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@perk-sumo perk-sumo released this 21 May 16:04

This is a breaking change release.

It contains the following changes and fixes:

  • Falco installation is disabled by default.
  • Bumped the helm Falco chart version to v1.1.6 which included a fix to disable the bitcoin/crypto miner rule by default
  • The values.yaml file has had several configs moved and renamed to improve usability. Namely, we introduced a new fluentd section into which we moved all of the Fluentd specific configs, while configs for our dependency charts (prometheus-operator, fluent-bit, metrics-server, falco) have not changed.
  • The sumologic.kubernetesMeta and sumologic.kubernetesMetaReduce have been removed. The default log format (fluentd.logs.output.logFormat) is fields, which removes the relevant metadata from the JSON body of the logs, making these configs no longer necessary.
  • The sumologic.addStream and sumologic.addTime (default values were true) have been removed; the default behavior will remain the same. To preserve the behavior of addStream = false or addTime = false, you can add the following config to the values.yaml file
  • Expose the ability to modify the Fluentd configuration
  • The Fluentd deployments have been changed to statefulsets to support the use of persistent volumes. This will allow better buffering behavior. They also now include "fluentd" in their names.
  • The unified Fluentd statefulsets have been split into set of two different Fluentd's, one for logs and the other one for metrics

For our users who upgrade from the v0.17 release please find the v1.0 upgrade doc.