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Insights into Breast Cancer: Understanding through Exploratory Data Analysis

Introduction: Breast cancer remains a pressing concern, impacting the lives of millions of women worldwide. Timely detection and accurate prognosis play pivotal roles in treatment outcomes and patient well-being.

In this notebook, we embark on an in-depth analysis of breast cancer data, focusing on clinical and demographic features such as age, tumor stage, lymph node involvement, tumor grade, and survival status. Our goal is to glean insights that can inform clinical decisions and treatment strategies.

By dissecting the intricate details of the dataset, we aim to shed light on patterns and correlations that may influence breast cancer detection and prognosis. Through this analysis, we strive to contribute to the collective understanding of breast cancer and its management, ultimately striving towards improved patient outcomes.

Loading Dataset

We begin by loading the necessary libraries for data manipulation and visualization: NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn. These libraries will help us load the dataset, explore its contents, and visualize key insights.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
data = pd.read_csv('Breast_Cancer.csv')
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Age Race Marital Status T Stage N Stage 6th Stage differentiate Grade A Stage Tumor Size Estrogen Status Progesterone Status Regional Node Examined Reginol Node Positive Survival Months Status
2747 39 White Divorced T2 N1 IIB Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 35 Positive Positive 6 2 44 Alive
879 40 White Married T1 N1 IIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 20 Positive Negative 16 1 85 Alive
1403 63 White Single T1 N1 IIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 20 Positive Positive 13 3 95 Alive
2450 54 White Married T1 N1 IIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 20 Positive Positive 13 2 82 Alive
2546 44 White Married T2 N3 IIIC Poorly differentiated 3 Regional 40 Negative Negative 26 21 98 Alive
2886 47 Black Single T1 N1 IIA Well differentiated 1 Regional 17 Positive Positive 9 1 53 Alive
1662 48 White Single T2 N1 IIB Poorly differentiated 3 Regional 24 Positive Positive 20 2 106 Alive
2504 51 White Married T1 N2 IIIA Poorly differentiated 3 Regional 16 Positive Negative 11 5 48 Alive
296 45 White Married T1 N1 IIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 20 Positive Positive 1 1 81 Alive
1029 52 White Widowed T1 N2 IIIA Poorly differentiated 3 Regional 14 Positive Positive 18 5 96 Dead
<bound method of       Age   Race Marital Status T Stage  N Stage 6th Stage  \
0      68  White        Married       T1      N1       IIA   
1      50  White        Married       T2      N2      IIIA   
2      58  White       Divorced       T3      N3      IIIC   
3      58  White        Married       T1      N1       IIA   
4      47  White        Married       T2      N1       IIB   
...   ...    ...            ...      ...     ...       ...   
4019   62  Other        Married       T1      N1       IIA   
4020   56  White       Divorced       T2      N2      IIIA   
4021   68  White        Married       T2      N1       IIB   
4022   58  Black       Divorced       T2      N1       IIB   
4023   46  White        Married       T2      N1       IIB   

                  differentiate Grade   A Stage  Tumor Size Estrogen Status  \
0         Poorly differentiated     3  Regional           4        Positive   
1     Moderately differentiated     2  Regional          35        Positive   
2     Moderately differentiated     2  Regional          63        Positive   
3         Poorly differentiated     3  Regional          18        Positive   
4         Poorly differentiated     3  Regional          41        Positive   
...                         ...   ...       ...         ...             ...   
4019  Moderately differentiated     2  Regional           9        Positive   
4020  Moderately differentiated     2  Regional          46        Positive   
4021  Moderately differentiated     2  Regional          22        Positive   
4022  Moderately differentiated     2  Regional          44        Positive   
4023  Moderately differentiated     2  Regional          30        Positive   

     Progesterone Status  Regional Node Examined  Reginol Node Positive  \
0               Positive                      24                      1   
1               Positive                      14                      5   
2               Positive                      14                      7   
3               Positive                       2                      1   
4               Positive                       3                      1   
...                  ...                     ...                    ...   
4019            Positive                       1                      1   
4020            Positive                      14                      8   
4021            Negative                      11                      3   
4022            Positive                      11                      1   
4023            Positive                       7                      2   

      Survival Months Status  
0                  60  Alive  
1                  62  Alive  
2                  75  Alive  
3                  84  Alive  
4                  50  Alive  
...               ...    ...  
4019               49  Alive  
4020               69  Alive  
4021               69  Alive  
4022               72  Alive  
4023              100  Alive  

[4024 rows x 16 columns]>
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Age Tumor Size Regional Node Examined Reginol Node Positive Survival Months
count 4024.000000 4024.000000 4024.000000 4024.000000 4024.000000
mean 53.972167 30.473658 14.357107 4.158052 71.297962
std 8.963134 21.119696 8.099675 5.109331 22.921430
min 30.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
25% 47.000000 16.000000 9.000000 1.000000 56.000000
50% 54.000000 25.000000 14.000000 2.000000 73.000000
75% 61.000000 38.000000 19.000000 5.000000 90.000000
max 69.000000 140.000000 61.000000 46.000000 107.000000

Cleaning the Data

Cleaning the dataset is a crucial step to ensure its accuracy and reliability for analysis. In this section, we perform various cleaning operations to remove duplicates and verify the integrity of the dataset.

Age                       0
Race                      0
Marital Status            0
T Stage                   0
N Stage                   0
6th Stage                 0
differentiate             0
Grade                     0
A Stage                   0
Tumor Size                0
Estrogen Status           0
Progesterone Status       0
Regional Node Examined    0
Reginol Node Positive     0
Survival Months           0
Status                    0
dtype: int64
data.rename(columns={'Reginol Node Positive' : 'Regional Node Positive'}, inplace=True)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Age Race Marital Status T Stage N Stage 6th Stage differentiate Grade A Stage Tumor Size Estrogen Status Progesterone Status Regional Node Examined Regional Node Positive Survival Months Status
0 68 White Married T1 N1 IIA Poorly differentiated 3 Regional 4 Positive Positive 24 1 60 Alive
1 50 White Married T2 N2 IIIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 35 Positive Positive 14 5 62 Alive
2 58 White Divorced T3 N3 IIIC Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 63 Positive Positive 14 7 75 Alive
3 58 White Married T1 N1 IIA Poorly differentiated 3 Regional 18 Positive Positive 2 1 84 Alive
4 47 White Married T2 N1 IIB Poorly differentiated 3 Regional 41 Positive Positive 3 1 50 Alive
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4019 62 Other Married T1 N1 IIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 9 Positive Positive 1 1 49 Alive
4020 56 White Divorced T2 N2 IIIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 46 Positive Positive 14 8 69 Alive
4021 68 White Married T2 N1 IIB Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 22 Positive Negative 11 3 69 Alive
4022 58 Black Divorced T2 N1 IIB Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 44 Positive Positive 11 1 72 Alive
4023 46 White Married T2 N1 IIB Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 30 Positive Positive 7 2 100 Alive

4024 rows Ă— 16 columns

Delete Duplicates

Duplicate records can skew analysis results and lead to erroneous conclusions. We identify and remove duplicate rows from the dataset.

<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Age Race Marital Status T Stage N Stage 6th Stage differentiate Grade A Stage Tumor Size Estrogen Status Progesterone Status Regional Node Examined Regional Node Positive Survival Months Status
436 63 White Married T1 N1 IIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 17 Positive Positive 9 1 56 Alive
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Age Race Marital Status T Stage N Stage 6th Stage differentiate Grade A Stage Tumor Size Estrogen Status Progesterone Status Regional Node Examined Regional Node Positive Survival Months Status
0 68 White Married T1 N1 IIA Poorly differentiated 3 Regional 4 Positive Positive 24 1 60 Alive
1 50 White Married T2 N2 IIIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 35 Positive Positive 14 5 62 Alive
2 58 White Divorced T3 N3 IIIC Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 63 Positive Positive 14 7 75 Alive
3 58 White Married T1 N1 IIA Poorly differentiated 3 Regional 18 Positive Positive 2 1 84 Alive
4 47 White Married T2 N1 IIB Poorly differentiated 3 Regional 41 Positive Positive 3 1 50 Alive
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4019 62 Other Married T1 N1 IIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 9 Positive Positive 1 1 49 Alive
4020 56 White Divorced T2 N2 IIIA Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 46 Positive Positive 14 8 69 Alive
4021 68 White Married T2 N1 IIB Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 22 Positive Negative 11 3 69 Alive
4022 58 Black Divorced T2 N1 IIB Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 44 Positive Positive 11 1 72 Alive
4023 46 White Married T2 N1 IIB Moderately differentiated 2 Regional 30 Positive Positive 7 2 100 Alive

4023 rows Ă— 16 columns

Check Dataset

After removing duplicates, it's essential to verify the integrity of the dataset to ensure that all cleaning operations have been successfully applied.

<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Age Tumor Size Regional Node Examined Regional Node Positive Survival Months
count 4024.000000 4024.000000 4024.000000 4024.000000 4024.000000
mean 53.972167 30.473658 14.357107 4.158052 71.297962
std 8.963134 21.119696 8.099675 5.109331 22.921430
min 30.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
25% 47.000000 16.000000 9.000000 1.000000 56.000000
50% 54.000000 25.000000 14.000000 2.000000 73.000000
75% 61.000000 38.000000 19.000000 5.000000 90.000000
max 69.000000 140.000000 61.000000 46.000000 107.000000

Descriptive Analysis

In this section, we conduct a descriptive analysis of the dataset to gain insights into key variables and characteristics.

               Age   Tumor Size  Regional Node Examined  \
count  4024.000000  4024.000000             4024.000000   
mean     53.972167    30.473658               14.357107   
std       8.963134    21.119696                8.099675   
min      30.000000     1.000000                1.000000   
25%      47.000000    16.000000                9.000000   
50%      54.000000    25.000000               14.000000   
75%      61.000000    38.000000               19.000000   
max      69.000000   140.000000               61.000000   

       Regional Node Positive  Survival Months  
count             4024.000000      4024.000000  
mean                 4.158052        71.297962  
std                  5.109331        22.921430  
min                  1.000000         1.000000  
25%                  1.000000        56.000000  
50%                  2.000000        73.000000  
75%                  5.000000        90.000000  
max                 46.000000       107.000000  

Calculate mean, min, and max values for specific variables

meanAge = data['Age'].mean()
minAge = data['Age'].min()
maxAge = data['Age'].max()

print(f"Mean Age: {meanAge:.2f} years")
print(f"Minimum Age: {minAge} years")
print(f"Maximum Age: {maxAge} years")
Mean Age: 53.97 years
Minimum Age: 30 years
Maximum Age: 69 years
meanTumorSize = data['Tumor Size'].mean()
minTumorSize = data['Tumor Size'].min()
maxTumorSize = data['Tumor Size'].max()

print(f"Mean Tumor Size: {meanTumorSize:.2f} mm")
print(f"Minimum Tumor Size: {minTumorSize} mm")
print(f"Maximum Tumor Size: {maxTumorSize} mm")
Mean Tumor Size: 30.47 mm
Minimum Tumor Size: 1 mm
Maximum Tumor Size: 140 mm
meanRegionalNodeExamined = data['Regional Node Examined'].mean()
minRegionalNodeExamined = data['Regional Node Examined'].min()
maxRegionalNodeExamined = data['Regional Node Examined'].max()

print(f"Mean Regional Nodes Examined: {meanRegionalNodeExamined:.2f}")
print(f"Minimum Regional Nodes Examined: {minRegionalNodeExamined}")
print(f"Maximum Regional Nodes Examined: {maxRegionalNodeExamined}")
Mean Regional Nodes Examined: 14.36
Minimum Regional Nodes Examined: 1
Maximum Regional Nodes Examined: 61
meanRegionalNodePositive = data['Regional Node Positive'].mean()
minRegionalNodePositive = data['Regional Node Positive'].min()
maxRegionalNodePositive = data['Regional Node Positive'].max()

print(f"Mean Regional Nodes Positive: {meanRegionalNodePositive:.2f}")
print(f"Minimum Regional Nodes Positive: {minRegionalNodePositive}")
print(f"Maximum Regional Nodes Positive: {maxRegionalNodePositive}")
Mean Regional Nodes Positive: 4.16
Minimum Regional Nodes Positive: 1
Maximum Regional Nodes Positive: 46
meanSurvivalMonths = data['Survival Months'].mean()
minSurvivalMonths = data['Survival Months'].min()
maxSurvivalMonths = data['Survival Months'].max()

print(f"Mean Survival Months: {meanSurvivalMonths:.2f}")
print(f"Minimum Survival Months: {minSurvivalMonths}")
print(f"Maximum Survival Months: {maxSurvivalMonths}")
Mean Survival Months: 71.30
Minimum Survival Months: 1
Maximum Survival Months: 107

Calculate mortality rate

mortalityRate = ((data['Status']=='Dead').sum() / data.shape[0]) * 1000
print(f'Mortality Rate is {round(mortalityRate,2)} per 1000 person')
Mortality Rate is 153.08 per 1000 person

Frequency of race categories

freqInBlack = (data['Race'] == 'Black').sum()
freqInWhite = (data['Race'] == 'White').sum()
freqInOther = (data['Race'] == 'Other').sum()

print(f"Frequency of Black Race: {freqInBlack}")
print(f"Frequency of White Race: {freqInWhite}")
print(f"Frequency of Other Race: {freqInOther}")
Frequency of Black Race: 291
Frequency of White Race: 3413
Frequency of Other Race: 320

Data Visualization

In this section, we visualize key aspects of the dataset to gain insights and understand patterns.


Plot a histogram of patient ages

plt.hist(data['Age'], bins=25)
plt.ylabel('Number of patients')
plt.title('Age vs Number of Patients Graph');


Insight: Most patients are around the age of 45 to 65.

plt.hist(data['Marital Status'])


Insight: Most of the breast cancer occurred in married patients.



Insight: Majority of patients were white, with some black and some other races.

race_counts = data['Race'].value_counts()
plt.pie(race_counts, labels=race_counts.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140)
plt.title('Race Distribution Among Patients')


plt.pie(data['Status'].value_counts(), labels=data['Status'].value_counts().index, autopct='%1.1f%%')
plt.title('Dead vs Alive distribution')


sns.scatterplot(x='Tumor Size', y='Survival Months',hue='Status', data=data)


Insight: Most common tumor size is around 10 to 30, and most deaths occur in this range. Larger tumors are rare.

sns.scatterplot(x='Regional Node Examined', y='Regional Node Positive', hue='Status', data=data)


Insight: As more regional nodes are examined, more positive nodes are found. Higher number of deaths are observed for higher number of regional nodes examined.

sns.countplot(x='differentiate', data=data)


fig,axes = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(16,4))

unDifferentiated = data[data['differentiate'] == 'Undifferentiated']
unDifferentiatedStatus = unDifferentiated['Status'].value_counts()
axes[0].pie(unDifferentiatedStatus, labels=unDifferentiatedStatus.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90)

poorlyDifferentiated = data[data['differentiate']=='Poorly differentiated']
poorlyDifferentiatedStatus = poorlyDifferentiated['Status'].value_counts()
axes[1].pie(poorlyDifferentiatedStatus, labels=poorlyDifferentiatedStatus.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90)
axes[1].set_title('Poorly Differentiate')

moderatelyDifferentiated = data[data['differentiate'] == 'Moderately differentiated']
moderatelyDifferentiatedStatus = moderatelyDifferentiated['Status'].value_counts()
axes[2].pie(moderatelyDifferentiatedStatus, labels=moderatelyDifferentiatedStatus.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90)
axes[2].set_title('Moderately Differentiated')

wellDifferentiated = data[data['differentiate'] == 'Well differentiated']
wellDifferentiatedStatus = wellDifferentiated['Status'].value_counts()
axes[3].pie(wellDifferentiatedStatus, labels=wellDifferentiatedStatus.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90)
axes[3].set_title('Well Differentiated')


Insight: Most samples are moderately differentiated, while poorly differentiated samples are half of that, and even fewer are differentiated. Undifferentiated samples are uncommon. Comparing mortality with differentiation, we found that undifferentiated patients had the highest mortality rate of 47.4%, while well-differentiated had the lowest of 7.2%.

sns.countplot(x='T Stage ',hue='Status', data=data)
<Axes: xlabel='T Stage ', ylabel='count'>


Insight: Most number of patients were in T1 or T2 stage, with the least in T4. In comparison, the survival rate of T1 patients was the highest, and T4 the lowest.


In this analysis, we explored a dataset containing information about breast cancer patients, including demographic characteristics, tumor attributes, treatment factors, and survival outcomes. Through descriptive analysis and data visualization, we gained valuable insights into various aspects of breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.

Key Findings:

  1. Demographic Insights:

    • Most patients in the dataset were married, and the majority were of white race.
    • The age distribution of patients ranged from approximately 20 to 90 years, with a peak in the age range of 45 to 65 years.
  2. Clinical Characteristics:

    • Tumor size varied widely, with the most common tumor sizes falling in the range of 10 to 30 units.
    • Examination of regional lymph nodes revealed a positive correlation between the number of nodes examined and the number of positive nodes found.
    • Differentiation status showed that most samples were moderately differentiated, followed by poorly differentiated and well-differentiated samples. Undifferentiated samples were less common.
  3. Survival Analysis:

    • The survival months after diagnosis ranged from a few months to several years, with varying outcomes.
    • Mortality rate analysis revealed an overall mortality rate of 153 per 1000 persons.
    • Patients with undifferentiated tumors exhibited the highest mortality rate, while those with well-differentiated tumors had the lowest mortality rate.
  4. Treatment and Prognosis:

    • The majority of patients were diagnosed at T1 or T2 stage, with T1 patients showing the highest survival rate and T4 patients showing the lowest.


  • The findings from this analysis provide valuable insights for healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers involved in breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
  • Understanding the demographic and clinical characteristics of breast cancer patients can aid in the development of personalized treatment strategies and interventions.
  • Further research is warranted to explore the underlying factors contributing to variations in survival outcomes and to identify novel biomarkers or therapeutic targets for improved patient management.


  • The analysis is based on a single dataset and may not capture the full spectrum of breast cancer cases or account for regional or temporal variations.
  • The dataset may contain inherent biases or limitations due to data collection methods or missing information.

Future Directions:

  • Future studies could explore additional factors such as genetic mutations, lifestyle factors, or environmental exposures to further elucidate the etiology and progression of breast cancer.
  • Longitudinal studies tracking patient outcomes over time could provide valuable insights into the long-term effects of different treatment modalities and interventions.

In conclusion, this analysis contributes to our understanding of breast cancer epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment outcomes. By leveraging data-driven approaches, we can continue to advance our knowledge and improve patient care in the fight against breast cancer.


This analysis was conducted by Swastik Tripathi, a student of Computer Science and Engineering.

For any inquiries or further discussions, feel free to reach out via email at


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