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This repo contains programs responsible for downloading and reading the text from old Chicago TIF documents

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This Repo is part of the TIFrific project for IPRO 497 at the Illinois Institute of Technology


Improving Chicago’s Fiscal Transparency By Extracting Historical Financial Data Through a Machine Learning Pipeline

Since 1986, approximately $25 billion dollars of property tax revenue collected from Chicago property owners has been diverted into Chicago's district-based Tax Increment Financing (TIF) program [1]. TIFs currently cover roughly 33% of the area, mi^2, in the City of Chicago [2]. Transparency is imperative for good governance and civic involvement in decisions regarding the TIF funds considering their property taxes could be used towards potential projects which provide little community support. The lack of data has caused TIFs to face scrutiny over concerns regarding the transparency of investment allocation. Prior to 2010, TIF district data had been archived using digital scans rather than direct computer entry, reducing accessibility for analytical purposes. Although an existing dataset has been made by Phillip Yates. Our project outlines an algorithmic approach to extracting, organizing, and hosting Chicago TIF records dating back to 1997. We developed an automated “document to data” pipeline by leveraging Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Machine Learning (ML), and parsing algorithms technologies to perform direct data extraction from the scanned documents. We are currently hosting the existing Chicago TIF data via AWS RDS, allowing for seamlessly integrating newly extracted data, ensuring comprehensive and up-to-date records. Through this work, we hope to improve transparency, accountability, and informed civic engagement in Chicago, thereby supporting equitable urban growth.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • List of technologies, libraries, or tools required to run the project are within the text file requirements.txt.


  • Clone this repository in an arbitrary folder.
git clone


This Repo contains the all of the processing programs for collecting, reading, and extracting data from old TIF reports. Execution of .py files starts fresh, unlike .ipynb (notebook) files where variables can be carried over from the last execution. If you would like to see outputs of our code without running it all, see the folder: Notebooks

PDF Scraping can be used to download all Chicago annual TIF reports. All reports will be downloaded to the TIFpdfs folder in the working directory, which will be created if it does not exist. You are able to modify the varaibles "start_year" and "end_year" to download all TIF reports within the desired interval (Note the default interval is 1997 to 2022).


Extracting via OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is used to process scanned TIF records making each record machine readble, extracting all text within a PDF from page 1 to n. The output of this script saves the extracted text along with metadata (Pixel position of text, page scanned, confidence of scan) to a CSV.


Finding Contracts is used to find and save the locations of contracts within each correspending TIF year and district. Outputs a file of CSVs with the naming scheme of "Year_TIF#".

no contracts yes contracts

Finding Statements is used to find and save the locations of statements within each correspending TIF year and district. Outputs a file of CSVs with the naming scheme of "Year_TIF#".


Extracted Text Reconstruction + Geometrical Analysis Reconstructs the extracted CSVs. By treating each respective pixel location as a coordinate, we were able to reconstruct the extracted text allowing us to apply multiple automated validation tests. The output of this files saves the statements with no flags into our new database. Statements with one or more flag is taken to the next step in our pipeline.


GPT-4 Vision Reading is used to to read statements that contain "One" or "Many" flags. Running each statement 3 times anc taking the most frequent output after cleanup. Outputs a CSV with extracted data of pages scaned for each Year_TIF. Note the image below is a high level example of our use with the GPT vision API.


Manual Check Statements is used to manaully check all gpt outputs. One can merge this python script and the to make it so that for each reading there is a check to see if the reading was correct. This takes the location of the statement and opens it directly while cropping all unnecessary text on page.



According to the Rule of Succession : "If we repeat an experiment that we know can result in a success or failure, n times independently, and get s successes, then the probability that the next experiment will succeed = $\Large\frac{s+1}{n+2}$ Therefore :


Where 1688 comes from statements wher no flags were found using Tesseract and 300 comes from the 300 manually checked GPT outputs.

Our team has successfully developed a robust "document to data" pipeline that efficiently extracts historical financial data from scanned documents dating back to 1997.

We invite developers, researchers, and civic activists to utilize this repository to explore the intricacies of TIF data in Chicago, contribute to the project’s growth, and help foster a more transparent and accountable system. Together, we can build a foundation for better urban policy and community involvement.

Future Work

With the goal to extract further data, we intend to extract contracting and TIF project data, both of which will be kept in a readily accessible database. That might not be viable due to a lack of funds and time, but we are passionate about the project and are willing to work to make it happen!

We also intend to explore the meaning of transfers in and out in more detail. Possibly breaking the observed pattern with the help of the updated historical data. We also intend to analyze census data from 1997 onwards using historical data.

TIF Resources

This section was taken from the Phil Yates README of his TIF realted project. All Credits to this section goes to him

What Are TIFs?

TIF stands for Tax Increment Financing. TIF Districts are designated by the municipality to capture property taxes for a fixed period of time. The captured property taxes are used to boost development in the designated TIF district. Visit the The CivicLab website to read more about what TIFs are and how they work. Here are two resources to start with:

Where Is The Data From?

What Are These Variables?

Variable Explanation
TIF Lifespan The starting year through the proposed ending year.
Current Data Year The year that the current data is from.
Property Tax Extraction The amount of property tax collected this year (within the TIF District).
Cumulative Property Tax Extraction CUMULATIVE sum of property tax collected throughout the TIFs lifespan.
Transfers In The amount transferred into this TIF District from neighboring TIF Districts this year.
Cumulative Transfers In CUMULATIVE sum of funds transferred into the TIF Fund from neighboring TIFs throughout the TIFs lifespan.
Expenses The Total Expenditures. The amount of money spent on projects applicable to the TIF.
Fund Balance End Balance of this TIF District's Fund at the end of the Current Data Year.
Transfers Out Amount of funds transferred out of the account and ported to a neighboring TIF District.
Distribution Disbursement of surplus funds. This is often directed to the Treasurer for reallocation elsewhere.
Administration Costs Amount taken by the City of Chicago Department of Planning for "City Staff Costs" and "City Program Management Costs".
Finance Costs Amount paid to a banking institution to settle debt. This is money that was loaned to the TIF Fund previously and is now being paid back to the bank.
Bank Names Bank(s) that provided the financing (Finance Costs) to the TIF Fund.


This repo contains programs responsible for downloading and reading the text from old Chicago TIF documents






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