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Wray Bowling edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 1 revision

It's possible to make your own ICSP cable. At the moment, I am using a Sparkfun Tiny AVR Programmer. It has been modified with normal DIP headers so that it can be used to communicate with the Tri-ger's ICSP pins on the back.

The pins on the programmer should be

  1. RST
  2. MOSI
  3. MISO
  4. 5V
  5. SCK
  6. GND

plug the opposite jumper wires into the standard ICSP port like so where MISO is indicated with the number 1 and 5V is indicated with an arrow.

  • MISO - 5V
  • SCK - MOSI
  • RST - GND

Wrap some tape around the cable and label it. Now you're ready to flash firmware! diy icsp cable

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