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Typescript Discussion #1591

hassankhan opened this issue Oct 12, 2019 · 66 comments

Typescript Discussion #1591

hassankhan opened this issue Oct 12, 2019 · 66 comments


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hassankhan commented Oct 12, 2019

Hi all,

I'd like to start by saying thank you to all the maintainers and contributors of this package 💯 and also apologies for not using the issue template format, wasn't quite sure if this was a bug or a feature request.

I've been trialling the v7 branch, and overall its really really impressive 🙌 The only part that seemed a little ... lacking was the Typescript types. This was not a huge issue, as I was able to create my own types file that the compiler merges with the types provided by react-table (using declaration merging)

I noticed that beta 12 has recently been released, and I updated (from beta 10). Unfortunately, it seems that the situation has somewhat worsened from a developer experience perspective. I'm assuming the changes were made in order to better handle the fact that any number of plugin hooks might be specified by a user. However, these changes seem to have come at the cost of requiring users to include a custom types file in their projects (which is a little unusual, even for Typescript projects).

In an ideal world, it'd be great to see react-table written natively in Typescript to avoid situations where the code and types are not in sync, but I do understand that might not be what the maintainers/contributors want. That said, the procedure in beta 12 seems like it could be improved, and I'm happy to help 😄 I'm including my additions to the types file from beta 10 that mostly fixed the plugin issues, as well as adding a few other missing types. There are some definite improvements in the beta 12 types, so it'd be good to see if we can find some middle ground.

import {
} from "react-table";

declare module 'react-table' {
  export interface TableInstance<D = {}> extends TableOptions<D> {
    getTableBodyProps: (userProps?: any) => any
    selectedFlatRows: Row<D>[]

  export interface HeaderColumn<D> {
    disableFilters?: boolean;

  export interface EnhancedColumn<D>
    extends Omit<Column<D>, 'columns'>,
      TableInstance<D> {
    canFilter?: boolean

  export interface UsePaginationValues<D = {}> {
    pageOptions: number[]

  export type Plugin<D> = useGroupBy<D> |
    useFilters<D> |
    useSortBy<D> |
    useExpanded<D> |
    usePagination<D> |
    useRowSelect<D> |
    useRowState<D> |
    useColumnOrder<D> |
    useBlockLayout<D> |
    useAbsoluteLayout<D> |

  export function useTable<D = {}, P = Plugin<D>>(
    props: TableOptions<D>,
    ...plugins: P[]
  ): TableInstance<D> & ReturnType<typeof P>

  export function useRowSelect<D = {}>(
    props: TableOptions<D>
  ): TableOptions<D>
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stramel commented Oct 12, 2019

I'm confused as to what you're saying is missing/worse?

canFilter, disableFilter are still in a PR. I added getTableBodyProps and can't remember if selectedFlatRows was added off the top of my head. (I'm away from my computer)

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Hi @stramel, the part I was referring to as worsened is the instructions in, specifically the idea of copying a types file from react-table into my project.

I was unaware that there were PRs for the missing types, thanks for letting me know 😀

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tsujp commented Oct 13, 2019

I found this file here:

// Type definitions for react-table 7
// Project:
// Definitions by: Adrien Denat <>
//                 Artem Berdyshev <>
//                 Christian Murphy <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 3.0
declare module 'react-table' {
  import { Dispatch, SetStateAction, ReactNode } from 'react'

  export interface Cell<D> {
    render: (type: string) => any
    getCellProps: () => any
    column: Column<D>
    row: Row<D>
    state: any
    value: any

  export interface Row<D> {
    index: number
    cells: Cell<D>[]
    getRowProps: () => any
    original: any

  export interface HeaderColumn<D, A extends keyof D = never> {
     * This string/function is used to build the data model for your column.
    accessor: A | ((originalRow: D) => string)
    Header?: string | ((props: TableInstance<D>) => ReactNode)
    Filter?: string | ((props: TableInstance<D>) => ReactNode)
    Cell?: string | ((cell: Cell<D>) => ReactNode)

     * This is the unique ID for the column. It is used by reference in things like sorting, grouping, filtering etc.
    id?: string | number
    minWidth?: string | number
    maxWidth?: string | number
    width?: string | number
    canSortBy?: boolean
    sortByFn?: (a: any, b: any, desc: boolean) => 0 | 1 | -1
    defaultSortDesc?: boolean

  export interface Column<D, A extends keyof D = never> extends HeaderColumn<D, A> {
    id: string | number

  export type Page<D> = Row<D>[]

  export interface EnhancedColumn<D, A extends keyof D = never> extends Column<D, A> {
    render: (type: string) => any
    getHeaderProps: (userProps?: any) => any
    getSortByToggleProps: (userProps?: any) => any
    sorted: boolean
    sortedDesc: boolean
    sortedIndex: number

  export type HeaderGroup<D, A extends keyof D = never> = {
    headers: EnhancedColumn<D, A>[]
    getRowProps: (userProps?: any) => any

  export interface Hooks<D> {
    beforeRender: []
    columns: []
    headerGroups: []
    headers: []
    rows: Row<D>[]
    row: []
    renderableRows: []
    getTableProps: []
    getRowProps: []
    getHeaderRowProps: []
    getHeaderProps: []
    getCellProps: []

  export interface TableInstance<D>
    extends TableOptions<D>,
      UseColumnsValues<D> {
    hooks: Hooks<D>
    rows: Row<D>[]
    columns: EnhancedColumn<D>[]
    getTableProps: (userProps?: any) => any
    getRowProps: (userProps?: any) => any
    prepareRow: (row: Row<D>) => any
    getSelectRowToggleProps: (userProps?: any) => any
    toggleSelectAll: (forcedState: boolean) => any

  export interface TableOptions<D> {
    data: D[]
    columns: HeaderColumn<D>[]
    state?: [any, Dispatch<SetStateAction<any>>]
    debug?: boolean
    sortByFn?: (a: any, b: any, desc: boolean) => 0 | 1 | -1
    manualSorting?: boolean
    disableSorting?: boolean
    defaultSortDesc?: boolean
    disableMultiSort?: boolean

  export interface RowsProps {
    subRowsKey: string

  export interface FiltersProps {
    filterFn: () => void
    manualFilters: boolean
    disableFilters: boolean
    setFilter: () => any
    setAllFilters: () => any

  export interface UsePaginationValues<D> {
    nextPage: () => any
    previousPage: () => any
    setPageSize: (size: number) => any
    gotoPage: (page: number) => any
    canPreviousPage: boolean
    canNextPage: boolean
    page: Page<D>
    pageOptions: []

  export interface UseRowsValues<D> {
    rows: Row<D>[]

  export interface UseColumnsValues<D> {
    columns: EnhancedColumn<D>[]
    headerGroups: HeaderGroup<D>[]
    headers: EnhancedColumn<D>[]

  export interface UseFiltersValues {
    setFilter: () => any
    setAllFilters: () => any

  export function useTable<D>(props: TableOptions<D>, ...plugins: any[]): TableInstance<D>

  export function useColumns<D>(props: TableOptions<D>): TableOptions<D> & UseColumnsValues<D>

  export function useRows<D>(props: TableOptions<D>): TableOptions<D> & UseRowsValues<D>

  export function useFilters<D>(
    props: TableOptions<D>,
  ): TableOptions<D> & {
    rows: Row<D>[]

  export function useSortBy<D>(
    props: TableOptions<D>,
  ): TableOptions<D> & {
    rows: Row<D>[]

  export function useGroupBy<D>(props: TableOptions<D>): TableOptions<D> & { rows: Row<D>[] }

  export function usePagination<D>(props: TableOptions<D>): UsePaginationValues<D>

  export function useFlexLayout<D>(props: TableOptions<D>): TableOptions<D>

  export function useExpanded<D>(
    props: TableOptions<D>,
  ): TableOptions<D> & {
    toggleExpandedByPath: () => any
    expandedDepth: []
    rows: []

  export function useTableState(
    initialState?: any,
    overriddenState?: any,
    options?: {
      reducer?: (oldState: any, newState: any, type: string) => any
      useState?: [any, Dispatch<SetStateAction<any>>]
  ): any

  export const actions: any

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stramel commented Oct 14, 2019

@hassankhan That document is very new and still needs some revisions. We don't generally copying types except for maybe to use in an example or as a starting point. I'm still not sure what you are saying has regressed as the typescript documentation is brand new, I don't see how it could regress?

@tsujp That gist is very out of date and incompatible with the types that are going to be supported.

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tsujp commented Oct 15, 2019

Beta 12 doesn't work as-is with Types though, why can't the repo be redone with Typescript inline instead of separation of concerns that is currently the focus? Isn't this the perfect time?

I'd love to help out if I wasn't so average at Typescript, I only just started using it two months ago unfortunately.

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What exactly do you mean by "separation of concerns"? Do you mean that the types don't just lump in every hooks behavior? How do you deal with external hooks? How do you deal with hooks that are standard, but aren't included in the configuration of the table? These are all separate right now so that each user can tailor the interface so match what's supported.

I'll admit that this is a bit awkward, I don't think that anyone is particularly happy with it, but until we get a better solution that works for those use cases, I don't really see an alternative.

As a separate point, the interface is huge and changing (it is a beta after all), it's been very easy to miss stuff, so yes, there are apis that have been missing. But again, they can easily be added locally (using the same declaration merging technique) until they get added to the main types.

I'm not saying that we don't want this to be easier, we do, it's just not obvious what the right solution is and so we went with something that works until we can get something better.

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Chiming in here with a typing issue. I'm getting Property 'getSortByToggleProps' does not exist on type 'ColumnInstance<any>'. when trying to implement sortable columns in TypeScript. I've essentially copy/pasting the sorting example to get started here.

react-table version: 7.0.0-beta.12

Screenshot 2019-10-24 12 47 58

CodeSandbox here:

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@kpollich I had the same issue. What you have to do, is to copy the file react-table-config.d.ts, inside a directory (I recommend copying it inside the directory as your table component).
Then remove the interface you do not need or the extends you won't use.

Everything is explained here :

I hope this helps 😃

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tsujp commented Nov 3, 2019

The types at do not function properly.

prepareRow() is of type void and so the statement prepareRow(row) || ... is invalid. An expression of type void cannot be checked for truthiness. Attempting to workaround this by turning it into (prepareRow(row), ...) is also invalid.

I haven't been able to use this library with the types present in the repo yet.


It seems I had the syntax wrong, a working example would be

  (row, i) => (
    (prepareRow(row), (
      <tr {...row.getRowProps()}>
        // ... do stuff

Instead of

  (row, i) =>
    prepareRow(row) || (
      <tr {...row.getRowProps()}>
        // ... do stuff

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yeah, the problem is that the examples all do prepareRow() || ..., but prepareRow is actually void, you can check the code, it has no return.

That said, while it's a bit misleading, it is valid javascript so perhaps we should have defined prepareRow as returning undefined. It's not exactly what's going on, but it would have keep the usage in the examples working in typescript.

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tsujp commented Nov 3, 2019

Indeed I was just a bit thrown off as I am newly getting into TypeScript. All the examples are Javascript too so there will always be some differences I suppose. It's no bother now I think as the example in my previous comment is valid TypeScript as per:

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I'm specifically seeing a couple other bugs in the beta-12 types:

  • In UseRowSelectState, the selectedRows field is wrong. The code has a selectedRowPaths field
  • In UseRowSelectInstanceProps, the toggleRowSelected method appears to expect an array that it can call .join() on, not a single string

My hacky local fixes in our types customization file:

    // FIX The R-T type claims this is selectedRows, not selectedRowPaths
    export interface UseRowSelectState<D extends object> {
        selectedRowPaths: IdType<D>[];

    // FIX The R-T type for toggleRowSelected says it takes a string, not an array
    export type UseRowSelectInstancePropsFixed<D extends object> = Omit<
    > & {
        toggleRowSelected: (rowPath: (string | number)[], set?: boolean) => void;

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a) that's exactly how I fix these in my project.
b) the selectedRowPaths change actually matches what's in master, by not shipped yet.
c) the toggleRowSelected fix is new to me and looks like an unreported bug. I'll try to keep track of it.

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I'm getting the following error:

Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'disableMultiSort' does not exist in type 'TableOptions<object>'.

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Same for selectedFlatRows, isAllRowsSelected atm, no type definitions. @hassankhan can you link here the PRs that have these kind of missing types please?

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Same for selectedFlatRows, isAllRowsSelected atm, no type definitions. @hassankhan can you link here the PRs that have these kind of missing types please?

Look on UseRowSelectInstanceProps for those two, they are there.

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You mean here @ggascoigne ?
My index.d.ts is a bit different from that 🤔

index d ts   2019-11-25 17-10-52

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I'm guessing that you're using beta.12 or earlier, that definition was added for beta.13 or later.

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Yap, that's it @ggascoigne thanks! 👍

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soanvig commented Nov 26, 2019

I'm using beta.12 and this is how I include plugins to react-table types, it's really simple:

declare module 'react-table' {
  interface Row<D> extends UseExpandedRowProps<D> { }
  interface Column<D extends object = {}> extends UseSortByColumnOptions<D> {}
  interface ColumnInstance<D extends object = {}> extends UseSortByColumnProps<D> { }
  interface TableOptions<D extends object = {}> extends UseSortByOptions<D> { }

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schematis commented Dec 2, 2019

Using beta.20 and getting this error:
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'getResetPageDeps' does not exist in type 'TableOptions<any>'.ts(2345)

It looks like that option is under UsePaginationOptions instead, but the CodeSandbox examples have it inside useTable.

My useTable instantiation:

const {
    state: { pageIndex, pageSize },
  } = useTable(
      getResetPageDeps: skipPageReset ? false : undefined,

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Yeah, there was a significant amount of refactoring in beta.20. Types are most definitely out of sync.

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This has been itching me for a last few weeks and I think I've decided I want to move the types out of this repo and into the Definitely Typed repo. Until React Table is inevitably rewritten in Typescript itself, I would like to move the discussions/issues/expectations around types over to DT.

I'm not sure what is required here, but I'm assuming it should be pretty simple to PR the types over to DT. As soon as that's done, I have no problem adding a dependency on the external types.

Thanks for all of your work guys. Keep it up, please! There are a lot of TS users that are benefiting from this :)

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I'll admit that I'm in two minds about this. Obviously they belong there in the long run, but as long as the interface keeps changing in some pretty substantial ways, there's some convenience in having them here. Also, you don't work in typescript (and that's OK), but how do you hope to understand the api issues around typing this api if you aren't part of that conversation.

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Yeah, and honestly, the api could be changing even more in the coming days, but I don't see any more convenience in having them colocated. As of today in beta, they will likely continue to get out-of-date as we refactor, write tests, move towards an RC, etc, and the last thing I want for people is a false sense of security to see that there are "native" looking types in the repo that don't actually have any guarantees around them. With that said, I understand that "changes" and "refactors" sound scary to after-the-fact type-defs, but at the same time, I don't plan on turning the library upside down for those same type-defs until I'm ready to go all-in on TS. For now, I hope I would still be including in the discussions around types with a simple @tannerlinsley 😃.

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Understandable. One thing that I do notice looking at the definitely typed docs, it will be hard to publish types for the v7 betas until the version number follows semantic versioning, at least unless I'm missing something there.

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Yeah, I'm not totally versed in how DT works with prereleases and tags. As of today though, the default install for react-table is now v7 (it was actually a CI accident) and I just decided to keep it (still beta though, like Fortnite! 😉 ).

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bsell93 commented May 7, 2020

@lishine Found an example here:

I personally solved this issue by using the interface defined in the above link

interface TableColumn<D extends object = {}>
  extends ColumnInstance<D>,
    UseFiltersColumnProps<D> {}

and casting the column like so:
const column = (c as unknown) as TableColumn<object>;

@gargroh I don't follow. The type of the column is inferred based on the type definition. Are you suggesting I cast like I did above?

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gargroh commented May 7, 2020

Casting should not be needed, this example would help

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bsell93 commented May 7, 2020

@gargroh that did the trick!

Although it does seem silly to have to re-declare/define the interfaces in the module. My first thought is that the type would change when I added useSortBy.

Either way, thanks for your help!

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Casting should not be needed, this example would help

maybe it's an issue with v7.6.0 (types v7.0.24) but getting errors on all of those definitions in react-table-config.d.ts:

All declarations of 'ColumnInstance' must have identical type parameters. ts(2428)

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For anyone else facing issues after copy/pasting the react-table-config.d.ts, this CodeSandbox (referenced here) was super useful.

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It's probably worth pointing out that that there is a readme for the typescript types which also includes that react-table-config.d.ts.

Sadly there's no good standard place to document types that live outside of a project and that was the best that we came up with. Easy to miss though :(

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to give my 2 cents:

transition to typescript is not that hard as it seems. If you setup the tooling right, you can just rename js(x) files to ts(x), start to annotate some functions one by one, without rewriting the whole library. E.g. you can just annotate the files you touch.

it will eventually fall into place like a jigsaw (and you will usually find a bug or two!). 🧩 This is especially true with hooks which are just functions, and functions are simple to annotate.

and all of sudden your public api is properly annotated 😃

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I hear you, and I even tried to do that at the start of 2020. However, I quickly learned a few things:

  • Incrementally adding TS to a JS project like you said is easy to start, but quickly results in a massive amount of anys and unknowns. This is fine, but not in the long run. At some point, the work/time will be better spent in a rewrite.
  • With public gradual migration, it's inevitable that you will eventually have to make breaking changes to get rid of the untypable dynamisms in the library to get full TS intellisense and holistically correct types. This isn't a very good experience to have a public api that is always slowly, but constantly, breaking.
  • TypeScript is simple, but not easy. A library like this requires a massive amount of generics, a highly sophisticated plugin system with multiple plugin points (22+ actually) and a very rich I/O model that permeates just about every corner of the library.

With all of that said, you'll be happy to know that I'm currently writing v8 natively in TypeScript. I assure you, it's a beast, but it's also awesome. Take it from me, with what I know about the internals and current API in v7, there's no way to backport accurate types to v7 that will even come close to v8.

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I hear you, and I even tried to do that at the start of 2020. However, I quickly learned a few things:

  • Incrementally adding TS to a JS project like you said is easy to start, but quickly results in a massive amount of anys and unknowns. This is fine, but not in the long run. At some point, the work/time will be better spent in a rewrite.
  • With public gradual migration, it's inevitable that you will eventually have to make breaking changes to get rid of the untypable dynamisms in the library to get full TS intellisense and holistically correct types. This isn't a very good experience to have a public api that is always slowly, but constantly, breaking.
  • TypeScript is simple, but not easy. A library like this requires a massive amount of generics, a highly sophisticated plugin system with multiple plugin points (22+ actually) and a very rich I/O model that permeates just about every corner of the library.

With all of that said, you'll be happy to know that I'm currently writing v8 natively in TypeScript. I assure you, it's a beast, but it's also awesome. Take it from me, with what I know about the internals and current API in v7, there's no way to backport accurate types to v7 that will even come close to v8.

that's good to hear, so we'll wait for v8 to adopt!

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r20 commented Dec 14, 2020

@ggascoigne Are there any simple typescript table examples with sorting and a filter?
I went through the getting started guide in js, then I found a simple typescript example, but then I tried to add filtering from what I saw in and haven't gotten it to work. More simple typescript examples would help a lot.

@tannerlinsley Any target for when v8 would be ready?

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Thanks alot, It solved my problem

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Hello All,
I need some help. I have followed this this but still not able to use react-table with typescript

can anybody give me a solution.

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@tannerlinsley just wondering if you had some time to work on the TS v8? Thank you for the great work!

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Working on it right now. ETA 2021

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LouizFC commented Mar 16, 2021

@tannerlinsley Is there a way that I (or we) could contribute to v8? I understand that the process of a rewrite is delicate, so a "no" is perfectly understandable.

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Currently no. I’m still crafting the plug-in system which is indeed complex and delicate. After that, things will open up much more.

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OnkelTem commented Apr 29, 2021

Good luck @tannerlinsley, it must be really tough. We cross our fingers, don't give up!
And is there something that we can help with?

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dwome commented May 28, 2021

Issue can be temporarily solved by adding the react-table-config.d.ts file into a dedicated types folder in the root src folder: /src/types/react-table-config.d.ts

In case you use NX or mono-repo-tools the file and folder structured must be added in the lib using the table component as well as in the app.

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SQReder commented Jul 20, 2021

Are there any updates on v8 and typescript support?

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tannerlinsley commented Aug 1, 2021 via email

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Still working actively on it. Tanner Linsley

ETA still 2021 ?
V8 means major release means breaking change. Will migration be possible or we'll need to rewrite "everything" ?

I send you some good vibes from France 🌼

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Okay I am waiting too.

vincent-czi added a commit to chanzuckerberg/czgenepi that referenced this issue Nov 17, 2021
The @types/react-table lib has pretty good support for using TS with react-table,
but it's imperfect. This is an ongoing issue with the lib since it's really built
to be a vanilla JS lib. If you want to follow status of TS use with lib, this
issue thread on GitHub will probably keep you up to date:
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Eagerly waiting for v8 💪

kylemichaelreaves added a commit to kylemichaelreaves/rails-pg-app that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2022
Pagination concern added, and referred to in ApplicationController.
Properties controller updated to make use of this new functionality. I
[followed this

Trying to sketch the tables out with react-table. However,
react-table does not yet use TypeScript assignments like
React-Query does. In order to get TypeScript to be OK with react-table,
I edited the index.d.ts in its @types/ folder. I referred to [this guide](
to understand the proper way of extending types. [This
thread](TanStack/table#1591) pointing me
in that direction.
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TMinh25 commented Mar 16, 2022

I'm using react-table: "^7.7.0" with "@types/react-table": "^7.7.9". And with vitejs and react typescript

node_modules/@types/react-table/index.d.ts:59:18 - error TS2430: Interface 'ColumnInterface<D>' incorrectly extends interface 'UseTableColumnOptions<D>'.
  Types of property 'Footer' are incompatible.
    Type 'ReactNode' is not assignable to type 'Renderer<TableInstance<D>> | undefined'.
      Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'Renderer<TableInstance<D>> | undefined'.

59 export interface ColumnInterface<D extends object = {}> extends UseTableColumnOptions<D> {}

anyone know what's going on here?

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@tannerlinsley any ETA on this? :)

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Are you referring to an ETA on v8? I'm working on row selection logic right now. You can find the todo list in the main I'll be cutting a new alpha release very soon.

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