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Releases: Tape-Worm/Gorgon


31 Oct 19:28
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gorgon_2 x_logo_full_site
Zip files containing the binaries for Gorgon v3.2.30.304

The Gorgon_3.2.30.304 zip file contains the libraries for use in development environments, and the editor. This contains only the binaries.

The Gorgon_Debug_3.2.30.304 zip file contains debug versions of the libraries and plug ins. This debug version contains more extensive error checking and messages to help diagnose problems. It is strongly recommended that developers use this when writing their applications and switch to the release version when deploying.

Note: In order to use the debug version, or any applications compiled against the debug version, you will need to have the Direct3D SDK Layers installed. To install, go to System Settings -> Add or remove programs -> Apps & features -> Manage optional features in Windows, and add the Graphics Tools option.

The Gorgon_Examples_3.2.30.304 zip file contains the binaries for the example applications included with Gorgon. It is strongly recommended that you download this if you're uncertain whether Gorgon will suit your needs or not.


  • 3a3e616 [Graphics] - Added support for v11.0 of Avalonia. This introduces a new Avalonia control that developers can place in their application start rendering into their UI.
  • c5dc13b [Animation] - Fixed bug in GorgonAnimationBuilder Build method where the last frame of an animation would have a display length of 0 seconds (i.e. it was skipped) when no animation length was passed to the method. The fix was to add a minimum frame length to the total length of the animation. However, this is not ideal in some cases, so passing the Length parameter for the animation is suggested.
  • c5dc13b [Graphics] - Fixed bug in CreateRenderTarget for GorgonRenderTarget2DView and GorgonRenderTarget3DView where a ReadWrite binding would be ignored.

This list of changes was auto generated.


25 May 03:06
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gorgon_2 x_logo_full_site
Zip files containing the binaries for Gorgon v3.2.26.144

The Gorgon_3.2.26.144 zip file contains the libraries for use in development environments, and the editor. This contains only the binaries.

The Gorgon_Debug_3.2.26.144 zip file contains debug versions of the libraries and plug ins. This debug version contains more extensive error checking and messages to help diagnose problems. It is strongly recommended that developers use this when writing their applications and switch to the release version when deploying.

Note: In order to use the debug version, or any applications compiled against the debug version, you will need to have the Direct3D SDK Layers installed. To install, go to System Settings -> Add or remove programs -> Apps & features -> Manage optional features in Windows, and add the Graphics Tools option.

The Gorgon_Examples_3.2.26.144 zip file contains the binaries for the example applications included with Gorgon. It is strongly recommended that you download this if you're uncertain whether Gorgon will suit your needs or not.


  • 292a15b [Editor API] - Exposed texture overrides for animations to the content loader public interface.
  • c13a82b [Animation] - Added texture overrides for animations.
  • 81b509a [Editor API] - Added method to content loader that can inform the user if a directory is excluded or not.
  • 641a415 [Image Editor] - Fixed bug in cube map renderer where face names did not show up in the correct spot.
  • dd6d5cc [Imaging] - Bug in dds codec where image cube would incorrectly load as a 2D image.
  • 5375f2c [Graphics] - Added functionality to input layout that will retrieve input layout element items from a type.
  • 7c2f904 [Core] - Fixed bug in GorgonArray where more than 32 items would not be recorded as dirty.
  • 69e447b [Graphics] - Removed superfluous by reference params on some camera methods.
  • 1a3dd65 [Graphics] - Removed Instanced draw call types and builders. These were cumbersome to work with.
  • 899c6ef [Graphics] - Added new methods to retrieve input elements from a type and return them as a list rather than create the input layout on your behalf.
See More
  • 80f82e3 [Graphics] - Fixed a bug where creating a constant buffer as a staging buffer would fail.
  • a65cfaa [Examples] - Added example for loading a 3D model using Asset Importer.
  • a7f3670 [Animation] - Added an animation track for the Quaternion data type.
  • c4cfc2d [2D] - Reverted lighting calculation update, flaw found with black textures.
  • e0acfe5 [2D] - Updated lighting calculations for lighting effect.
  • 70d5f64 [Imaging] - Fixed a bug with swizzling being incorrectly applied for 24 bit TGA images.

This list of changes was auto generated.


19 Mar 21:40
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gorgon_2 x_logo_full_site
Zip files containing the binaries for Gorgon v3.2.25.078

The Gorgon_3.2.25.078 zip file contains the libraries for use in development environments, and the editor. This contains only the binaries.

The Gorgon_Debug_3.2.25.078 zip file contains debug versions of the libraries and plug ins. This debug version contains more extensive error checking and messages to help diagnose problems. It is strongly recommended that developers use this when writing their applications and switch to the release version when deploying.

Note: In order to use the debug version, or any applications compiled against the debug version, you will need to have the Direct3D SDK Layers installed. To install, go to System Settings -> Add or remove programs -> Apps & features -> Manage optional features in Windows, and add the Graphics Tools option.

The Gorgon_Examples_3.2.25.078 zip file contains the binaries for the example applications included with Gorgon. It is strongly recommended that you download this if you're uncertain whether Gorgon will suit your needs or not.


  • 930386b [Editor API] - Added animate to marching ants interface to allow for multiple calls to the draw without messing up the animation timing.
  • 4f94779 [Graphics] - Fixed a bug in texture cache where calling Clear after disposing throw an exception.
  • ccc2354 [Core] - Added random method for doubles.
  • 4fec7cc [All] Updated code to use System.HashCode.Combine instead of GenerateHash.
  • 1f91836 [2D] - Fixed bug in lighting effect where depth/stencil buffer was not preserved.
  • e4b3fb1 [Sprite Editor] - Fixed bug where opening a new sprite, while already having a sprite open, would cause the editor to stop responding to sprite picking.

This list of changes was auto generated.


20 Feb 05:53
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gorgon_2 x_logo_full_site
Zip files containing the binaries for Gorgon v3.2.16.050

The Gorgon_3.2.16.050 zip file contains the libraries for use in development environments, and the editor. This contains only the binaries.

The Gorgon_Debug_3.2.16.050 zip file contains debug versions of the libraries and plug ins. This debug version contains more extensive error checking and messages to help diagnose problems. It is strongly recommended that developers use this when writing their applications and switch to the release version when deploying.

Note: In order to use the debug version, or any applications compiled against the debug version, you will need to have the Direct3D SDK Layers installed. To install, go to System Settings -> Add or remove programs -> Apps & features -> Manage optional features in Windows, and add the Graphics Tools option.

The Gorgon_Examples_3.2.16.050 zip file contains the binaries for the example applications included with Gorgon. It is strongly recommended that you download this if you're uncertain whether Gorgon will suit your needs or not.


  • cbf1f94 [Core] - Altered how timing works. The SecondsSinceStart (and MillisecondsSinceStart) now are affected by TimeScale, and will stop when the application is paused or in the background (if background processing is disabled). Delta is now affected by TimeScale as well, and ScaledDelta has been removed and UnscaledDelta has been put in to show the raw frame delta. Delta is now capped to a MaximumFrameDelta value to smooth out glitches in frame times. This is a breaking change
  • 1cdc672 [Sprite Editor] - Fixed bug where opening a new sprite, while already having a sprite open, would cause the editor to stop responding to sprite clipping, picking and vertex editing changes.
  • 60898d2 [Animation] - Fixed issue in animation controller where reversed animations were looping automatically, even when looping was turned off.

This list of changes was auto generated.


12 Feb 20:58
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gorgon_2 x_logo_full_site
Zip files containing the binaries for Gorgon v3.2.15.043

The Gorgon_3.2.15.043 zip file contains the libraries for use in development environments, and the editor. This contains only the binaries.

The Gorgon_Debug_3.2.15.043 zip file contains debug versions of the libraries and plug ins. This debug version contains more extensive error checking and messages to help diagnose problems. It is strongly recommended that developers use this when writing their applications and switch to the release version when deploying.

Note: In order to use the debug version, or any applications compiled against the debug version, you will need to have the Direct3D SDK Layers installed. To install, go to System Settings -> Add or remove programs -> Apps & features -> Manage optional features in Windows, and add the Graphics Tools option.

The Gorgon_Examples_3.2.15.043 zip file contains the binaries for the example applications included with Gorgon. It is strongly recommended that you download this if you're uncertain whether Gorgon will suit your needs or not.


  • 8d05edc [2D] - Added switch to turn on z-depth checking for lights so they don't render behind objects.
  • 2e4fff2 [2D] - Massive overhaul of the lighting effect. The Begin/End and Render(texture) methods have been removed and only the gbuffer route remains (it works the best out of all of them). Limits on light count have been removed. Examples have been updated to show how to use the gbuffer with the lighting effect. NOTE: This is most certainly a breaking change.
  • 6e0d3ed [2D] - Removed code that rebuilt lighting shaders when the light count got past a certain threshold. This also fixes an issue where the light count was inaccurate when copying to the GPU buffer.
  • b7d2b32 [Graphics] - Fixed issue with copying immutable textures to another texture (for some reason this was disabled?)
  • ac0abfa [Editor API] - Fixed background color of save as service dialog.
  • ac0074e [2D] - Added a world position buffer to the GBuffer and updated lighting to use it in order to calculate lighting range.
  • c9f8385 [Editor API] - Added function to assign a data context (view model) to the current hosted control without knowing the type of control or type of view model.
See More
  • fd821ee [Editor API] - Added function to display the currently active panel within the content view.
  • 703c2a3 [Windows] Fixed DPI sizing issues with search box.
  • 06cb25b [Graphics] - Added more object tracking reporting.
  • 7ef3cc8 [Graphics] Added function to help track down resource leaks.
  • cf83e36 [2D] - Added extra properties for informational purposes to the 2D fluent interface.
  • 88b2197 [Editor API] - Added simple save as dialog for persisting files to the project file system.
  • f26a18e [Editor API] - Updated content file browser control to return the current directory when in single selection mode.
  • f735f95 [2D] - Corrected an issue with lighting shader not producing correct specular reflection color.

This list of changes was auto generated.


15 Nov 04:48
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gorgon_2 x_logo_full_site
Zip files containing the binaries for Gorgon v3.2.13.315

The Gorgon_3.2.13.315 zip file contains the libraries for use in development environments, and the editor. This contains only the binaries.

The Gorgon_Debug_3.2.13.315 zip file contains debug versions of the libraries and plug ins. This debug version contains more extensive error checking and messages to help diagnose problems. It is strongly recommended that developers use this when writing their applications and switch to the release version when deploying.

Note: In order to use the debug version, or any applications compiled against the debug version, you will need to have the Direct3D SDK Layers installed. To install, go to System Settings -> Add or remove programs -> Apps & features -> Manage optional features in Windows, and add the Graphics Tools option.

The Gorgon_Examples_3.2.13.315 zip file contains the binaries for the example applications included with Gorgon. It is strongly recommended that you download this if you're uncertain whether Gorgon will suit your needs or not.


  • 86ab097 [2D] - Updated 2D bloom effect to have a Low Quality setting which will use a basic box blur when rendering. This should increase performance on some lower end GPUs.
  • f438e49 [2D] - Optimizing lighting functionality for less texture lookups with multiple lights.
  • 5ac7414 [2D] - Fixed issue in lighting effect where having 0 lights would render nothing. Ambient color should be rendered instead.
  • e67cf8a [2D] - Fixed an issue in the displacement effect where supplying a different background texture wouldn't reset the pixel shader state.
  • 54d41ce [2D] - Updated bloom effect to clear intermediate render targets prior to using them.
  • 41632b4 [Editor API] - Fixed bug in Enumerate* methods where incorrect search term was used.
  • 2a9c263 [Editor API] - Added function to tell if a directory is excluded from pack file output.
  • eb34774 [Editor] - Added functionality to work around issue with ribbon groups that have long names, and not enough content that ended up clipping the group text.
  • 0242200 [Font Editor] - Added tooltips to font ribbon buttons.
See More
  • c1b3934 [Graphics] - Added lock to FindTexture method to ensure multiple threads don't get in the way.
  • 504e28c [Multiple] - Fixed potential memory leaks, cleaned up used memory blocks allocated with an array pool.
  • f78de10 [Graphics] - Added method to find a cached texture within a texture cache.
  • 1a0df84 [Editor] - Added 2 new methods to retrieve the underlying read-only file system for the editor, and another to return a content loader via the IContentFileManager interface.
  • 5ef1ed1 [Font Editor] - A new plug in for the Gorgon Editor which gives a UI to help in the generation of Gorgon bitmap fonts.
  • 94bb1b1 [Examples] - Fixed shader to handle updated lighting parameters.
  • b28be92 [Everything] - Removed rulesets (no longer supported) and replaced with hierarchy of editor config files.
  • 3a6970d [Image Editor] - Updated edit in application functionality to allow users to pick between the app they've assigned in the settings, or the one registered with windows. This is done by using a drop down menu on the button on the toolbar. If no user app is set up, it falls back to the windows registered app for PNG files.
  • 172cd18 [Editor] - Added two new file system search modes: 1. dependencies: lists all dependencies for the file(s) listed, 2. depends-on: lists all files that depend on the file(s) specified. Both modes support wild cards for file names.
  • a654bff [Editor API] - Added functionality for plugins to load content "in-place". In-place means that the control for the content does not unload, and only a partial initialization is required. This speeds up opening files for editing. Currently only the sprite editor is set up for in-place editing.
  • 06af312 [Animation Editor] - Fixed issue where pasting keyframes with multiple tracks shifted the keyframes over as they were pasted.
  • c40fb84 Accidentally removed control. Restored.
  • 6ad5a3a [Sprite Editor] - Fixed an issue where if array index is changed, the sprite picker won't be updated and will pick image data from the previous array index.
  • 370b989 [Animation Editor] - Performance optimization in dragging sprite for reference.
  • ee800ff [Animation Editor] - Added functionality to allow placing an animated sprite at a specific position on the background as a starting point. This allows for using a piece of the background as a reference point when creating animations.
  • 50a9f36 [Editor] - Updated the File I/O operations to be much faster and still present the cancel option long enough for users to click.
  • 3132744 [Editor API] - Added some minor logging information when loading content.
  • 168d0b4 [2D] - Removed limitation to displacement strength property. There's no need to limit its value.
  • 2e2062f [2D] - Final clean up on displacement effect.
  • 6d2aea7 [Examples] - Cleaned up effects example to be more efficient when rendering displacement.
  • ec23e73 [2D] - Simplified the displacement effect even further. No post process necessary, just drawing while between the Begin/End pair will displace the underlying background.
  • 2c7a3b5 [2D] - Introduced default batch state to displacement effect instead of falling back to null. The previous code would exclude any custom states passed by the user, now it will take them into account.
  • c77d157 [2D] - Fixed issue with batch state in displacement effect where states were being removed prematurely.
  • 0110835 [2D] - Displacement effect not remembering internal buffer.
  • eccf900 [2D] - Simplified internals of displacement effect, was getting too complicated.
  • fc2a338 [2D] - Updated pass tracking in displacement effect.
  • c382d30 [2D] - Added method to cancel batch operation for displacement effect.
  • 02a1d7e [2D] - Restored displacement effect to be a batched/post hybrid and removed the compositor compatibility. It did not play nice with the compositor due to the nature of the effect.
  • e9d45e8 [2D] - Added a color channel separation scale parameter for the chromatic aberration on the displacement effect.
  • 1449602 [2D] - Updated displacement effect to include an optional chromatic aberration to simulate light splitting.
  • 7adf8b3 [2D] - Added sampler property to displacement effect to smooth out distortions.
  • df81fe3 [2D] - Changed displacement effect to be a post processing effect rather than an immediate effect. It is now compatible with the post processor functionality. This is a breaking change.
  • 6291084 [2D] - Removed unnecessary Graphics property from 2D fluent interface.
  • 37ae607 [Windows] - Finally, after all this time, I finally fixed the Idle loop to handle when the application is not in the foreground. It will no longer update the timing data until it gains the foreground again. This can be turned off by setting AllowBackground to TRUE.
  • 48c6ace [2D] - Added convenience methods to enable/disable passes in the effects compositor.
  • 78ef5b8 [2D] - Fixed an issue in the 2D compositor where if there are no effect passes, and the source and destination texture resources are the same, then a resource hazard is detected and nothing is rendered.
  • 860e2ca [Graphics] - Changed depthStencilReference names to stencilReference since the reference only affects stencil operations.
  • 657553a [Core] - Fixed missing dependency in core nuspec.
  • 4e9016a [2D] - Removed GetAABB method. Use MeasureSprite, they're exactly the same.
  • c025610 [2D] - Removed fix for bloom effect, didn't work as expected.
  • be5e4b5 [2D] - Updating Bloom effect to use premultiplied blending when clearing, instead of no blending.
  • 3f9938c [2D] - Changed chromatic aberration to perform final blending with premultiplied instead of no blending.
  • 907635d [2D] - Changed lighting effect to use a premultiplied alpha blend state instead of no blending.
  • 78a717e [2D] - Cleaned up internal workings for the compositor system to be more efficient.
  • 3622...
Read more


20 Oct 04:12
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gorgon_2 x_logo_full_site
Zip files containing the binaries for Gorgon v3.1.48.293

The Gorgon_3.1.48.293 zip file contains the libraries for use in development environments, and the editor. This contains only the binaries.

The Gorgon_Debug_3.1.48.293 zip file contains debug versions of the libraries and plug ins. This debug version contains more extensive error checking and messages to help diagnose problems. It is strongly recommended that developers use this when writing their applications and switch to the release version when deploying.

Note: In order to use the debug version, or any applications compiled against the debug version, you will need to have the Direct3D SDK Layers installed. To install, go to System Settings -> Add or remove programs -> Apps & features -> Manage optional features in Windows, and add the Graphics Tools option.

The Gorgon_Examples_3.1.48.293 zip file contains the binaries for the example applications included with Gorgon. It is strongly recommended that you download this if you're uncertain whether Gorgon will suit your needs or not.


  • 1e52ee7 [Graphics] - Fixed a potential race condition in the texture caching system.
  • 9e05089 [Editor API] - Updated documentation on camera property.
  • 5ec256a [Editor API] - Updated camera property in default renderer to allow plug ins the ability to override the active camera.
  • bc3755b Fixed some documentation
  • a14140c Removed documentation folder, now has its own repo.
  • a74b794 Fixed project dependency ordering for editor plugins.

This list of changes was auto generated.


28 Mar 15:32
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gorgon_2 x_logo_full_site
Zip files containing the binaries for Gorgon v3.0.96.088

The Gorgon_3.0.96.088 zip file contains the libraries for use in development environments, and the editor. This contains only the binaries.

The Gorgon_Debug_3.0.96.088 zip file contains debug versions of the libraries and plug ins. This debug version contains more extensive error checking and messages to help diagnose problems. It is strongly recommended that developers use this when writing their applications and switch to the release version when deploying.

Note: In order to use the debug version, or any applications compiled against the debug version, you will need to have the Direct3D SDK Layers installed. To install, go to System Settings -> Add or remove programs -> Apps & features -> Manage optional features in Windows, and add the Graphics Tools option.

The Gorgon_Examples_3.0.96.088 zip file contains the binaries for the example applications included with Gorgon. It is strongly recommended that you download this if you're uncertain whether Gorgon will suit your needs or not.


  • 0fec394 [Fonts] - Updated the font factory to allow loading from a stream. This will enable loading from embedded resources and other containers.
  • c13e940 Fixed issue in enhancement pipeline.
  • b7c93bb Removed temp pipeline
  • 59f6ab8 Update azure-pipelines-Enhancements.yml for Azure Pipelines
  • 55f7b8b Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
  • f9cb390 Fixed pipelines failing due to old version of nuget being used.
  • a517662 Merge branch 'BugFixes'
  • 73aa386 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
  • cfaa740 Update azure-pipelines-BugFixes.yml for Azure Pipelines
  • bee0b0c Update azure-pipelines-BugFixes.yml for Azure Pipelines
See More
  • 45dfef9 More doc fixes.
  • 870acfc Updated documentation to clarify why the app.manifest is required for applications.

This list of changes was auto generated.

Gorgon 2.0

08 Mar 04:20
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gorgon_2 x_logo_full_site
Zip files containing the binaries for Gorgon v2.0

The Gorgon2.0 zip file contains the libraries for use in development environments, and the editor. This contains only the binaries.

The Gorgon2.0_Examples zip file contains the binaries for the example applications included with Gorgon. It is highly recommended to download this if you're uncertain whether Gorgon will suit your needs or not.

Gorgon v1.1

15 Nov 23:00
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Installers for Gorgon v1.1

The GorgonSetup installer installs the libraries for use in development environments. This installer comes with the source code and pre-built binaries for Gorgon.

The GorgonExamplesSetup installer installs the pre-built binaries for the example applications included with Gorgon. It is highly recommended to download this if you're uncertain whether Gorgon will suit your needs or not.