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Command line version

Bohuslav Svancara edited this page May 26, 2015 · 7 revisions

This is just a quick experiment.

  • Create a folder SignalsToCollective2 on your hard disk C:

  • Download Microsoft's MSXSL tool to the same directory.

  • Install CURL for Windows.

  • Download all files from the CommandLine folder of this repository to the SignalsToCollective2 folder.

  • Modify 3 elements in signals_to_c2.xml:

  1. Enter your C2DS password
  2. Enter your Collective2 trading system ID
  3. If CURL is not on the system path, enter the path in this line: <curlpath>CURL.EXE</curlpath>
  • Run transform.bat. This transformation creates signals_to_c2_curl.bat. Review this new file if it looks fine.

Lines should look like this one:

CURL.EXE "" -o c2_response_ABAX_BTO_6.txt

If it looks good, you can run the signals_to_c2_curl.bat command file. It sends signals to Collective2 and stores Collective2 responses to files like c2_response_ABAX_BTO_6.txt.

  • run.bat does both steps (transform and run) and collects all responses to the c2_responses.txt file.

Happy trading!

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