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Bioinformatics pipeline for analyzing metagenomic data

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Bioinformatics pipeline for performing QC on shotgun metagenomic data.


Tested with:

conda >= 4.11.0

snakemake version >= 7.12.1


  • Raw paired-end fastq files from shotgun metagenome sequencing.


  • Filtered and cleaned fastq files, ready to use for downstream analysis.
  • An html report of various QC steps from multiqc.

Pipeline Summary

Example workflow. Note that the cutadapt and bbmap steps are optional. See the description of parameters section for more information.


NOTE: to disable all steps besides fastqc/multiqc, set the parameter qc_only to TRUE.

  1. QC raw reads using fastqc and multiqc. This step generates an html file called multiqc_report.html in the results directory.

  2. Adapter trimming using cutadapt. This step is optional; to disable set the parameter run_cutadapt = FALSE in the config file. If using cutadapt, specify the adapter sequences to be trimmed in the config file. This step outputs trimmed sequence files to a directory called output/cutadapt/ and adds the suffix 'trimmed' to file names.


    • minlength: reads shorter than this will be discarded (default: 60)
    • maxn: maximum number of N bases allowed (default: 10)
  3. PRINSEQ - quality filtering, dereplication, and filtering of low complexity reads. This step outputs filtered sequence files to a directory called output/prinseq/ and adds the suffix 'filtered' to file names.


    • trimleft: trim from the 5' end (default: 0)
    • trimright: trim from the 3' end (default: 0)
    • trim_qual_left: trim sequence by quality score from the 5' end with this threshold score (default: 25)
    • trim_qual_right: trim sequence by quality score from the 3' end with this threshold score (default: 25)
    • trim_qual_window: size of sliding window used to calculate quality score (default: 10)
    • trim_qual_step: step size used to move the sliding window (default: 2)
    • trim_qual_type: type of quality score calculation to use (default: mean)
    • trim_qual_rule: rule to use to compare quality score to calculated value (default: lt)
    • lc_method: method to filter low complexity sequences (default: dust)
    • lc_threshold: value used to filter sequences by sequence complexity (default: 7)
  4. QC on filtered reads using fastqc and multiqc. This step generates an html file called multiqc_report_filtered.html in the results directory.

  5. Remove human reads using BMtagger. This step is optional; to disable set the parameter run_bmtagger = FALSE in the config file. If using, specify location of reference files to be used in config file (need to specify a .bitmask file and a .srprism prefix, see config file for example). This step outputs sequence files of non human reads only to a directory called output/bmtagger/ with the suffix 'bmtagged'.

  6. Map reads to human reference genome using BBMap. This step is optional; to disable set the parameter run_bbmap = FALSE in the config file. If using, specify location of reference file in config file (need to specify a .fasta file). This step generates two fastq files for each sample: one of reads that mapped to the human genome and one reads that did not map to the human genome. Files are output to a directory called output/bbmap/ with the suffix 'bbmapped' and 'human_reads'.

  7. seqkit is used to calculate the number of reads in fastq files produced after each step of the pipeline i.e raw, prinseq and bmtagger. It does not do anything for bbmap resutls at the moment. Using seqkit and rule host_contamination a qc_seqkit.csv file is generated which for each sample contains number of clean reads, reads removed during quality control and host contamination reads.

  8. Use bbmap and bbmerge to calculate insert size and read overlap percentage.


To use this pipeline, navigate to your project directory and clone this repository into that directory using the following command:

git clone

Note: you need to have conda and snakemake installed in order to run this. See instructions below.

Config file

All the parameters required to run this pipeline are specified in a config file, written in yaml. See/modify the provided example file with your custom parameters, called config.yaml. This is the only file that should be modified before running the pipeline. Make sure to follow the syntax in the example file in terms of when to use quotations around parameters.

Raw data and list of files.

Specify the full path to the directory that contains your raw data files in the config file. You also need to have a list of sample names which contains the names of the samples to run the pipeline on, one sample per line. You can run this pipeline on any number or subset of your samples. Sample names should include everything up to the R1/R2 (or 1/2) part of the file names of the raw fastq files. See metqc_files/list_files_example.txt as an example. Specify the name of your list in the config file.

If there are many samples, it may be convenient to generate the list of files using the following command, replacing R1_001.fastq with the general suffix of your files:

ls | grep R1_001.fastq | sed 's/_R1_001.fastq//' > list_files.txt

Description of parameters

Parameter Description Example/Default
list_files Full path and name of your sample list. "/bulk/IMCbinf/aschick/project/list_files.txt"
input_dir Location of input files. "output"
forward_read_suffix Suffix of forward reads. "_1.fastq.gz"
reverse_read_suffix Suffix of reverse reads. "_2.fastq.gz"
qc_only Set to TRUE to only run fastqc and multiqc. FALSE

Optional parameters

Parameter Description Example/Default
run_cutadapt Whether or not run cutadapt to remove adapters FALSE
fwd_adapter Forward adapter sequence (3' adapter) CTGTCTCTTAT...
rev_adapter Reverse adapter sequence (5' adapter) CTGTCTCTTAT...
minlength Reads shorter than this will be discarded (if using cutadapt) 60
maxn Maximum number of N bases allowed, reads with more will be discarded 10
trimleft Trim sequence from the 5'-end 0
trimright Trim sequence from the 3'-end 0
trim_qual_left Trim sequence by quality score from the 5' end with this threshold score 25
trim_qual_right Trim sequence by quality score from the 3' end with this threshold score 25
trim_qual_window The sliding window size used to calculate quality score by type 10
trim_qual_step Step size used to move the sliding window 2
trim_qual_rule Rule to use to compare quality score to calculated value. Allowed options are lt (less than), gt (greater than, default) and et (equal to) "lt"
trim_qual_type Type of quality score calculation to use, allowed options are: min, mean (default), max, sum "mean"
run_bmtagger Whether or not to run bmtagger TRUE
bmfilter_ref Index for bmfilter (part of bmtagger), should be a bitmask file, see link for more info "hg19_rRNA_mito_Hsapiens_rna_reference.bitmask"
srprism_ref Index for srprism (part of bmtagger), should be a reference.srprism prefix, see above link for more info "hg19_rRNA_mito_Hsapiens_rna_reference.srprism"
run_bbmap Whether or not to run bbmap FALSE
bbmap_ref Name of reference fasta for bbmap to align reads "/home/refs.hs37.fa"
bbmap_ref_index This is the host reference to which the reads are mapped to calculate insert size

Parameters you must double check!!!

  1. list_files
  2. input_dir
  3. forward_read_suffix
  4. reverse_read_suffix
  5. fwd_adapter (make sure these are correct for your run and look at multiqc to check if they were removed)
  6. rev_adapter (make sure these are correct for your run and look at multiqc to check if they were removed)
  7. bmfilter_ref and bbmap_ref_index ( make sure the references matches the host i.e human or mouse)

Running the pipeline on ARC (SLURM cluster)

Test the pipeline by running snakemake -np. This command prints out the commands to be run without actually running them.

To run the pipeline on the ARC compute cluster, enter the following command from the project directory:


The above command submits jobs to ARC, one for each sample and step of the metqc pipeline.

Note: the file cluster.json contains the parameters for the SLURM job submission system that ARC uses. In most cases, this file should not be modified. Use the cluster.json file in the cluster_files/slurm_files/ folder.

The ARC Cluster Guide can be found here:

The General Guidelines and Policies can be found here:

Results and log files

Snakemake will create a directory for the results of the pipeline as well as a directory for log files. Log files of each step of the pipeline will be written to the logs directory.

Conda and Snakemake

To install conda, see the instructions here.

To install snakemake using conda, run the following line:

conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge snakemake

See the snakemake installation instructions for further details.

Known issues

  1. If you are processing very deep sequenced fastq files, you might run out of memory and time on the cluster. Go to cluster.json file and modify time or mem options. Remember that if memory requirements exceed the nodes max, you will have to chose a different node. Please ask of help from bioinformaticians if you can not figure it out.
  2. Once in a while fastqc will just crash on a sample, in that case, please rerun the pipeline.


Bioinformatics pipeline for analyzing metagenomic data






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