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using simulation data to train neural networks to estimate the pose of the camera with respect to a known object


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Learned Pose Estimation


The goal: using simulation data to train neural networks to estimate the pose of a rover's camera with respect to a known target object

The mission context: A simulated lunar surface, with lunar landers and lunar rovers. To accomplish their ressource extraction mission, the rovers must dig, transport and deliver regolith to a processing plant. For each of these tasks, a central need is for rovers to accurately estimate the relative pose both between themselves and with the landers.

lunar surface overview

The dataset:

  • (optional) raw rosbags with ground truth rover pose (6 DoF position and orientation) + rover camera image + stereo point cloud
  • (easier) dataset ready for training (RGBD images and ground truth pose labels)
  • five different scenarios for relative pose estimation, some easier, some harder!

dataset samples

Quick Start

  1. clone the repo and get the datasets
git clone
cd learned-pose-estimation && mkdir data && cd data
pip install gdown
gdown --id 1vSyWPZ1f_6QqEI1tMDh14v9_nC20D9w_
cd ..
  1. pull and run the docker environment
docker-compose pull ljburtz/learned-pose-estimation
docker-compose run --service-ports --rm lpe
  1. ready to go!
  • jupyter notebook
  • Check the src/architectures/quickstart folder:
    • a notebook for data exploration quick1_data_exploration.ipynb
    • a notebook for example training a basic neural network with keras/tensorflow quick2_model_training.ipynb
  • Start trying out new ideas in the src/architectures/newIdea folder!

Feel free to open a Github Issue if you run into any trouble.

Note: if you prefer a no-install environment, the dataset is also hosted on Kaggle, with example kernels to start exploring the dataset and training on the Kaggle GPUs: Learned Pose Estimation (robot on the Moon)

More details

The inspiration for this module was the NASA Space Robotics Challenge Phase 2 where the goal was to develop a fully autonomous team of rovers performing ressource extraction tasks on the Moon. More details online. This repo is concerned with just a subset of the solution to this challenge developped by TeamL3 (see the TeamL3 youtube video and executive summary and the resources folder for more info).

Even though the challenge is over, the dataset collected can still serve as an interesting benchmark for relative pose estimation algorithms, and for other applications!

Relevant context on the environment for the relative pose estimation is given below:

Three types of rovers:

  • (left) a scout rover: more simple rover, with the same body and markings as the excavator. In a mission context, this rover has a volatile sensor, used to detect resources below the lunar surface.
  • (middle) an excavator rover: easily recognizable digging arm and shovel. In a mission context, this rover is used to dig up regolith/ice.
  • (right) a hauler rover: easily recognizable bin. In a mission context, this rover is used to transport the excavated regolith across the lunar surface and deliver it to the processing plant.

Each rover features a stereo camera mounted on a mast, this is the sensor used to create the RGBD images in the datasets.

scout, excavator and hauler rovers

Two types of landers:

  • (left) a repairing station: larger lander, octogonal body, with similar (confusing) body marking and color scheme. In a mission context, rovers could periodically visit this lander to re-charge and be repaired.
  • (right) a processing plant: cylindrical body, with a hopper in front. In a mission context, hauler rovers would bring regolith/ice and drop their cargo in the hopper for processing / ressource extraction.

Both landers are always next to each other, with fixed position and orientation in all datasets.

repairing station and processing plant

The Sun direction and terrain elements (craters, rocks, slopes, ground texture) are identical in all datasets.

The simulated lunar surface is almost flat. In this dataset the relative pose estimation problem is simplified from 6 DoF (position and orientation) to just three variables: polar coordinates distance and theta + yaw orientation.

All poses are expressed in the rover's (left) camera optical frame (the transform between the rover body frame and the camera optical frame are already taken into account in the datasets labels)

Five scenarios, by increasing level of difficulty:

  1. Hauler approaches the lander to offload its regolith bin into the hopper
  • video context on youtube start=2min55s
  • rover taking images = hauler rover
  • target object for relative pose estimation = processing plant lander
  • dataset name: hopper_4500
  1. Hauler aligns with excavator in t-formation
  • video context on youtube start=1min05s
  • rover taking images = hauler rover
  • target object for relative pose estimation = excavator rover
  • dataset name: t_formation_zones_3500
  1. Excavator aligns face to face with scout rover
  • video context on youtube start=0min55s
  • rover taking images = scout rover
  • target object for relative pose estimation = excavator rover
  • dataset name: face_to_face_zones_2500
  1. Hauler travels to the excavator and finds the rough area on the right side of the excavator
  • video context on youtube start=0min58s
  • rover taking images = hauler rover
  • target object for relative pose estimation = excavator rover
  • dataset name: all_around_zones_3500
  1. Excavator travels to the scout and finds the rough area in front of the scout
  • video context on youtube start=0min47s
  • rover taking images = excavator rover
  • target object for relative pose estimation = scout rover
  • dataset name: all_around_scout_4501

Many utilities are provided to make it easy to manipulate and visualize the dataset and model predictions / errors:

  • src/architectures/pose_utils: Plotting + data format and reference frame conversion utilities specific to the pose estimation problem
  • src/architectures/ml_utils: Utilities to define keras metrics, make model predictions and interface with the metadata logging cloud
  • src/architectures/ros_utils: A collection of various utilities for manipulating the rosbags used for building this dataset and converting gazebo ground truth poses
  • src/architectures/pose_utils_rosbag: Plotting + data format and reference frame conversion utilities - while dealing with rosbag datasets

Following the 'tutorial' quick start notebooks should get you familiar with the data and the utilities painlessly.


  • simplified docker environment
  • dataset hosting on kaggle with example kernels there
  • tensorflow data preprocessing
  • pull docker image from dockerhub
  • (optional) explanation of rosbag datasets
  • data quickstart (visualize tfdata)
  • pose estimation : several architectures
  • pose estimation : training and viz tools
  • add docstrings to utils
  • readme
  • license
  • make repo public
  • leaderboard / model zoo?


using simulation data to train neural networks to estimate the pose of the camera with respect to a known object







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