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Day 1: Generative AI

Generative AI models like Google Bard and ChatGPT can be used to write emails and other content that you want. Best of all, it can even write it in the writing style of a famous person or poet like Elon musk or Shakespeare.

Day 2: Prep Framework

Using the PREP framework with Generative AI apps makes it easier to get the desired result quickly without any hallucinations.

  • Prompt: Setting the context for your interaction with ChatGPT.
  • Role: Defining ChatGPT's role in this scenario. Explicit
  • Instruction: Clearly stating what you want ChatGPT to do.
  • Parameters: Defining the scope and limits of the task.

Day 3: AI Automation

Zapier can be used to create AI chatbots that can be trained for your particular use-case. Zapier is a platform that allows for the integration of various online apps and automates workflows between them. Imagine it as a bridge that can connect hundreds of apps and enable them to communicate seamlessly.

  • Create accounts for both Zapier and ChatGPT.
  • Get familiar with Zapier and get an API key OpenAI
  • Select all the apps that you use on a daily basis.
  • Figure out which tasks should you automate. Prioritize them based on frequency and importance.
  • Watch this tutorial for more info.

Day 4: Meetings with Otter AI

In meetings, taking notes and writing down everything is a really hectic task since most of them are done through zoom. Otter Ai is an AI platform that creates transcripts from the audio in your meetings and allows you to ask questions regarding each meeting.

  • Otter can be integrated into all popular video conferencing tools and is accessible within the app when you launch a new meeting.
  • After the meeting ends, you'll be able to see the transcript of your meeting in your Otter account.
  • Go to the summary tab of the meeting and make any changes that you'd like and click on highlights to generate meeting notes.

Day 5: Talk to CSVs

AskCSV is an online AI platform that allows you to upload your own CSV files and then use AI to get insights about the data in the CSV files and ask questions regarding it.

It makes data analysis on large and continuously updated CSV files easier.

Day 6: Say whatever you want

An audio to text note taking app like glide and OpenAI’s Whisper allow you to take notes just by saying whatever you want to say.

With Glide, you can build a wide range of applications, from personal productivity tools to complex business solutions. This includes project management tools, event planners, inventory trackers, and even personal finance managers.

Day 7: AI business coach

An AI business coach is a personalized decision-making tool that uses AI, specifically a language model like ChatGPT, to provide insights, advice and suggestions for improving your business. It’s like having a seasoned business mentor available 24/7 at your fingertips.

A Mega prompt is a technique for controlling the behavior of an AI model by writing a longer prompt that includes explicit instructions, context setting, or examples of desired outputs. They function like an extended conversation with the model, guiding it towards your desired responses.

Day 8: Automate your guides and user on-boardings

An Automatic Walkthrough Guide is a step-by-step instruction that guides users in completing a task on a website or application. It’s like a GPS for software, guiding you turn by turn on where to go next.

Guidde lets you create video documentation in seconds with the magic of AI. Perfect for support tickets, knowledge base articles, customer communication, new feature announcements and internal knowledge capture.

Day 9: Talk with documents

ChatPDF is a chatbot for querying PDFs. This allows you to ask specific questions about a PDF document and get precise answers in return. It’s like a personal assistant who reads the entire document for you and provides you the needed information in an instant.

Day 10: Take a break

The human brain has two modes of thinking - the focused mode and the diffuse mode. The focused mode is when we concentrate intently on a task or problem, while the diffuse mode is a more relaxed, subconscious state of mind that allows our brain to make creative connections and problem-solving insights.

Day 11: Everyone is an artist

AI art is a form of creative expression that uses artificial intelligence to generate or enhance images, sounds, songs, and other media. AI art can be seen as a collaboration between humans and machines, where each one contributes their skills and perspectives.

The first AI art image generator to attract widespread attention was Open AI’s DALL-E. It is available free in Bing Chat and Bing Image Creator. Google Bard can also generate images in it’s latest update as well.

Day 12: Discord....really???

There are many AI art generators on Discord. Today, we are going to explore how to make AI art on Discord. Distillery is an AI image generator that can work with DIscord and PikaLab is an AI video generator that works with Discord.

Day 13: Marketing bots

Marketing is often based on language, and so is AI! Remember the term large language models? That’s why AI is a perfect marketing partner. Professional marketers will find AI a great way to scale their work. Even if you are not a marketer, you need to persuade your co-workers or clients from time to time.

A ChatGPT-Powered Marketing Strategy Assistant uses AI to curate personalized, data-driven marketing strategies for your business using the PREP framework.

Day 14: Automate AI iteself

Using AI and Zapier, we can automatically turn half-baked ideas and recording snippets into SEO-optimized content on your blog.

A voice-powered content flow uses voice memos or video as the start of your content flow. OpenAI’s Whisper transcribes your idea and sends it to ChatGPT for content creation. Zapier pushes that content automatically to your blog for review and publishing.

Day 15: Tiktoks with Family Guy running below

A Video-Short Creator repurposes video content for viral sharing on vertical video sites like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube shorts. It’s a great way to create viral content without having to re-shoot or edit. Plus, the beautiful captions make it easy for people to watch your videos with the sound off.

You need a recorded video. It could be an interview you do on camera. It could even be a live event that you recorded. Once the video is on YouTube, just copy the share link and head over to Momento.

Day 16: Using the OG

Adobe Firefly is a free and easy-to-use tool to generate images based on a text prompt. While other AI image tools offer more options and power, Firefly is a great way to get started, with one-click editing for style, aspect ratio, and more.

Creating artwork, especially for blogposts or social media, is usually a last minute rush - a mix of stock images and quickly thrown together designs. Imagine if you could get exactly the image you wanted simply by using text - no graphic design skills required.

Day 17: Financial chips

A custom financial modeling assistant is a specialized tool designed to automate and enhance financial analysis tasks. It’s like having a personal finance expert in your pocket, tailored to your specific business needs and branding.

This can all be done with Open AI and Chipp. You may be wondering, why can’t I just use Open AI to build an assistant, or even Zapier.

Chipp is a user-friendly platform that simplifies the process of creating, sharing, and monetizing AI applications. You can easily transform your ideas into sellable products. It allows you to attract customers by offering free credits, which can later be upgraded to packages or monthly subscriptions.

Day 18: Sales conversation

An AI-based Sales Conversation Assistant tool is like having an experienced sales coach whispering the right strategies in your ear during a negotiation. With AI, you can address challenges like a lack of information at the right moment, objection handling, and even nerves during negotiations.

  • Start by writing down common sales scenarios. These could include things like initial outreach from your audience, negotiating pricing, subscriptions, or upselling/cross-selling situations.
  • For each scenario, write down an ideal conversation flow. This includes the potential audience questions or comments and the ideal responses you'd want from an AI assistant.

Day 19: Triggre

The ability to read a text and understand the sentiment behind it was something that could not be automated until the emergence of AI. As a result, many time-consuming & repetitive tasks, such as answering customer emails, had to be done by hand.

Triggre, the platform we'll explore today. While most tools you've used so far focus on building applications with pixel-perfect UI designs, Triggre is all about the business side of things, focusing on automating processes and complex logic.

Day 20: Gamma

Presentations are usually pretty boring, let’s be honest. Plus, they take time to make, and usually, the person making them is not a designer. Gamma uses AI to help you create slides in seconds by using a simple text prompt. This will gift you back time to focus on refining your content and delivery.

With Gamma, you can build a wide range of visually appealing presentations, including sales pitches, marketing materials, educational slides, and more. These tools provide a variety of templates, designs, and features to customize your presentations and make them engaging and impactful.

One key concept to understand is the concept of "Blocks" in Gamma. Blocks are pre-built components that you can add to your slides, such as text boxes, images, charts, and icons. They act as building blocks that you can customize and arrange to create your desired slide layout.

Day 21: Perplexity

AI-based search engines will not return a list of search results, new AI tools will help us find what we need more intelligently. We’ll have search engines that can search all corners of the internet (not just blogs that rank well on Google), summarize it all so you don’t have to sift through it all yourself, and use the context it knows about you to highlight specific things that are relevant to you.

Perplexity and Arc search are some of the first AI-based search engines currently available.

Day 22: Removing Hurdles

We all face moments where we feel stuck. Perhaps we have a task we need to complete, but we just don’t know how to start. Maybe we’re introduced to a topic that’s completely new to us, and it’s not quite making sense.

In moments like these, ChatGPT and other AI assistants can be a huge help to get you started or remove the hurdles that are stopping you from being productive.

Day 23: Contextual learning

Albus introduces new methods of exploring and interacting with topics through text, images, motion, and audio. It’s especially useful for breaking down complex topics, creating mind-maps and contextual learning.

Day 24: AI for writing

Sudowrite is an excellent solution for fiction writers that want to remove the friction from creative writing.

Checklet is used for polish some jokes that you’re going to write using ChatGPT! You can think of Checklet as a customized editing solution that will check your writing against specific criteria that you feed it. It’s like having your very own editor!

Day 25: Runway

Runway is an online platform that leverages generative AI to add motion to still images using it's motion brush feature. It can also generate images for you that you would want to add motion to them,

Runway can also use generic text-based prompts to create videos as well.

Day 26: Turn it up to eleven!

Elevenlabs is a online platform for speech synthesizing using AI. You can say anything in your own voice or provide a text prompt and it will sound like any of the available voices on the platform.

AI synthesis can help people with disabilities and impairments to create content in formats previously inaccessible to them. It can also drive new innovations from content creators.

Day 27: Siri 2.0

Voiceflow is an online no-code platform that allows users to design, prototype, and build voice applications. It simplifies the process of creating virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri.

It allows you to visually design the assistants chat flows and can also integrate different APIs into it.

Important concepts

  • Intents: These represent what the user intends to do. For instance, an intent might be "check weather" or "set a timer".
  • Utterances: These are specific phrases or sentences users might say to trigger an intent. For the "check weather" intent, utterances might include "What's the weather like?" or "Tell me today's forecast."
  • Blocks: Voiceflow uses a visual, block-based system to design voice flows. Each block represents a specific type of interaction or function, such as capturing user input, sending a response, or making an API call.
  • Variables: are used to store and manipulate information within a voice app. For instance, if you want to remember a user's name or capture a specific piece of data, you'd use a variable.

Day 28: Landing pages

Creating landing pages and other websites is insanely simple with ChatGPT and Google Gemini. Just tell the AI what type of design you want and it will generate the needed code for you that you can use in an online sandbox such as Replit or Visual Studio Codespaces to see if you like the design or not.

You can also use them to debug your own code or enhance it and make it better.

Day 29 & 30: Reflection

Take the last two days of the challenge to reflect upon all the things that you have learned and revised on the materials and platforms that you have learned about throughout the challenge.