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Toy Options List

Sutekh edited this page Jul 24, 2024 · 26 revisions

Toy Options

OSC Data

Enable or disable toy information to VRChat. At the moment the only information sent with this option is the toy's battery life. Click the clipboard to copy the parameter to use on your avatar. VibeCheck will send the associated data to their respective endpoints.

The OSC data parameters are created based on the toy's name and how many of that same toy are connected.

  • toy_name is the name of the toy lowercase and spaces replaced with underscores.
  • toy_duplicate_id is how you use two of the same toy with different endpoints. If there is only one of a certain toy connected the duplicate id is always 0. The count starts at 0.



Assign the anatomy tag to the specific toy. This is helpful for users or prefabs/tools that use the VibeCheck OSC API to disable/enable toys based on their anatomy tag. For example: if you have multiple DPS/TPS points that toggle on and off, you can use this tag to enable all toys tagged with Vagina and disable all toys with Anus etc.

Toy Feature Options


Enable or disable the specific feature.


The toy feature's specified input processor. These are usually going to be "systems" created for VRChat avatars. The left drop down is for choosing the input processor, the right drop down is for the associated processing mode for the input processor. For example if you use the TPS input processor (Left) mode and select Smooth for the mode processor (Right) the motor's level will be a smoothed TPS input.

Supported Input Processors

  • None: Do not use an input processor.
  • TPS: Process TPS parameters.
  • SPS: Process SPS parameters. (The VibeCheck SPS implementation is based on the creator of SPS's app OGB's algorithm).

The OSC parameter to control the feature. This parameter can be of type float or of type boolean. You can add as many parameters as you'd like, but be aware adding too many (untested what "too many" is, and depends on your hardware) could result in performance issues and lag. The toy feature's motor level will be set to the latest parameter input from any of the added parameters (There is no parameter priority or order).


The processing mode. Input processors and parameters can each have an assigned mode processor. At the moment each toy's feature only has one "mode level" value that can be set, which applies to the whole feature. For example if you have two parameters assigned to a feature and they are both using smooth mode, they will both use the same smoothing level.

Supported Mode Processors

  • Raw: Set the motor to the input value directly.
  • Smooth: Queue the set amount of values and then set the toy motor to the average of them. (Recommend 2 for the smoothing value)
  • Rate: The faster the float input moves the higher the value to the toy motor. The lower the number the more sensitive the rate mode is to movement, the higher the number the less sensitive it is to movement.
  • Constant: Set the feature motor to the constant level specified by the user. Constant mode is ideal to use with Boolean parameters. If the boolean is true it will set the motor speed to the specified constant level, if it is false it will stop the motor. Constant mode does work with float inputs as well. If the float is 0.5 or above it will set the motor speed to the specified constant level. If it is below 0.5 it will stop the motor.
Linear Speed Set the requested linear position movement speed in milliseconds.

This feature will only show on Linear feature types.

Smooth Level Set the smoothing queue size.

This feature will only show when a processor has Smooth mode assigned.

Rate Level Set the declination rate. Higher number means higher declination rate (Motor speed down faster). You want to find a good balance ;)

This feature will only show when a processor has Rate mode assigned.

Constant Level Set the constant feature's level. For example if the constant level is set to 0.65, then when it is active (Input float 0.5 or above OR Input Boolean is true) it will set the motor speed to 65%.

This feature will only show when a processor has Constant mode assigned.

Flip Input

This toggle flips float inputs after processing. This is helpful for toys that use a flipped motor input (0 == 100% && 100 == 0%).


The idle value will activate after the first activation of the feature. Set the idle power for a feature. Idle will activate when an input value is not being sent.


Set the minimum and maximum input values.


Simulate a value input with the given settings. This will activate the idle value as well!

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