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SETUP Instructions for running 'TYCO miner' or 'TYCO-rpc'

open ubuntu terminal, login , 18.04 or higher recommended ,execute following commands one after one use 'sudo' before command as necessary

apt update

apt -y install build-essential

cd /usr/local

sudo wget ""

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.17.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Add go in PATH

[open file /etc/profile add this line at the bottom without quots "PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" then save and reboot the system, execute following command, than enter the following command ]

go env -w GO111MODULE=on

To clone source use below command and execute

git clone

Go to your source folder, 'tyco-core' is just an example go inside your folder name using below command

cd tyco-core

Compile source using below command

make all

Go to the folder of compiled output using below command

cd build/bin

Make folder where chain data will be saved

mkdir .datafolder

chmod a+rwx .datafolder

Place genesis.json file

[copy genesis.json file in same folder '...../build/bin' can upload or can use nano editor and paste (right click) text using below command ,to save press ctrl+o and press enter, to exit from editor press ctrl+X]

nano genesis.json

Start tmux session


Below commands are required only if you are going to setup miner node

to create account for miner make sure your are inside the parth '' , after entering command enter password twice for your new account

./geth --datadir .datafolder account new

[or to use your existing account, save your private key in a file on the same location and use below command, after below command execution you can delete your private key file here assumed 'pk.txt' is contains your private key]

./geth --datadir .datafolder account import pk.txt

Make genesis block using this command

./geth --datadir .datafolder init genesis.json

Start mining using below command 'enter password to unlock when promped' replace xxx wity your network id for tyco mainnet use 3630

./geth --datadir .datafolder --networkid xxx -mine --unlock 0 console

[once miner node with your validator address started, then complete the process of staking required coin to become a validator]

Below commands are required only if you are going to setup rpc node

Make genesis block using this command

./geth --datadir .datafolder init genesis.json

[start rpc using below command replace all ip ( address in below command with your server public ip also replace xxx with your network id ]

./geth --datadir .datafolder --networkid xxx --ws --ws.addr "" --ws.port 8545 --http --http.port 80 --rpc.txfeecap 0 --http.corsdomain "" --nat "any" --http.api db,eth,net,web3,personal,txpool,miner,debug --http.addr --vmdebug --pprof --pprof.port 6060 --pprof.addr --syncmode full --gcmode=archive --ipcpath ".datafolder/geth.ipc" console


Some other commands can be used as required

List running sessions of tmux

tmux ls

To go into a running tmux session for example session 'SES1'

tmux attach -t SES1

#t# To check bootnode address apply thin command from inside "" folder

[this boot node address can be used with geth command to make sync automatically]

./geth attach --exec admin.nodeInfo.enr .datafolder/geth.ipc

to start geth on reboot

Add below lines in /etc/profile and save that

[note here tmux session name is 'SES1' ]

cd /tyco-core/build/bin

if tmux has-session -t SES1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
	tmux new-session -d -s SES1 
	tmux send-keys -t SES1 "./" Enter

Mmake a file '' inside "" and save last geth command (according to miner or rpc) in that file and execute following command

chmod +x


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