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Razorpay Payment Gateway Integration

This codebase is interacting with the Razorpay API. This projects explains how to use Razorpay Payment Gatewat in our Rails Application.

Required dependencies:

  • Ruby is installed (v 3.1.0)
  • Rails is installed (v 7.0.2)
  • MySQL is installed
  • Git is installed
  • GitHub account is created
  • Razorpay account created for business

Major steps are followed to create and setup this project:

  • Cloned/created a new rails project
  • Database configuration setup (using MySQL)
  • Initialize a local repository using git
  • .gitignore file created to add configuration.yml
  • configuration.yml file created to initialize environment variables
  • Created a new remote repository using GitHub
  • Implemented required APIs for order and process a payment
  • Changed and documentation added
  • Code Commited and Pushed to GitHub repository

Create configuration.yml to setup required environment variables

  • Go to the config directory
  • Create a new file with name configuration.yml

Required variables to define in configuration.yml

RAZORPAY_KEY_ID:   enter_key_id_here
RAZORPAY_KEY_SECRET: enter_key_secret_here

Used Gem

Payment Gateway

  • gem 'razorpay' here is the link

For authentication:

Implemented APIs Documentation

1. Signup User

User can signup by providing basic details

  • Name
  • Email
  • Password

2. Login User

    POST http://localhost:3000/oauth/token
Request Parameter Type Description
email string Required.
password password_digest Required.
client_id string Required.
client_secret string Required.
grant_type string Required.
Response Parameter Type Response
access_token string eyJraWQiOiJxVTJERVIyREV***************
token_type string Bearer
expires_in integer 7200
refresh_token string yRUB93xdWSp8WP4hJd4AX***************
created_at integer 166445***

3. Order create

  POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/order/create
Request Parameter Type Description
amount integer Required.
user_id reference Required.
Response Parameter Type Response
id integer 1
amount integer 120
user_id reference 2
gateway_order_id string yRUB93****

4.Make payment and verify

  POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/order/verify
Request Parameter Type Description
gateway_order_id string Required.
razorpay_payment_id string Required.
razorpay_signature string Required.
Response Parameter Type Description
status boolean on success true
status boolean on fails false

Generate API Keys in Test and Live Modes, check error responses, parameters and other APIs.

  base_url = GET
Parameter Type Description
YOUR_KEY_ID string Required. YOUR_KEY_ID
YOUR_SECRET string Required. Your YOUR_SECRET key

Test and Live Mode API Keys

  You can use Razorpay APIs in two modes, Test and Live. The API keys are different for each mode. Know about generating API Keys.

Required dependencies to setup this project

  • Ruby version 3.1.0
  • Rails version 7.0.2

Required data from Razorpay

We need to register our account on Razorpay as a business. We would need blow keys from our account:

  • key_id
  • key_secret

You can find your API keys at

We will setup these keys in our Rozarpay configurations.

Razorpay.setup('key_id', 'key_secret')

Razorpay features

Razorpay provides various features to manage the complete payment process for an order link.

Here is the list from their documentation:

  • Customer
  • Token
  • Order
  • Payments
  • Settlements
  • Fund
  • Refunds
  • Invoice
  • Plan
  • Item
  • Subscriptions
  • Add-on
  • Payment Links
  • Smart Collect
  • Transfer
  • QR Code
  • Emandate
  • Cards
  • Paper NACH
  • UPI
  • Register Emandate and Charge First Payment Together
  • Register NACH and Charge First Payment Together
  • Payment Verification


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