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The Event Bus

Channel subscription

Publish messages on a channel

SDEventBus as KVO wrapper



Umarell is a easy-to-use library that makes simple the implementation of the Publish-Subscribe pattern in Objective-C.


You can use both in your Objective-c or Swift App using last available pod

pod 'Umarell'

If you want to use our logger framework Blabber, use subpod

pod 'Umarell/Blabber'

With Blabber you can manage all log messages or use CocoaLumberjack. In this case import also the corresponding subpod. See more details...

pod 'Umarell/Blabber'
pod 'Blabber/CocoaLumberjack'

The Event Bus

Umarell is based on the class SDEventBus that represents an event bus and can be used as a singleton through its class method sharedInstance.

Any object can publish a message through a channel and any other object can subscribe to the channel to receive messages inside a block.

In a similar way, SDEventBus wraps KVO to use it with completion blocks, instead of the uncomfortable method provided by the SDK.

Channel subscription

An object can subscribe to a channel with a name of your choice calling the method of the SDEventBus:

- (void) addSubscriber:(id)subscriber toChannelWithName:(NSString*)channelName withCompletion:(PublishSubscribeBlock)completion

swift version

addSubscriber(Any, toChannelWithName: String, withCompletion: PublishSubscribeBlock?)


or in alternative, if you want to indicate a SubscribeOption:

- (void) addSubscriber: toChannelWithName:(NSString*)channelName options:(SubscribeOption)option withCompletion:(PublishSubscribeBlock)completion

swift version

addSubscriber(Any, toChannelWithName: String, options: SubscribeOption, withCompletion: PublishSubscribeBlock?)


SubscribeOption is an enum with two values. The default value is kSubscribeOptionNone. Adding a subscriber, you can indicate the value kSubscribeOptionReadPrevious and the subscriber will be immediately notified with the last message previously published on the channel, if there's one. The last message will be notified only if, at the moment of its publishing, the publisher did indicate a PublishOption that required some form of persistence.

You can remove a subscription from a single channel calling:

- (void) removeSubscriber:(id)subscriber toChannelWithName:(NSString*)channelName

swift version

removeSubscriber(Any, toChannelWithName: String)


To remove the subscription of a subscriber from all channels, use:

- (void) removeSubscriber:(id)subscriber

swift version



It's not required to remove a subscription before the subscriber is deallocated.

Publish messages on a channel

An object can publish a message on a channel calling the method of the SDEventBus:

- (void) publishObject:(id)object onChannelWithName:(NSString*)channelName

swift version

publishObject(Any?, onChannelWithName: String)


The message can be an object of any class.

Alternatively, if you want to indicate some form of persistence, use the method:

- (void) publishObject:(id)object onChannelWithName:(NSString*)channelName options:(PublishOption)option

swift version

publishObject(Any?, onChannelWithName: String, options: PublishOption)


PublishOption is an enum with three values. The default is kPublishOptionNone that indicates no persistence of the message. The kPublishOptionKeepInMemory indicates that the message must be persisted in memory. The kPublishOptionPersistOnUserDefaults indicates that the message must be persisted in NSUserDefaults.

You can delete a persisted message with flush methods.


SDEventBus as KVO wrapper

You can use the SDEventBus as a wrapper of Key-Value Observing system provided by the SDK (known as KVO). It has the advantage to receive the changes in a dedicated completion block, that is more comfortable than a separated method. It's not required to remove the subscription when the subscriber is deallocated.

Like standard KVO, you cannot observe the assignment or the nilification of the observed object, but only of his properties.

If you want to observe a var in swift, it has to be marked as dynamic, otherwise KVO wont work!

From Apple documentation:

Apply this modifier to any member of a class that can be represented by Objective-C. When you mark a member declaration with the dynamic modifier, access to that member is always dynamically dispatched using the Objective-C runtime. Access to that member is never inlined or devirtualized by the compiler.

Because declarations marked with the dynamic modifier are dispatched using the Objective-C runtime, they’re implicitly marked with the objc attribute.

Instead of a simple channel, the SDEventBus instantiate a KVO channel. KVO channels have only a difference with simple channels: > You cannot indicate a name for the channel. The name is automatically created using the pair observed_object-keypath.

To observe a single keypath of an object, use:

- (void) addSubscriber:(id)subscriber toObject:(id)object keyPath:(NSString*)keyPath withCompletion:(PublishSubscribeKVOBlock)completion

swift version

addSubscriber(Any, to: Any, keyPath: String, withCompletion: PublishSubscribeKVOBlock?)


Or you can pass a list of keypaths with:

- (void) addSubscriber:(id)subscriber toObject:(id)object keyPaths:(NSArray<NSString*>*)keyPaths withCompletion:(PublishSubscribeKVOBlock)completion

swift version

addSubscriber(Any, to: Any, keyPaths: [String], withCompletion: PublishSubscribeKVOBlock?)


Another possibility is to observe all properties of an object:

- (void) addSubscriber:(id)subscriber toObject:(id)object withCompletion:(PublishSubscribeBlock)completion

swift version

addSubscriber(Any, to: Any, withCompletion: PublishSubscribeBlock?)


To remove the subscription to a KVO channel use one of the two methods:

- (void) removeSubscriber:(id)subscriber toObject:(id)object keyPath:(NSString*)keyPath

- (void) removeSubscriber:(id)subscriber toObject:(id)object

swift version

removeSubscriber(Any, to: Any, keyPath: String)

removeSubscriber(Any, to: Any)