you "push" an element onto the stack and it goes on the top of the pile. You can "pop" an element off of the stack and it will return the element at the top, while at the same time removing it from the stack. This creates a last-in, first-out structure (LIFO). You can "peek" at the top of the stack, or the "bottom" of the stack, which in both cases returns the element at that location without removing it (pop is always destructive). Stacks are ordered by the order of element entry, and unsorted.

Note The Stack class supports the str() and len() commands. The Stack class supports iteration, returning the top data item each iteration, until the stack is empty. This type of iteration is destructive. If you want to preserve the stack, please make a copy via stack.copy() first.

# Iteration example
stack = Stack()
stack.push ("Alligator")
stack.push ("Bear")
stack.push ("Cat")

# Copy it first
stack_cp = stack.copy()

# Iterate top to bottom (Cat->Alligator)
for data in stack_cp:
# The copy is empty now:
print (len(stack_cp))

# But the original is preserved:
print (len(stack))


Method Alias(es) Parameters Returns Summary


Method Alias(es) Parameters Returns Summary
Stack() None None Class instance Creates an empty stack structure.
clear() reset(), delete() None nothing Removes all elements from the stack, resetting it.
push() put(), set(), push_back() Object nothing nothing
pop() take(), get(), pop_back() None The top element of the stack, or None if stack is empty Removes and returns the top stack element if there is one.
peek() look(), see(), top(), last() None The top element of the stack, or None if stack is empty Returns the top stack element, without removing it, if there is one.
bottom() first() None The last element of the stack, or None if stack is empty Non-destructive. It's like peek for the bottom, or first, element.
size() length() None The integer count of elements in the stack Determines the size of the stack in elements.
toString() None optional topdown=True A string representation of the stack, when possible. Converts all elements to string and lists them. Won't work when elements are complex objects. The optional parameter topdown represents the order of rendering; it is a boolean with the default being True (print from the top to the bottom).


Example of creating a stack, pushing 4 elements onto it, and then popping them off.

from gamzia.datastructures import Stack

# Create empty stack

# Add four items

# Display current stack
print ("Stack:",stack.toString())

# Get the size

# Peek at the top and bottom items

# Remove a couple of elements
s = stack.pop()
s = stack.pop()


# Clear it
print("Size after clear:",stack.size())


Running the following:


...will execute the datastructure unit test cases, which test all the data structures in the module.

Queues are lines; picture a queue as a linear buffer. When you "enqueue" and element, it enters the line at the next available position. You can "dequeue" an element, which removes the first element (head) in the queue and returns it. This creates a first-in, first-out structure (FIFO). You can "peek" at the head of the queue, or the tail element of the queue, which in both cases returns the element at that location without removing it ("dequeue" is always destructive). Queues are ordered by the order of element entry, and are unsorted.

Whereas Stacks have a "top to bottom" (up/down) organization, a queue has a "head to tail" or "front to back" (left/right) orientation.

Note The Queue class supports the str() and len() commands. The Queue class supports iteration, dequeueing the head data item each iteration, until the queue is empty. This type of iteration is destructive. If you want to preserve the queue, please make a copy via queue.copy() first.

# Iteration example
queue = Queue()
queue.enqueue ("Alligator")
queue.enqueue ("Bear")
queue.enqueue ("Cat")

# Copy it first
queue_cp = queue.copy()

# Iterate head to tail (Alligator->Cat)
for data in queue_cp:
# The copy is empty now:
print (len(queue_cp))

# But the original is preserved:
print (len(queue))


Method Alias(es) Parameters Returns Summary
Queue() None None Class instance Creates an empty queue structure.
clear() reset(), delete() None nothing Removes all elements from the queue, resetting it.
enqueue() push(), add(), append() Object nothing nothing
dequeue() pop(), take(), get() None The first element of the queue, or None if queue is empty Removes and returns the front (first) queue element if there is one.
first() peek(), front() None The first element of the queue, or None if queue is empty Returns the front queue element, without removing it, if there is one.
last() back() None The last element of the queue, or None if queue is empty Non-destructive. It peeks at the end of the line.
size() length() None The integer count of elements in the queue Determines the size of the queue in elements.
toString() None None A string representation of the queue, when possible. Converts all elements to string and lists them. Won't work when elements are complex objects. Orientation is front to back.


Example of creating a queue, enqueueing 4 elements into it, and then dequeueing them.

from gamzia.datastructures import Queue

# Create empty queue

# Add four items

# Display current queue
print ("Queue:",queue.toString())

# Get the size

# Peek at the first and last items

# Remove a couple of elements
s = queue.dequeue()
s = queue.dequeue()


# Clear it
print("Size after clear:",queue.size())


Running the following:


...will execute the datastructure unit test cases, which test all the data structures in the module.

BinaryTrees are a special form of tree structure, where each node can have a maximum of two children. It uses an ordered insertion, and as such is an ordered, sorted tree. Because of this, insertion in the worse case scenario can take O(n) processing time, but retrieval is guaranteed to taken no more than O(log n) processing time, thus is extremely fast. In fact, a binary search is the fastest search algorithm in computer science.

The reason BinaryTrees can take so long to insert is that they can become "unbalanced". A special type of binary tree, called an AVL tree, automatically rebalances the tree when necessary.

BinaryTrees contain data in TreeNode structures. TreeNodes consist of a key and a value. The key is usually an integer ordinal, or a string label, while the value can be any data, including other complex objects (for example, you could have a tree of queues, which is known as a B-Tree). To use the BinaryTree, one first creates a TreeNode, populates it, and then inserts it into the tree. Usage examples are provided below.

BinaryTrees can be traversed in four manners: inorder (ascending sorted), reverse inorder (descending sorted), preorder (left biased) and postorder (right biased). An enumeration called TRAVERSALS is provided containing reference names for the traversal method used with the toString() method.

NOTE: An advanced method of using BinaryTrees in Python is supported, in which multiple keys can reference the same data without duplicating the data. This is a many:one relationship, and to do this, one must use the Datum class to store their data, and add the Datum object to the TreeNode for each key that is meant to refer to it. This is facilitated with the BinaryTree.insertManyKeys(keylist, datum) method.

Enumeration: Traversals

class TRAVERSALS(Enum):
   INORDER   = 1
   REVERSE   = 2
   PREORDER  = 3

Note The BinaryTree class supports the str() and len() commands. The BinaryTree class does not directly support iteration, as this action is undefined for the structure. However, iteration can still be achieved by returning a list of keys in the desired traversal using traverse() and then iterating the keys and using search():

# Iteration example
# Stuff tree with dummy keys
tree = BinaryTree()
for i in range(20):

# Iterate keys:
for key in tree.traverse(TRAVERSALS.INORDER):
   # There is no data in our node, but this is how you would access it if there were
   print(f"Node key: {node.key}  |  Node data: {})
# Prove it was non-destructive:
print ("Size of tree is:", len(tree))


TreeNode Class

The Key-Data combination is a dictionary pattern, same as a key-value pair.

Method Parameters Returns Summary
TreeNode() integer or string key, optional object data Class instance Inherits from Node; contains BinaryTree specific node values.
copy() None A deep copy of TreeNode object Performs a deep copy, creating a new instance with identical contents.
BinaryTree Class
Method Alias(es) Parameters Returns Summary
BinaryTree() None None Class instance Creates an empty stack structure.
insert() put(), push() TreeNode nothing Inserts a new treenode into the binary tree, based on treenode.key
insertKey() None string or integer Key nothing Like insert(), but only inserts a key, without associated data.
exists() doesexist() string or integer Key True if key is in binary tree, False otherwise Searches nodes to see if one with the specified key exists
search() find(), retrieve(), get() string or integer Key Returns the tree node with the associated key, or None if not found Non-destructive.
traverse() None optional traversal=TRAVERSALS.INORDER A list of binary tree node keys in the order requested. The optional parameter traversal represents the order of rendering; the default is TRAVERSALS.INORDER (prints sorted, ascending).
min() None None The lowest key value in the tree. The min value is tracked during an insert, so this call is heavily optimized.
max() None None The highest key value in the tree. The max value is tracked during an insert, so this call is heavily optimized.
size() length() None The integer number of nodes in the binary tree. This method is fully optimized for speed; counting is done on insert operations.
toString() None optional traversal=TRAVERSALS.INORDER A string representation of the binary trees keys. Converts all node keys to string and lists them. The optional parameter traversal represents the order of rendering; the default is TRAVERSALS.INORDER (prints sorted, ascending).
Not Implemented:
  • delete()
    Delete is a precarious operation in trees. It can unbalance them, and can take significant time to complete. Most of the literature recommends avoiding deletes or using a lazy delete style. Ideally, the delete would both remove the node, chain the parent node with children nodes, and then rebalance the tree. Also, some initial testing showed issues with Python not freeing up deleted nodes if a reference was left to them, so it must be implemented cautiously. FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION
  • getHeight()
    Only has a partial implementation. Returns a tuple of (left height, right height) from the root node. Do not rely on this method! The current implementation is incomplete; it calculates the height of the extreme left branch and the extreme right branch, but nested children may extend the height to deeper levels and they are currently ignored. FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION
  • clear()
    Since this would require sequentially deleting all nodes (bottom - up), and delete is not implemented, neither is clear(). However, this is simply done by just recreating a new class instance:

# Clear bst:

This approach will ensure Python memory management handles frees the old tree and associated nodes. FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION


Example of creating a binary tree, inserting 4 nodes (keys with data) into it, finding and updating them.

from gamzia.datastructures import BinaryTree, TreeNode, TRAVERSALS

# Create empty binary search tree

# Add four items, string keys with string data
tnode=TreeNode("Earth", "3rd Rock from the Sun")

tnode=TreeNode("Mars", "Red dusty desert.")

tnode=TreeNode("Jupiter", "Fat planet with killer storms.")

tnode=TreeNode("Saturn", "If you like it, put a ring on it")

# Display current bst tree, sorted ascending (TRAVERSALS.INORDER is the default)
print ("Binary Tree:",bst.toString())

# Display current BST tree, sorted descending
print ("Binary Tree:",bst.toString(traversal=TRAVERSALS.REVERSE))

# Get the size

# Get the data for Earth and Saturn
print(f"Key: {tnode.key}  |  Data: {}")

print(f"Key: {tnode.key}  |  Data: {}")

# Update Earth data, display
tnode=TreeNode("Earth", "This is new data for Earth, demonstrating an update operation.")
print(f"Key: {tnode.key}  |  Data: {}")

# Show min and max values:

# Clear it
print("Size after clear:",bst.size())


Running the following:


...will execute the datastructure unit test cases, which test all the data structures in the module.

The FileDescriptor class was a purpose built class for implementation of the FBomb file-transfer protocol. However, when building clients and servers supporting FBomb, it became useful to break out FileDescriptor as a generic class for quick adoption.

FileDescriptor assembles important metadata about a particular file in the file system. It is quickly transformed into a simple JSON representation, and the serialized JSON is easily sent over the network between client and server. The same logic was replicated in C# to produce a C# FBomb client which seamlessly communicates with a Python based FBomb server.

To create the JSON object, first the class fields are populated, after which reflection is used to extract the public value attributes and create a dictionary. Python's JSON library handles dictionaries quite well, and outputs the JSON string. Deserialization is done via a static factory method, which converts the JSON representation back to a dictionary and then dynamically populates a new FileDescriptor instance with the values (again, using reflection style techniques).

Usage examples:

from filedescriptor import FileDescriptor as FD

Or, if using the gamzia package:

from gamzia.filedescriptor import FileDescriptor as FD
from gamzia.filedescriptor import FILEMODE, HASHTYPE
# Create an instance

# populate with file meta data for "temp.txt"
if (not fd.populate("temp.txt")):
  print("Error! Does file exist?")
# Change file type to ASCI (defaults to binary).

# Serialize it
print (s)

# Create a new instance from JSON string

# Show that they are different objects
print(f"fd = fd2?  {fd==fd2}")

# Show that the JSON strings are the same
print(f"Json(fd) = Json(fd2)?  {fd.serialize()==fd2.serialize()}")

# Display second object instance


FileDescriptor implements two enumerations. Note that they use multiple inheritance, as Enums can't be JSON serialized, but strings can.

class FILEMODE(str, Enum):

class HASHTYPE(str, Enum):
   SHA128 = "SHA128"
   SHA224 = "SHA224"
   SHA256 = "SHA256"
   SHA384 = "SHA384"
   SHA512 = "SHA512"
   MD5 = "MD5"


Method Parameters Returns Summary
FileDescriptor() None Class instance Constructor
populate() string filename True on success, False otherwise (usually due to file does not exist errors). Assembles the meta data and SHA256 hash for the specified file.
serialize() None A JSON string Creates a JSON representation of the object instance, using only its public value attributes.
static deserialize() None A new FileDescriptor class instance, poulated This is a static, factory method for creating objects from JSON strings.
! toDictionary() None A dictionary representation of object instance Adds only entries for public value attributes.
toString() None A string representation of object instance Displays public value attributes only.


Running the following:


...will execute the FileDescriptor unit test cases.


Gamzia Utility Library - from ANSI colouring output, to postfix resolver, to extra data structures. A little bit of everything for the serious Python developer. Fully documented.








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