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Dylan Ryman edited this page Feb 6, 2015 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the Paradise SG Wiki!

Here you will find all sorts of info on the Paradise Survival Games (PSG).


The Paradise Survival Games is a community effort to bring a survival games plugin from the community to the community.

Basic Features List:

  • One map per world.
  • In game arena downloading and installing with one command.
  • Multiple arenas.
  • Full kit system with unique custom coded abilities, and full item, icon, name, and lore customization
  • Hub world (all arena lobby, plus main SG lobby).
  • Spectators.
  • Force start/stop.
  • Map voting (maps are in a pool and only used when needed).
  • Deathmatch countdown before being teleported to center.
  • File based SQLite database. No additional software required.
  • Add your own arenas. (Configure everything!)
  • Custom chest loot.
  • Set spawn positions through config.
  • No chest config. (Chests are filled upon user click.)
  • All messages can be edited. (With colors and dynamic variables.)
  • Comes with multiple languages.
  • Chat format and rank system (with rankups after wins/kills/playtime)
  • Time limit on deathmatch!
  • Maps are randomized.
  • Voting for arena in lobby.
  • Scoreboard (Mineplex style).
  • TNT explodes, but doesn't break blocks.
  • Set spawns with block punch.
  • Block break/place whitelist.
  • Hub: Wins, kills, rank, points, and players scoreboard.
  • Arena lobby: Maximum players, minimum players, players, kit, points scoreboard.
  • In Game: Alive, dead, spectating
  • Points
  • Statistics (SQLite(Perhaps a PHP based online stats check someday?))
  • Multiple levels of kickjoin permission. The higher the level the more priority.
  • Bounty Command (/sg bounty 100)
  • Sponsor Command (/sponsor brings up some super fancy GUI)
  • Blood Effect when a player is hit or if they have very low health.
  • Whole arena world is reset.
  • Vault support.
  • Target compasses.
  • Built in nick name system.
  • API for developers for even more customization of their survival games.
  • Authors of the plugin get a [SGDeveloper] tag in chat, nothing more!

Development Builds:

You can download the very latest commit by commit build of PSG here.


User Guide

Getting started guide:

Advanced functions and configuration:

Community Official PSG Servers

Pro tip: If you ever get stuck in a world you don't want to be in, use /tpx [world name] to teleport to that world's spawn point.

More content coming very soon [don't worry]

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