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TeamCircle SDK for iOS

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This guide introduces a detailed integration guide of Team Circle iOS SDK. If you want to learn more about the social SDK functions, please visit Team Circle iOS & Android SDK Introduction

System environmental requirements

XCode, version 13.2 or above iOS, version 10.0 or above

Main features

Team Circle offers a social SDK which is fully customizable and easy to integrate.

  • Circle This is the core community function which Team Cricle SDK provides within your app. App users can make new posts, browse, comment, like, and collect other users’ posts. Please find more information about the introduction of Circle at Circle in-app community.

  • Store If you subscribed to the Premium Plan, the built-in store function is enabled in your SDK. The store banner appears at the top of customer’s social feed page. Your customer can also tag store products when making a new prost. Please find out more info about the UI & UX of the store section here Store. You can manage products and categories in the store via Admin Dashboard. If you already have an existing eCommerce section in your app and still wish to utilize Team Circle Customer Posts Bar to funnel UGC to your product listings, we also offer a module that can be integrated into your own app pages outside the Circle.

  • Instant messaging Customers can chat with others individually using our IM system. We currently support sending text messages, voice messages, photos, videos. An admin can also link the admin account with a Circle community account. After linking, an “official staff” badge will appear next to the Circle account. Please find more information about details of the IM system here Instant Messaging.

  • Customizable UI Circle SDK offers customizable UI components so that you can fine tune the Circle to match the style of the rest of your app. First of all, you may switch between two different themes: Light Theme or Dark Theme. Then, all buttons, text, icons, and click effects can be customized. Please find more information about details of the Customizable UI here Customizable UI.


Get started

  • Sign up at
  • Login and find App ID and App Key in Admin Dashboard → SDK&DOC → App Info, you will need them in the following steps.

Project configuration

Step 1 Add cocoapods dependencies

Circle SDK has local data storage and UI interface, so you also need to include the following dependencies in your project:

IGListKit,SDWebImage,lottie-ios,SnapKit,Giphy,WCDB.swift,AWSS3, HyphenateChat,EMVoiceConvert,MJRefresh,FMDB

If your project does not have the above dependent package files, you can also install the dependent packages in the following ways:

pod 'IGListKit'
pod 'SDWebImage'
pod 'lottie-ios'
pod 'SnapKit'
pod 'Giphy', '~> 1.3.0'
pod 'WCDB.swift'
pod 'HyphenateChat', ''
pod 'EMVoiceConvert'
pod 'MJRefresh'
pod 'FMDB'
pod 'AWSS3'
pod 'youtube-ios-player-helper'

Step 2 Xcode Settings

In Xcode, go to [Build Setting] > [Architectures] > [Excluded Architectures] > Add armv7

Step 3 Xcode Add Framework and Bundle

Drag Team CircleSDK.framework and Team CircleSDK.bundle into your project, and do the following as the below image shows:

Step 4 Xcode Add Privacy Permission Description

Add the following lines into info.plist:

Privacy - Microphone Usage Description Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description Privacy - Camera Usage Description Privacy - Media Library Usage Description

Step 5 Support Portrait Mode Only

Make sure your app supports portrait mode only, because most of our modules and UI components only support portrait mode for now.

Step 6 Add App Transport Security

In Info.plist,right click, open as, select source code, add the following code:


TCManagerDelegate callbacks

TCManagerDelegate Callbacks return the results (success or fail) of SDK initialization, login, log out, user data modification, download json file, and unread messages number.

public protocol TCManagerDelegate : AnyObject {
func teamCirleFail(error:NSError)
func teamCirleSDKInit()
func teamCirleAccountLogin()
func teamCirleAccountLogout()
func teamCirleDeleteAccount()
func teamCirleAccountProfileChange(accountName: String, avatarUrl: String, bio: String)
func shareJsonDownloaded(json: String)
func notificationStateChanged(count: Int)
func messageChanged(count: Int)
func teamCircleTapProduct(productCode: String)

Error Codes: 20001: SDK initialization fail 20002: Obtain UUID fail 20003: User not login 20004: Feature not supported 20005: IM function is not enabled

SDK initialization

First, you need to initialize the SDK in application.

Import header file:

public func initSDK(appId : String, appKey : String, delegate : Any, theme : TCThemeType)

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.userLogin(userId: "userId", userName: "userName", avatarUrl: "avatarUrl", userEmail: "userEmail", userBio: "userBio")

User account

Method: userLogin

Description: After user login to your app, call userLogin to update the user login state and sync data with Circle.


public func userLogin(userId : String, userName : String, avatarUrl : String, userEmail : String, userBio : String)

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.userLogin(userId: "userId", userName: "userName", avatarUrl: "avatarUrl", userEmail: "userEmail", userBio: "userBio")

Method: userLogout

Description: Description: After user logout from your app, call userLogout to update the user login state and sync data with Circle.


public func userLogout()

Sample Code:


Method: deleteAccount

Description: Description: Use this method to clear all personal data of the user in the server.


public func deleteAccount(complete : ((Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.deleteAccount { error in }

Actions and notifications

There are several types of actions including like, comment, reply, favorite, followed by other users, and posts get featured by admin. All these actions can be sent to customers as push notifications, and you only need to set ‘Push Notification Callback’ in the Admin Dashboard → SDK&DOC → APP Info. After receiving push notifications in the app, the following methods can be used to redirect to Circle Notification Module:

Method: jumpToNotificationCenter


public func jumpToNotificationCenter(nav:UINavigationController, complete : ((TCNotificationVCtrl?, Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

if let navigation = self.navigationController {
  TCManager.sharedInstance.jumpToNotificationCenter(nav: navigation) { notificationVCtrl, error in
    if let vc = notificationVCtrl {

There are two types of messages received by the server, Circle messages and IM offline messages. The specific parameters are as follows:

Param Type Description
callbackType String Message type:
NOTIFICATION: Circle messages;
MESSAGE: IM offline messages.
callbackData List Data list
sign String Encryption rules: appKey + callbackData encrypt with MD5

Signature sample: When you receive notification data as follows:

  "callbackType": "NOTIFICATION",
  "callbackData": [{
    "notificationType": "FOLLOW",
    "ownerId": "1",
    "accountId": "2",
    "accountName": "Maria",
    "notificationTime": "1661394887563",
    "unreadNum": 11
  "sign": "e850231501b44e95fea1c8058b11fe3e"

Suppose your appKey is apmhwgc3, then you need to concatenate the appKey and the received notification data with a semicolon as follows:


Finally, encrypt the spliced string above by MD5, and you can get the final encrypted string: e850231501b44e95fea1c8058b11fe3e.

CallbackData params of NOTIFICATION:

Param Type Description
notificationType String Notification type:
ownerId String The user id who receiving the notification
accountId String The user id who sending the notification
accountName String The user name who sending the notification
notificationTime Long Notification sending time, Unix timestamp, unit: ms

CallbackData params of MESSAGE:

Param Type Description
messageType String Notification type:
ownerId String The user id who receiving the notification
accountId String The user id who sending the notification
accountName String The user name who sending the notification
notificationTime Long Notification sending time, Unix timestamp, unit: ms

Circle - methods

Circle module consists of Feed module, UserCenter module, Search Module, and NewPost Module. The circle SDK provides you with a whole Circle UI component and all small independent UI components that you can use separately.

Method: initCircle

Description: Add a whole Circle UI component into the navigation controller, so that Feed module, Search module, UserCenter module, and NewPost module are all included.


public func initCircle(complete : ((TCCircleNavController?, Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.initCircle { circleNavController, error in
  if let circleNav = circleNavController {

Use the following methods if you want to separately use these UI components:

Method: initFeedController

Description: In the Feed module, you can view posts, like, comment, favorite, and follow users.


public func initFeedController(nav:UINavigationController, complete : ((TCFeedsVCtrl?, Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

if let navigation = self.navigationController {
  TCManager.sharedInstance.initFeedController(nav: navigation) { feedVC, error in
    if let feed = feedVC {

Method: initUserCenterBtn

Description: UserCenter module shows profile image, username, followers and followings, user’s posts and favorite posts.


public func initUserCenterBtn(frame:CGRect, image : Any, title : String, complete : ((TCMeBtn?, Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

if let navigation = self.navigationController {
  TCManager.sharedInstance.initUserCenterBtn(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 35, height: 35), image: UIImage(named: "user"), title: "") { btn, error in
    if let userBtn = btn {
      userBtn.navCtrl = navigation

Method: initSearchBtn

Description: Search module is used to search user accounts and hashtags.


public func initSearchBtn(frame:CGRect, image : Any, title : String, complete : ((TCSearchBtn?, Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.initSearchBtn(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 20, height: 20), image: UIImage.init(named: "search"), title: "") { btn, error in
  if let searchBtn = btn {

Method: initNewPostBtn

Description: NewPost modules is used to send new user post which can be photos or videos. Also you can include product tags if you choose Premium Plan.


public func initNewPostBtn(frame:CGRect, image : Any, title : String, complete : ((TCPostShareBtn?, Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.initNewPostBtn(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 20, height: 20), image: UIImage.init(named: "newPost"), title: "") { btn, error in
  if let newPostBtn = btn {

Post Attachment

Sometimes an app might have its own unique content that it wishes users can share along with the post. These contents are usually related with the core function of the app. Here are a few examples

  • An IoT cookware app can enable users to share their recipe program while posting gourmet photos.
  • A fitness app can enable users to share their customized training program while posting stunning results.
  • An IoT lighting app can enable users to share the customized holiday light animation programs while showing off the end results.

In the above example of XKchrome app (for an IoT lighting hardware), the customers can share a light theme built by themselves along with their posts for others to download and run.

Team Circle SDK allows users to attach a downloadable json file while creating new posts. This file can be downloaded by others and perform functions outside Circle as mentioned in the above examples. Maximum size of a json file is 4096 bytes. If the file size exceeds this size, or the file is in another format such as PDF, your app may upload this file to a server and include the link in the json file. Customized icon, text and image can be uploaded along with the json to represent the shared Json file.

By default, the json file contains the following keys:

  1. appId and appLogo: In some cases, you may use the same Circle community among multiple apps, for example, smart cookware app1 and app2 for different models. The appId and appLogo could be used to differentiate the shared Json file in order for the app to properly interact with the Json (such as making the compatible Json downloadable).
  2. thumbnail: a thumbnail image file that represents the shared item.
  3. name: plain text.
  4. content: a json format content

Method: setShareJsonController

Description: Set your view controller which shows a custom view for selecting and sharing json.


public func setShareJsonController(_ controller: UIViewController, complete : ((Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

let shareVC = ShareController()
TCManager.sharedInstance.setShareJsonController(shareVC) { error in }

Method: TCShareControllerDelegate

Description: Your view controller that sent to setShareJsonController must conforms this protocol.


public protocol TCShareControllerDelegate : AnyObject { func teamCirleShareClear() }

Sample Code:

extension ShareController: TCShareControllerDelegate {
  func teamCirleShareClear() {

Method: setShareJson

Description: set the json file to share.


public func setShareJson(shareJson: TCShareJson)

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.setShareJson(shareJson: TCShareJson(appId: "appId", thumbnail: UIImage(named: "thumbnail"), content: "content", name: "name", appLogo: UIImage(named: "appLogo")))

Method: setShareJsonIcons

Description: Set upload and download icons.


public func setShareJsonIcons(downloadIcon:UIImage, disableDownloadIcon:UIImage, uploadIcon:UIImage) -> Bool

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.setShareJsonIcons(downloadIcon: UIImage.init(named: "downloadIcon"), disableDownloadIcon: UIImage.init(named: "disableDownloadIcon"), uploadIcon: UIImage.init(named: "uploadIcon"))

Method: setShareJsonTitle

Description: Set title for the json file.


public func setShareJsonTitle(title: String) -> Bool

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.setShareJsonTitle(title: "Share Json")

Method: setShareJsonDownloadedTips

Description: Set the prompt text while downloading.


public func setShareJsonDownloadedTips(tips: String) -> Bool

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.setShareJsonDownloadedTips(tips: "Tips")


Your customers can add product tags while creating new posts if you choose our Premium Plan. There are two options of integrating the Store module:

  1. Add a whole Store module. A store section will appear at the top of the Circle social feed.
  2. Only integrate the Customer Post Bar into your own product detail page if you have existing ecommerce functions in your app.

Both options require entering complete product info in the Store page in the Admin Dashboard.

Method: initStoreBtn

Description: Add a whole Store Module.


public func initStoreBtn(frame:CGRect, complete : ((TCStoreBtn?, Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

if let navigation = self.navigationController {
  TCManager.sharedInstance.initStoreBtn(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 200)) { btn, error in
    if let storeBtn = btn {
      storeBtn.navCtrl = navigation

Method: initCustomerPostBar

Description: Add a Customer Post Bar into your own product detail page.


public func initCustomerPostBar(frame: CGRect, nav:UINavigationController, productId: Int, complete : ((TCStorePostBarView?, Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

if let navigation = self.navigationController {
  TCManager.sharedInstance.initCustomerPostBar(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 100, width: 375, height: 100), nav: navigation, productId: 180) { barView, error in
    if let postBarView = barView {

Instant messaging

Method: initIMBtn

Description: Add a whole IM system.


public func initIMBtn(frame:CGRect, image : Any, title : String, complete : ((TCIMBtn?, Error?) -> Void))

Sample Code:

if let navigation = self.navigationController {
  TCManager.sharedInstance.initIMBtn(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 35, height: 35), image: UIImage(named: "im"), title: "") { btn, error in
    if let imBtn = btn {
      imBtn.navCtrl = navigation

Customizable UI components

Customization on all UI components is optional, it will use default values if any of the following methods are not called.

Text fonts and colors

  • Method: setTextFontRegular
    Description: Set regular text font and color, including post descriptions, comments, replies, etc.

  • Method: setTextFontBold
    Description: Set bold text font and color, including username.

  • Method: setTextFontAction
    Description: Set action button text font and color, including follow button.

  • Method: setTextFontProductName
    Description: Set product name text font and color.

  • Method: setTextFontProductPrice
    Description: Set product price text font and color.

  • Method: setProductDescColor
    Description: Set product description text color.

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.setTextFontRegular(font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14), color: UIColor.white)
TCManager.sharedInstance.setTextFontBold(font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14), color: UIColor.white)
TCManager.sharedInstance.setTextFontAction(font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14), color: UIColor.white)
TCManager.sharedInstance.setTextFontProductName(font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14), color: UIColor.white)
TCManager.sharedInstance.setTextFontProductPrice(font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 18), color: UIColor.white)
TCManager.sharedInstance.setProductDescColor(color: UIColor.white)


  • Method: setIconFavorite
    Description: Set icon for favorite-unselected.

  • Method: setIconFavoriteSelected
    Description: Set icon for favorite-selected.

  • Method: setIconTag
    Description: Set icon for tag-unselected.

  • Method: setIconTagSelected
    Description: Set icon for tag-selected.

  • Method: setIconLike
    Description: Set icon for like-unselected.

  • Method: setIconLikeSelected
    Description: Set icon for like-selected.

  • Method: setIconShare
    Description: Set icon for share post.

  • Method: setIconComment
    Description: Set icon for making comments. <img src" width="40%">

  • Method: setIconNewPost
    Description: Set icon for creating a new post.

  • Method: setIconBack
    Description: Set icon for all back buttons.

  • Method: setIconEnableSendComment
    Description: Set icon for enable to sending a comments.
  • Method: setIconDisableSendComment
    Description: Set icon for disable to sending a comments.
  • Method: setIconEnableSendGif
    Description: Set icon for enable to sending a GIF.
  • Method: setIconDisableSendGif
    Description: Set icon for disable to sending a GIF.
  • Method: setIconEnableSendPhoto
    Description: Set icon for enable to sending photos.
  • Method: setIconDisableSendPhoto
    Description: Set icon for disable to sending photos.
  • Method: setIconMoreOperation
    Description: Set the more operation icon in the upper right corner of the post.
  • Method: setIconStore
    Description: Set the icon of the store entrance.
  • Method: setIconProfile
    Description: Set the icon of profile.
  • Method: setIconChat
    Description: Set the icon of chat.
  • Method: setIconProfileMyPost
    Description: Set the icon of my post in profile.
  • Method: setIconProfileMyPostSelected
    Description: Set the icon of my post seleted in Profile.
  • Method: setIconProfileFavorite
    Description: Set the icon of my favorite in profile.
  • Method: setIconProfileFavoriteSelected
    Description: Set the icon of my favorite seleted in profile.

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconFavorite(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconFavoriteSelected(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconTag(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconTagSelected(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconLike(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconLikeSelected(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconShare(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconComment(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconNewPost(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconBack(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconEnableSendComment(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconDisableSendComment(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconEnableSendGif(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconDisableSendGif(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconEnableSendPhoto(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconDisableSendPhoto(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconMoreOperation(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconStore(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconProfile(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconChat(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconProfileMyPost(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconProfileMyPostSelected(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconProfileFavorite(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))
TCManager.sharedInstance.setIconProfileFavoriteSelected(icon: UIImage(named: "icon"))


  • Method: setSystemBackgroundColor
    Description: Set the background color of all pages.

  • Method: setBackgroundEffectColor
    Description: Set the background color of the highlighted section.

  • Method: setLinkColor
    Description: Set all web page link color.

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.setBackgroundEffectColor(color: UIColor.gray)


  • Method: toStoreVCtrl
    Description: Redirects to the Store view controller.

  • Method: toUserCenterVCtrl
    Description: Redirects to the UserCenter view controller.

  • Method: toNewPostVCtrl
    Description: Redirects to the NewPost view controller.

  • Method: toSearchVCtrl
    Description: Redirects to the Search view controller.

  • Method: toChatListAction
    Description: Redirects to the Chat view controller.

  • Method: toChatAction
    Description: Redirects to the Chat view controller.

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.toStoreVCtrl(nav: navigation) { vc, error in
  if let storeVC = vc {
TCManager.sharedInstance.toUserCenterVCtrl(nav: navigation) { vc, error in
  if let userVC = vc {
TCManager.sharedInstance.toNewPostVCtrl { error in }
TCManager.sharedInstance.toSearchVCtrl { error in }
TCManager.sharedInstance.toChatListAction(nav: navigation)
TCManager.sharedInstance.toChatAction(nav: navigation, conversationId: "conversationId")

Terms and privacy policy

  • Method: setPrivacyPolicy
    Description: Set privacy policy website url.

  • Method: setTermsAndConditions
    Description: Set terms and conditions website url.

Sample Code:

TCManager.sharedInstance.setPrivacyPolicy(url: "url")
TCManager.sharedInstance.setTermsAndConditions(url: "url")

If the links are not entered,these two documents will remain hidden.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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