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TRCStudioDean edited this page Sep 7, 2022 · 11 revisions

There is commands of GlobalMarketPlus. The main command is "/gmp"


Basic commands

Usage: /market

  • help | Commands help
  • gui [Merchandise Type] [Page] | Open global market GUI
  • sell [Price] [Amount] | Sell item in your hand
  • buy [Deposit] [Amount] | Purchase item (Same as the one on hand)
  • bid [Price] [Amount] | Start a new auction.
  • search [Parameters] | Search merchandises
  • sellInventory [Price] | Open sell inventory (Sell items in bulk)
  • buyInventory [Deposit] | Open buy inventory (Purchase items in bulk)

Usage: /auction

  • help | Commands help.
  • start [Price] [Amount] | Start a new auction.
  • bid [UID] [Bidding Price] | Bid on an item.
  • gui [UID] | Open auction GUI.
  • overtime [UID] [Time] | Add time to an auction.
  • confirm [UID] | Hammer/Confirm an auction.

Usage: /money

  • help | Commands help
  • info [Player] | View a player's balance
  • pay [Player] [Amount] | Pay a certain amount to a player
  • set [Player] [Amount] | Set a player's balance
  • take [Player] [Amount] | Take a certain balance from a player
  • give [Player] [Amount] | Give a certain balance to a player
  • currency [Currency] [Player] | Set up a personal currency system

Usage: /merchandise

  • help | Commands help
  • gui [UID] | Open the GUI for merchandise editing
  • set [UID] | Edit a parameter's value of merchandise
  • info [UID] | View a merchandise's information
  • remove [UID] | Remove a merchandise
  • list [Page] [selling/purchasing] | List all of available merchandises
  • listall [Page] [selling/purchasing] | List all of merchandises

Usage: /transaction

  • help | Commands help
  • gui [UID] [Amount] | Open transaction GUI
  • confirm [UID] [Amount] | Confirm a transaction

Usage: /profile

  • help | Commands help
  • gui | Open profile GUI
  • select [Player] | Select a player
  • set | Edit profile
  • info | View profile information
  • refresh [Player] | Refresh profile

Usage: /mailbox

  • help | Commands help
  • gui [Page] [Player] | Open mailbox GUI
  • list [Page] [Player] | List all of mails
  • pickup [UID]/all [Player] | Pick up mail
  • send [Player] [Amount] | Send an item mail
  • delete [UID]/all [Player] | Delete a mail
  • select [Player] | Select a player

Usage: /category

  • help | Commands help
  • list | List all of categories
  • set [Category] [Player] | Set the player's category
  • reset [Player] | Reset the player's category
  • info [Player] | View the player's category
  • gui [Player] | Open categories GUI

Special commands

Usage: /gmp gui

  • help | Commands help
  • list | List all of GUIs
  • open [GUI] [Player] [JSON] | Open specified GUI
  • back | Return to the last open GUI (only in GUI)

Usage: /gmp admin

  • help | Commands help
  • item | Manage and view serialized items
  • cache | View and manage cached data
  • group | View user group information
  • database | Database management commands
  • recorder | Recorder commands
  • itemblacklist | Manage items blacklist

Usage: /gmp reload

  • reload | Reload plugin
  • reload help | List all of reload types
  • reload config | Reload configuration files
  • reload database | Reload database
  • reload messages | Reload messages settings
  • reload gui | Reload GUI settings
  • reload playerdata | Reload players' data
  • reload market | Reload global market's data
  • reload recorder | Reload recorder's data
  • reload group | Reload groups
  • reload category | Reload categories