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The Main Menu

Super Hackio edited this page Nov 3, 2018 · 11 revisions

This is the main control center of SuperJSON.

The Main Window with a material file loaded. It appears to be from Gusty Garden Galaxy

Features List

  1. File Management
  2. Material Listing
  3. Colour Editing
  4. Culling
  5. Dithering
  6. Texture Slots
  7. Other Menus
  8. The Progress Bar

File Management

SuperJSON has 3 main types of file Management: Open a JSON | Save a JSON | Export a JSON. This section will cover all of these.


Clicking this button will prompt you to select the Material.json

Note: The Material.json will not load if it is formatted incorrectly


Clicking this button will prompt you to choose a location and filename to save the Material.JSON

Note: When saving, 2 files are written at the same time, you'll get a warning for overwriting the first file, but not the second, so be careful!


Clicking this button will prompt you to save your Material.json (See Saving). After saving, it will scan for missing textures and take you to the Export Menu.

Note: You won't be able to export if there are missing textures!

Material Listing

SuperJSON has a fairly easy material interface, but seeing as it's a thing, it needs some explanations for the ones who are not-as-educated yet. This section will cover all the features.

Material List

This is the leftmost box in the Main Menu. It lists every material you have loaded at any point in time. You can select a material simply by clicking it. When you click it, a few things happen, the more notable one is the 8 boxes on the right of the Main Menu. Those are the selected material's Textures. The next things that change, are the Colours located in the middle of the Main Menu.

Note: It's been reported that material.json has more materials than fit on screen. Fear not, as when you have more than 20 materials, a scrollbar will appear automatically

Adding/Removing Materials

Just above the Material List are two buttons: [+] & [-] The Add button & Remove Button.

Adding a material

Pressing the Add button will prompt the "Open Material.json" to appear, where you can select a different material.json. Once you select the new material.json, the new materials will get added after the materials that are already present.

Removing a material

Pressing the Remove button will disable the Material List and delete the selected material. Once it has finished deleting, the Material List will re-enable itself.

Note: A deleted material is gone forever, so be aware of which material you have selected when you press Remove

Renaming Materials

Just under the Material List is a text box that displays the selected material's name. Changing the text will change the material name.

Note: Spaces are not allowed in material names, they will be replaced with underscores

Linking these materials to your model

To link a material to your model, you must have a material of the same name on your model. For example, if your model has a material called "Grass" the material name in SuperJSON should also be "Grass".

Warning! Having two materials with the same name could possibly have unintended side effects

Colour Editing

There are 4 types of colours: 2 Material Colours | 2 Ambient Colours | 4 TEV Colours | 4 KONST Colours. Each of these colours can affect your material in different ways, but first here is how to edit them.

Material Colours

The Material Colours have a HEX colour input and a Colour Picker GUI for you to choose from. The Colour Picker GUI is accessed with the button just right of the Material Colour Slot list.

Note: You can use the [-] button to the left of the Colour Picker GUI button to delete the 2nd Material Colour. You can add it back with the [+] button on the right of the Colour Picker GUI button

Ambient Colours

The Ambient Colours have a HEX colour input and a Colour Picker GUI for you to choose from. The Colour Picker GUI is accessed with the button just right of the Ambient Colour Slot list.

Note: You can use the [-] button to the left of the Colour Picker GUI button to delete the 2nd Ambient Colour. You can add it back with the [+] button on the right of the Colour Picker GUI button

TEV Colours

The TEV Colours have a HEX colour input and a Colour Picker GUI for you to choose from. The Colour Picker GUI is accessed with the button just right of the TEV Colour Slot list. The alpha can be changed with the number just right of the Colour Picker GUI button.

Note: TEV Colour editing is very buggy at the moment

KONST Colours

The KONST Colours have a HEX colour input and a Colour Picker GUI for you to choose from. The Colour Picker GUI is accessed with the button just right of the KONST Colour Slot list. The alpha can be changed with the number just right of the Colour Picker GUI button.


There are 4 different culling modes: None | Front | Back | Both


Show both sides of a face


Show the Backside of a face


Show the Frontside of a face


Don't show the face at all

Tip: If you are modeling in Blender, you can view your model as if it were using the BACK cull mode by pressing [N] and checking the "Backface Culling" option in the Shading area. More Info


Dithering is the process of juxtaposing pixels of two colors to create the illusion that a third color is present - The most common means of reducing the color range of images down to the 256 (or fewer) colors. Checking the checkbox will turn on Dithering.

Note: There are no settings for dithering other than turning it on and off. There should be a practical use for it if you're creative enough

Texture Slots

A material can have up to 8 textures. Textures are visually shown in SuperJSON as three states:

  • A grey X -> Empty Texture Slot
  • A red ? -> Missing texture
  • The actual texture - > Occupied texture slot

Image of each state in action.

Note: Textures are ordered as:

  • 1 2
  • 3 4
  • 5 6
  • 7 8

Adding textures

When you hover your mouse over an image, it will say either "Right click to delete" or "Click to add". if it doesn't say anything, then there are no actions you can do to that slot. Adding a texture is done by clicking the slot that says "Click to add"

Note: There will only be one texture slot that ways "Click to add" unless you are already using all 8 texture slots

After clicking the empty texture slot, you'll be brought to the Texture Settings Menu via the [Texture Header Selection Panel].

Removing Textures

Removing textures is as easy as right clicking a texture slot. If more then one texture slot use the same texture, the texture settings will not be removed.

Note: When you delete a texture, there's no getting the TEV Stage back, so be careful!

Other Menus

There are a few other menus accessed through the Main Menu

TEV Stages

TEV Stages are what gives the material it's looks. A new one is made for every new texture in the material, and is edited in the TEV Stage Manager

Indirect Stages

Indirect Stages are significantly more advanced than TEV Stages and are not required for basic materials. These are edited in the [Indirect Settings]

Swap Tables

Swap Tables can switch colour values around to alter an images colour for effects like greyscaling an image. These are edited in the Swap Table Manager

The Progress Bar

This progress bar is located on the bottom of the Main Menu. The colour changes depending on what is happening at the time.

  • Green - The program is doing background work
  • Yellow - The program is waiting for something - Usually user input
  • Red - There was an error with the background work
  • Blank - There is nothing going on in the background