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Mission Pass

Aida Enna edited this page Jun 7, 2021 · 67 revisions

Please note: The Mission Pass no longer exists as of the May 26th update to PSO2.

Notes on Mission Pass:

  • You unlock tiers in the mission pass by completing weekly "tier missions" or paying 25SG per tier. Each one will give you a certain amount of points, and once you earn 10 points, you advance a tier and gain that reward (if it has one).
  • You can unlock the bottom level (gold level) of the Mission Pass by paying either 200 SG or using a "Mission Pass Gold Ticket". You get one of these for free when you purchase premium.
  • Mission Pass items are not tradeable.
  • Some tiers will ask you to select one reward from multiple choices.
  • Tiers 31 - 35 are "over run" tiers - They will give you a chance to get some of the cosmetics you may have passed over in previous tiers. These are unlocked when you unlock tier 30, and also require 10 points each.
  • Please note that you may not change your reward later, even if you cannot equip some of the items.
  • Each account may claim a reward only once. Please make sure you choose the right ship/character to receive your reward on.
  • The Rising Weapons Badges awarded for each mission pass vary according to what was relevant at the time.

Each Mission Pass has multiple tiers that remain the same. Based on these patterns, these are the items you will be guaranteed to receive at minimum from each tier:

Normal Tier

  • Rising Badge x12
  • 100 SG
  • 40 Mission Badges
  • Triboost 50% x5
  • EXP Earned + 100% x3
  • Rare Drop Rate +250% x3
  • One weapon camo
  • One room decoration
  • One emote

Gold Tier

  • Rising Badge x10
  • Lambda Grinder x3
  • Grinder x15
  • Triboost +50% x12
  • Great Enhancement Aid +50% x6
  • Augmentation Aid + 10% x4
  • Half Scape Doll x4, Izane Crystal x4
  • 100 SG
  • EX-Cube x2
  • Photon Sphere x6
  • Mission Badge x30
  • Color-Change Pass x2
  • Salon Free Pass


  • 200 SG
  • Rising Badge x22
  • Mission Badges x70
  • Triboost +50% x17
  • EXP Earned +100% x3
  • Rare Drop Rate +250% x3
  • Lambda Grinder x3
  • Grinder x15
  • Great Enhancement Aid +50% x6
  • Augmentation Aid + 10% x4
  • Half Scape Doll x4, Izane Crystal x4
  • EX-Cube x2
  • Photon Sphere x6
  • Color-Change Pass x2
  • Salon Free Pass
  • One weapon camo
  • One room decoration
  • One emote

Last Mission Pass

Season 16 (April 28th - May 26th)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Bite-o'-Macaron: Water, Bite-o'-Macaron: Yellow, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Odango Style Hair
04 * Lumigalak Triboost +50% x3
05 None Female Wigner Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Crescent Head, Crescent Head B, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Decorated Haori, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x(10 + The amount of cosmetics in the other group)
09 Flight Goggles Blaster Unit
10 Rising Weapons Badge/2 x3 Male Baldur Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapnos Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 None Supplementary Sword Arm L, Supplementary Sword Arm R, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Cherry Blossom Tree Winged Hair, Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 Darkstone Deimos x 30 Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 * PB Saber, Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 Rice Makeup, Squid Hat Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Modern Haori, Modern Hairpins, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x(The amount of cosmetics in the other group), Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 * Tri Dango Luther Penna, Luther Felz, Luther Derota, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Lumipuryon, Street Smart Style, Dreadlocks, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 None Angel Perfume, Perfume Pigtails Updo, Perfume Headset, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 Male Divine Kaiser Cast Set, SG 5 Ticket x5
23 Cherry Blossom Afro Alice Braids, Female Alice Reaper Cast Set, Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 352: Kendama Evolution Device: Tamahime 2, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Sakura Kagura, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Viras Robe M, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Viras Robe F, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Male Rowlock Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Female Dista Lady Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Previous Mission Passes

Click to view previous mission passes

Season 15 (April 1st - April 27th)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 EXP 500,000 Ticket Wood-Carved Bear Hairpin, Gold Shachi Hairpin, Takoyaki Hairpin, and 4 others
Mission Badge x5, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Short Perm
04 * Board Gray Triboost +50% x3
05 None Illusion Female Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x(The amount of cosmetics in the other group), Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Multi Wing Blade L, Multi Wing Blade R, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Pure Ambition Plate, Pure Ambition Helm, Pure Prestige Eyepatch, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x13
09 17: Bed 2 Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge/2 x3 Magius Male Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 None Rappy Knit Cap, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Heart Rappy Bear Lantern, Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 Darkstone Deimos x30 Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 *Fresh Candy, Mission Badge x 10
17 None Sidelock Extensions, Profound Darkness Doll, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Pure Devotion Plate, Symmetrical Winged Short, Pure Devotion Headpiece, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Gold Crescent, Gold Crescent B, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Exacronov, Daybreak Defender, Daybreak Helmet, Daybreak Mask, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 EXP 500,000 Ticket Daybreak Warrior, Daybreak Long Hair, Daybreak Hairband, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 Ancient Plate Head, Ancient Plate Body, Ancient Plate Arms, SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Rejelan Female Cast Set, Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 247: Hug Evolution Device: Chibi Rela, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Arroid, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None GH470 Ossoria, GH470 Headphones, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% GH410 Ossoria, GH410 Bun, GH410 Headwear, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Gigante Male Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Ronia Lady Female Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 14 (March 3rd, 2021 - March 31st, 2021)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 500,000 EXP Ticket Infernal Horns: Red, Infernal Horns: Purple, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 Undereye Beauty Mark A, Undereye Beauty Mark B, Hunter EX-Cube x10, 1 other Mission Badge x2, Triboost + 100% x2, Hunter EX-Cube x10, 1 other
04 * Sakurablade Pulchra Cuse Triboost +50% x3
05 None Revaia Female Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Nyau Head-Mount, Angelic Raiment Sash, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 Ex-Cube x25 Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Final Argon, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x(10 + The amount of cosmetics in the other group)
09 Photon Chair (Rappy) Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge/2 x3 Nemethyst Male Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapnos Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Dudu Mat Deep-Layered Long Hair, White Lion Head, Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 Darkstone Deimos x30 Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 * Siegmund, Mission Badge x 10
17 None Spiked Wristband, Spiked Collar, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Seras Alicia, Alicia Circlet, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x(The amount of cosmetics in the other group), Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 Granida Cape A, Granida Cape B, Granida Cape A CV, 2 others Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 * Bladebastion Loylotto, Judgment Coat, Color-Change Pass * Bladebastion Loylotto, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 500,000 EXP Ticket Ilois Alcuria, Alcuria Long Hair, Alcuria Beret, 2 others
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 Granida Male Cast Set, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
23 Monica Mat Nono Schwantz Sensors, Nono Schwantz Body, Nono Schwantz Arms, Nono Schwantz Legs, Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Phantom EX-Cube x10
24 517: Final Performance Evolution Device: Miltori, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * First Approach, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Vohu Manah, Manah Headgear, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Alph Lyla, Alph Mask, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Arao Male Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Powerstone Graeae Helma Female Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x2
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 13 (February 3rd - March 2nd)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Lock and Key Necklace: Gold, Lock and Key Necklace: Silver, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 Cyber Goggles A, Cyber Goggles B, Ranger EX-Cube x10, Fighter EX-Cube x10 Mission Badge x3, Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * Kingblade Lahar Triboost +50% x3
05 Darkstone Deimos x20 Female Bylarin Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Aurora Petal, Elephant Head, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 EX-Cube x25 EX-Cube x25, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Surge Picaro, Surge Headgear, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x(10 + The amount of cosmetics in the other group)
09 332: Photo Op, Euclyta Short Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge/2 x3 Male Guardie Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapnos Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Safe Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Luchter Orbit, Luchter Pigtails, Luchter Mask, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Punk Shaker, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 Victory Floor Lamp Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 507: Diagonal Lean Evolution Device: Ocha, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 * Frostcrypt Essence, Rising Weapons Badge x40
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x40
27 None Ornate Officer, Ornate Hat, Ornate Earrings, and 1 other, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Norno Rosette, Rosette Cap, Triboost +150% x3
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Male Untold Divinity Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Female Xiangfu Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 12 (January 7th - February 2nd)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Samurai Helmet, Face Guard, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * PB Saber Triboost +50% x3
05 None Female Eclepist Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Celebratory Hat, Captain's Hat, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Prim Colette, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x11
09 None Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge/2 x3 Male Rectagil Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Nyau Waddle Race Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Stoic Colette, Side Fringe Ponytail, Colette Cap, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Blanc Noire, Flamegash, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 367: Fly Kite Evolution Device: PaTia, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Amore Rose, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Volcanic Explorer, Volcanic Helmet, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Crater Fadl, Crater Veil, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Male Gohvoid Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Female Hilbert Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 11 (December 10th, 2020 - January 6th, 2021)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 EXP 500,000 Ticket Long Scarf, Long Checkered Scarf, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Wallet Chain, Maid Hairband, Hunter EX-Cube x10, 1 other
orMission Badge x2, Triboost 100% x2, Hunter EX-Cube x10, 1 other
04 * Liberation Triboost +50% x3
05 None Wasp Female Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Nyau Mask, Handheld Lantern, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2, EX-Cube x25 Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Santa Suit, Santa Hat with Beard, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x12
09 Laced Knee Socks: Black, Laced Knee Socks: Pink, Laced Knee Socks: White, 3 others Augmentation Aid + 45%, Tokyo Bonus Key: Gold, Triboost + 100% x2, 1 other
10 Rising Weapons Badge/2 x3 Sherrif Male Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapnos Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 EXP 500,000 Ticket Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Christmas Present Triboost +50% x3
13 None Ranger EX-Cube x10, Braver EX-Cube x10
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5, Rare Drop Rate + 250% x2
15 Void Erebite Fragment x30 Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 * Sukuna Shinse Pair, Mission Badge x 10
orMission Badge x 11, Triboost +100% x 2
17 EX-Cube x25 Matoi Head-mount, Luther Head-mount, Great Enhancement Aid + 50% x2
orMission Badge x2, Triboost +100 x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x40 Joyous Noel, Blunt Fringe Bob, Elation Thigh-Higs, Rising Weapons Badge x40, 1 other
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x40
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2, Rappy Fever Bonus Key
20 Triboost +150% * Solaris, Lark Barbatos, Baratos Ponytail, Color-Change Pass, Mission Badge x3
* Solaris, Color-Change Pass, Mission Badge x3, Triboost +50% x3
21 EXP 500,000 Ticket Pirate Attire, Wild Ponytail, Pirate Hat, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 Drake Male Cast Set, SG 5 Ticket x5, 2 others
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, SG Ticket x5, 1 other
23 None Alvida Female Cast Set, Fighter EX-Cube x10, 1 other
Mission Badge x4, TRiboost +100% x2, Fighter EX-Cube x10, 1 other
24 409: "Look that way!" Evolution Device: Shoepy, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x40 * Bakepo Tato, Rising Weapons Badge x40
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x40
27 None Furieux Neige, Furieux Hood, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2, 1 other
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +150% Jolly Turncoat, Firm Earmuffs, Triboost +150% x3
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +150% x3
29 None Furion Male Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +45% x2, Tokyo Bonus Key: Gold
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +45% x2 , Tokyo Bonus Key: Gold
30 Key Rivalate Cherubina Female Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 10 (November 26th, 2020 - December 9th, 2020: this one only lasted 2 weeks to match up with the EP6 release date)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Night-Vision Goggles A, Night-Vision Goggles B, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * Zodiac Sign Triboost +50% x3
05 None Eternal Form Female Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Rice Makeup, Guitar Extensions, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Esplendous Collar, Esplendo Semi-Medium, Esplendo Eye, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x13
09 None Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge/2 x3 Justice Armor Male Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Lillipan Waddle Race Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Flora Victoria, Victoria Updo, Victoria Hat, Victoria Rose, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Heavenly Insight, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 178: Enemy 2 Evolution Device: Draco, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Valiant, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Einsam, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Iris Katze, Iris Beehive, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Fylph Male Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Grizz Female Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 9 (October 28th, 2020 - November 25th, 2020)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Chrome Vell, Chrome Hands, Chrome Tail, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * Lilli Rops Triboost +50% x3
05 None Cobres Female Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Mascot Necklace, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Twinkle Robin, Robin Cap, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x12
09 None Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge/2 x3 Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapnos Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Quna Stage Blaster Unit, Blaster Unit B, Triboost +50% x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost 100% x2, Triboost 50% x4
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Canary Scrap, Canary Looped Pigtails, Canary Ribbons, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * PB Saber, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 17: Bed 2 Hair Drill Extensions, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Skuld, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Varl Marino, Varl Snorkel, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Sleek Mariner, Sleek Snorkel, Triboost +50% x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Galeos Male Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Refacile Female Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 8 (October 1st, 2020 - October 28th, 2020)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Browyle A, Brimoyer A, Brandydos A, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x3), Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * Wired Saws Triboost +50% x3
05 None Reus Innocente Female Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Spiderweb Makeup, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Dominating Divinity, Kamuy Hood, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x12
09 None Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge/2 x3 Riser Frame Male Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapnos Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Rappy Waddle Race Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Fleetfoot Kaguya, Kaguya Hair Ornament, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Atolm, Color-Change Pass
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 74: Enemy 1 Evolution Device: Emperappy, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Mea Pulchra, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Mighty Warrior, Tousha Long Hair, Tousha Helmet, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Zippy Vinezon, Passion Top Ribbon, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Vanthesta Male Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Chronos Eternistone Amuaira Female Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 7 (September 2nd, 2020 - September 30th, 2020)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Devil Horns: Red, Devil Horns: Black, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * Apoptosis Triboost +50% x3
05 None Alice Reaper Female Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Squid Hat, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Punishment Jacket, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x11
09 None Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge/2 x3 Divine Kaiser Male Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Lillipan Lamp Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Angel Perfume, Perfume Pigtails Updo, Perfume Headset, Angel Wings, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Siegmund, Color-Change Pass
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 332: Photo Op Japanese Thigh-Highs, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Magical Cards, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Street Smart Style, Dreadlocks, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Estirica, Estirica Hat, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Valiesse Male Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Sapphir Female Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 6 (August 7th, 2020 - September 1st, 2020)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Cabracan Mask, Camelot Mask, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * Lumi Vorgi Triboost +50% x3
05 None Luminous Princess Female Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x6, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Cyber Goggles A, Cyber Goggles B, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Ahid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Daybreak Defender, Daybreak Helmet, Daybreak Mask, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x3
09 None Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Ancient Plate Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 2 x5
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x 5
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Profound Darkness Doll Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Daybreak Warrior, Daybreak Long Hair, Daybreak Hairband, Daybreak Eye Patch, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Toy Fighter, Color-Change Pass
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 Photon Chair (Rappy) Evolution Device: Luthy, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Fresh Candy, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Enigmatic Rebellion, Off-Center Wild Mullet, Rebellion Mask, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Crazy Kitten, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Beybarrel Male Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Rejelan Female Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 5 (July 8th, 2020 - August 7th, 2020)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 EXP Earned +100% x2 Undereye Beauty Mark A, Undereye Beauty Mark B, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x10 Rising Weapons Badge x15
03 Rare Drop Rate +150% x2 Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * Hoshi Ai Triboost +50% x3
05 Rappy Platter Nono Schwantz Female Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Spiked Wristband, Spiked Collar, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 Triboost +50% x2 Belga Male Cast Set, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
or Nadine Female Cast Set, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Judgement Coat, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x11
09 *Seven Lillipan Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge x10 Divaliese Frame Male Cast Set, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x15
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge x15
11 EXP Earned +100% x2 Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Festival Stall Third Eye A, Third Eye B, Triboost +50% x3
or Mission Badge x2, Triboost 100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
13 Rare Drop Rate +150% x2 Zamlord, Zamlord Guards, Mission Badge, Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
or Zelsius, Zeldius Headgear, Rough Pigtails GV, Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 136: Air Guitar Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 Triboost 50% x2 Joker Male Cast Set, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2, and 1 other
or Lamia Female Cast Set, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2, and 1 other
18 Rising Weapons Badge x10 Valgiris, Rising Weapons Badge x15,
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x15
19 *Summer Festival Bow Bunny-Eared Ribbon A, Bunny-Eared Ribbon B, Bunny-Eared Ribbon C, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x3, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Star Lyra, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 EXP Earned +100% x2 Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 Rare Drop Rate +150% x2 Heretic Lord, Mission Badge, Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
Candy Crown, Candy Headgear, Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 67: Kick Evolution Device: Étoile, Mission Badge x10
25 Triboost +50% x2 EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x10 * Tamaya no Uchiwa, Rising Weapons Badge x15
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x15
27 Triboost +50% x2 Seminarion Toll, Esplendo Semi-Medium, Seminarion Glasses, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Ilois Alcuria, Alcuria Long Hair, Alcuria Beret, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 Triboost +50% x2 Grandia Male Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2, 3 others?
Mission Badge x7, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Pionia Female Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2

Season 4 (June 9th, 2020 - July 7th, 2020)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Ten-Gallon Hat:Brown, Ten-Gallon Hat: White Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * FOnewearl Triboost +50% x3
05 None Roava Cast Set, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Mission Badge x4, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Slit Knee Socks: Black, Slit Knee Socks: Brown, Slit Knee Socks: White, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Savior's Roar, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x11
09 None Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Freeva Cast Set, 2 others
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, 1 other
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Music Box Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Magia Cast Set, Rising Weapons Badge x5,
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Luther Head-mount * Merry Machine Guns, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 109: Cheers Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Sukuna Shinsen Pair, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Exvilants, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Matoi Head-mount Crimpiacio, Euclyta Short, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Kongara Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Himekongara
Mission Badge x5, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 3 (May 12th, 2020 - June 9th, 2020)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Fox Tail: White, Fox Tail: Yellow, Fox Tail: Brown, Half Scape Doll x2, EX-Cube x1
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Other x1
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * Rose Bouquet Triboost +50% x3
05 None Alvida Cast Set, Other x2
Photon Sphere x3, Triboost +100% x2, EX-Cube, Mission Badge x4
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Helicopter Pilot Helmet, Helicopter Pilot Helmet NV, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Lark Barbatos, Barbatos Ponytail, Barbatos Hat, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x13
09 None Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Drake Cast Set, 2 others
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, 1 other
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Rainy Day Rappy Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Pirate Attire, Wild Ponytail, Pirate Hat, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Twin Paper Fans, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 47: Pull Out Camera Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Love Rosa, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Hero's Quarter, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Irisia Staff, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Regia Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Rosemary Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 2 (April 14th, 2020 - May 26th, 2020)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Maid Hairband, Wallet Chain, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x4
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * HUnewearl Triboost +50% x3
05 None Medium Cast Set, Other x2
Photon Sphere x3, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Other x1
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Laced Knee Socks: Black, Laced Knee Socks: Pink, Laced Knee Socks: White, Other x1
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x 10 Flamegash, Mission Badge x 10
Triboost x100% x2, Mission Badge x11
09 None Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Melder Cast Set, Other x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, Other x1
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Codebreaker Game Triboost +50% x3
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Nav Rappy Fake Heartbreaker, Another Side Ponytail, Breaker's Hat, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Keikoutou, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 16: Bed 1 Evolution Device: Eat-ster, Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Fun Fun Bazooka, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Adventos, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Ballistic Coat, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Angriff Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Ionia Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set

Season 1 (March 17th, 2020 - April 14th, 2020)

Tier Normal Rewards Gold Rewards
01 None Bunny-Eared Ribbon A, Bunny-Eared Ribbon B, Bunny-Eared Ribbon C, Half Scape Doll x2, 1 other
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, Half Scape Doll x2 + 1 other
02 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Rising Weapons Badge x5
03 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
04 * Rose Saber Triboost +50% x3
05 None Belga Cast Set, 2 others
Photon Sphere x3, Triboost + 100% x2, EX-Cube, Other x1
06 SG 5 Ticket x5 Chin Beauty Mark A, Chin Beauty Mark B, SG 5 Ticket x5
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
07 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
08 Mission Badge x10 Zamlord, Head Accessory, Mission Badge x10
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x12
09 None Augmentation Aid + 10% x2
10 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Nadine Cast Set, 2 others
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Salon Free Pass, 1 other
11 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 Rappy Plate Triboost +50% x3, Photon Wings, Photon Wings B
13 None Lambda Grinder, Grinder x5
14 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
15 None Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 Mission Badge x 10 Mission Badge x 10
17 None Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Rising Weapons Badge x3 Zelsius, Rough Pigtails GV, Zelsius Headgear, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
19 None Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 Triboost +50% * Kagiya Tsuzumi, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 None Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 SG 5 Ticket x5 SG 5 Ticket x5
23 None Lambda Grinder, Ginder x5
24 136: Air Guitar Mission Badge x10
25 None EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 Rising Weapons Badge x3 * Seven Lillipan, Rising Weapons Badge x5
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Rising Weapons Badge x5
27 None Heretic Lord, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 Triboost +50% Candy Crown, Candy Headgear, Triboost +50% x3
Mission Badge, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 None Joker Cast Set, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 Mission Badge x10 Lamia Cast Set
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 EXP Earned +100% x3 Tier 8 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 18 cosmetics, Mission Badge x(4 - number of cosmetics)
Tier 10 Cast Set
Tier 5 Cast Set
32 SG 5 Ticket x5 Tier 6 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
Tier 5 cosmetic (Choose one), SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 Triboost +50% x3 Affix Augment (Melee)
Affix Augment (Ranged)
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 Mission Badge x10 Tier 1 cosmetic (Choose one), Mission Badge x10, Color-Change Pass
35 Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Tier 27 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 28 outfit, Mission Badge x3
Tier 29 Cast Set
Tier 30 Cast Set
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