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3. Client tutorial

ruojianll edited this page Sep 4, 2016 · 1 revision

#Create your app

  1. Move into Client dir.
  2. Run bower install to install the dependencies for AliceSPA.
  3. Copy and rename app_empty_dist to the same dir with your app name.
  4. Move into yourAppName/script/Config dir.
  5. Configure Config.js.
  6. Configure http server and run.

#Develop on AngularJS AliceSPA Client is based on AngularJS 1.x. AliceSPA provided a module AliceSPA, it had some services and directives for communicating to AliceSPA Server. you can inject this module into your app.

#AliceSPA Client ##index.html The entry of app is index.html.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8"/>
  <title>Alice SPA</title>
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"/>
  <script src="/bower_components/underscore/underscore-min.js"></script> <!--some dependencies libraries of AliceSPA-->
  <script src="/bower_components/jshashes/hashes.min.js"></script>
  <script src="/bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
  <script src="/bower_components/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.min.js"></script>
  <script src="script/Config/Config.js"></script><!--config file should be loaded before AliceSPA-->
  <script src="/AliceSPA_dist/AliceSPA.min.js"></script><!--load AliceSPA-->
  <script src="script/app.module.js"></script><!--load your modal-->
<body ng-app="app_empty"><!--angularjs-->
    <div ui-view></div>

It is very simple to understand.

##Angular extensions AliceSPA enhanced angularjs with some new features.


var module = angular.ASPAModule(moduleName,dependencies);//Arguments are same to angular.module(...), it return an ASPAModule with some new features.



ASPADirectiveHandleService will auto generate getter and setter methods for ASPADirective with handleType. See Services.ASPADirectiveHandleService section of this tutorial.

##Services ###ASPAAPIProtocolService

ASPAAPIProtocolService.get(url,config,options);//url will be added prefix with config's ApiPath, config is angular $http request config param, options is not used. Request will occurs server's accessbility verify (role, captcha).,data,config,options);data is post body.
ASPAAPIProtocolService.VanillaGet(url,isInternal,config,options);//MUST set isInternal to false.
ASPAAPIProtocolService.VanillaPost(url,data,isInternal,config,options);//MUST set isInternal to false.
ASPAAPIProtocolService.makeImageCaptchaOptions(options,ccaptchaId,captchaCode);//generate or fill options with image captcha info, pass returned options to request methods.


ASPAAccountService.register(fields,password);//fields = {any of user id field, such as user_name, email, telephone}
ASPAAccountService.login(fields,password);//same as register()
//upper functions will return a promise, user info will be returned if it resolved.
ASPAAccountService.getUserInfo();//return user info or null
ASPAAccountService.isLoggedIn();//return true or false
ASPAAccountService.logout();//remove user info from local storage, no request will be sent.


ASPADataService.set(key,value);//store to local storage
ASPADataService.get(key);//get value from local storage
ASPADataService.getAll(key);//get an object contains all values


Api must be setted direct database on Server.

Columns,data,where is pass to medoo.


ASPADirectiveHandleService.setHandle(handleType,handleName,data);//diffrent handleType has its own handle space.
ASPADirectiveHandleService.getHandle(handleType,handleName);//get handle data of handle in handleType space
ASPADirectiveHandleService.set*handleType*Handle(handleName,data);//Auto generated if you use Angular.ASPAModule to define your module, and module.ASPADirective to define your directive.
ASPADirectiveHandleService.get*handleType*Handle(handleName);//Auto generated if you use Angular.ASPAModule to define your module, and module.ASPADirective to define your directive.

If you use angular.ASPAModule(...).ASPADirective(directiveName,defineFunction,handleType) to define your directive, then you can use upper methods generated by AliceSPA.




ASPANotifierService.register(key,callback(isSuccess));//Register a callback to array key. Callback will be called until array key is notified. isSuccess is from notify method's param.
ASPANotifierService.notify(key,isSuccess);//Notify array key, and call its callbacks with isSuccess.


ASPASessionService.checkSession();//Send a request to make session valid, AliceSPA call it when app start.
ASPASessionService.clearSessions;//Clear server expired sessions, current user must have role 'admin'

##Directives ###aspaCaptchaImage

<aspa-captcha-image aspa-handle='handleName'></aspa-captcha-image>

Show an image captcha. It will show a new image if you click on it. You can use ASPADirectiveHandleService.getASPACaptchaImageHandle(handleName) to get current image captcha's info and pass it's id and user input code to ASPAAPIProtocolService.makeImageCaptchaOptions(...).

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