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356 lines (229 loc) · 11.2 KB

Toolium Changelog


Release date: 2016-07-19

  • Baseline name property can contain {Version} to add actual version capability value to the baseline name
  • New config property 'gecko_driver_path' in [Browser] section to configure the Gecko/Marionette driver location


Release date: 2016-06-30

  • Save webdriver logs of each driver, not just the first one, and only if test fails


Release date: 2016-06-03

  • New MobilePageObject class to test Android and iOS apps with the same base page objects
  • Fix visual report links in Windows
  • Add @no_reset_app, @reset_app and @full_reset_app behave tags to configure Appium reset capabilities for one scenario
  • Add @android_only and @ios_only behave tags to exclude one scenario from iOS or Android executions
  • Add a behave user property named env to select config files, e.g., to use android-properties.cfg file:
$ behave -D env=android


Release date: 2016-05-09

  • Fix wait_until_first_element_is_found error when element is None
  • Fix app_strings initialization in page objects
  • Fix swipe method to work with Appium 1.5 swipe


Release date: 2016-04-12


  • Refactor to move config property 'browser' in [Browser] section to 'type' property in [Driver] section

  • Allow to run API tests with behave: driver type property must be empty

  • Refactor to rename 'driver_path' config properties to 'chrome_driver_path', 'explorer_driver_path', 'edge_driver_path', 'opera_driver_path' and 'phantomjs_driver_path'

  • Refactor to move config properties 'reuse_driver' and 'implicitly_wait' from [Common] section to [Driver] section

  • Add a new config property 'appium_app_strings' in [Driver] section to request app strings before each Appium test

  • Add new config properties 'window_width' and 'window_height' in [Driver] section to configure browser window size

  • Upload the error screenshot to Jira if the test fails

  • Allow to add extensions to firefox profile from properties file

    New config section [FirefoxExtensions] with extensions file paths, e.g. 'firebug = firebug-3.0.0-beta.3.xpi'

  • Allow to use a predefined firefox profile

    New config property 'profile' in [Firefox] section to configure the profile directory

  • Allow to set chrome arguments from properties file

    New config section [ChromeArguments] with chrome arguments, e.g. 'lang = es'


  • Save WebElement in PageElement to avoid searching the same element multiple times
  • Refactor to rename get_element to get_web_element in Utils class and element to web_element in PageElement class
  • Add wait_until_first_element_is_found method to Utils class to search a list of elements and wait until one of them is found
  • Add new page element types: Checkbox, InputRadio, Link, Group and PageElements


  • Allow to modify Toolium properties from behave userdata configuration, e.g.:
$ behave -D Driver_type=chrome


  • Refactor to rename assertScreenshot to assert_screenshot and assertFullScreenshot to assert_full_screenshot
  • Add force parameter to assert_screenshot methods to compare the screenshot even if visual testing is disabled by configuration. If the assertion fails, the test fails.
  • Baseline name property can contain {PlatformVersion} or {RemoteNode} to add actual platform version or remote node name to the baseline name


Release date: 2016-01-07

  • Fix app_strings initialization in Behave Appium tests
  • In Behave tests, Toolium config is saved in context.toolium_config instead of using context.config to avoid overriding Behave config


Release date: 2015-12-23

  • Allow to create a second driver using DriverWrapper constructor:
second_wrapper = DriverWrapper()
  • Fix page object issue with non-default driver. Now page object and utils init methods have both a driver_wrapper optional parameter instead of driver parameter.
  • Fix swipe over an element in Android and iOS web tests
  • Move set_config_* and set_output_* test case methods to ConfigFiles class
  • Add behave environment file to initialize Toolium wrapper from behave tests


Release date: 2015-11-24

  • Fix image size in visual testing for Android and iOS web tests

  • Baseline name property allows any configuration property value to configure the visual testing baseline folder, e.g.:

    {AppiumCapabilities_deviceName}-{AppiumCapabilities_platformVersion}: this baseline_name could use baselines as iPhone_6-8.3, iPhone_6-9.1, iPhone_6s-9.1, ...
    {Browser_browser}: this baseline_name could use baselines as firefox, iexplore, ... (default value)
  • Fix page elements initialization when they are defined outside of a page object


Release date: 2015-11-11

  • Compatibility with Python 3


Release date: 2015-11-02

  • New config property 'operadriver_path' in [Browser] section to configure the Opera Driver location
  • Fix initialization error when a page object contains another page object
  • Fix visual testing error if browser is phantomjs
  • Fix firefox profile error in remote executions
  • Configure to execute tests with 'python test'
  • Convert markdown (.md) files to reStructuredText (.rst) and update long_description with README.rst content


Release date: 2015-10-21

  • Rename library from seleniumtid to toolium
  • Distributed under Apache Software License, Version 2


Release date: 2015-09-23

  • Add support to Edge Windows browser

  • New config property 'summary_prefix' in [Jira] section to modify default TCE summary

  • Add scroll_element_into_view method to PageElement that scroll to element

  • Add parent parameter to PageElement when element must be found from parent

  • Page elements can be defined as class attributes, it is no longer necessary to define them as instance attributes in init_page_elements()

  • Add wait_until_visible, wait_until_not_visible and assertScreenshot methods to PageElement

  • Allow to set Chrome mobile options from properties file

    New config section [ChromeMobileEmulation] with mobile emulation options, e.g. 'deviceName = Google Nexus 5'

  • Configuration system properties has been renamed

    Old properties: Files_output_path, Files_log_filename, Files_properties, Files_logging
    New properties: Output_directory, Output_log_filename, Config_directory, Config_prop_filenames, Config_log_filename
  • Add set_config_* and set_output_* test case methods to configure output and config files instead of using configuration system properties


Release date: 2015-07-24

  • Allow to set custom driver capabilities from properties file

    New config section [Capabilities] with driver capabilities

  • Fix set_value and app_strings errors in mobile web tests

  • Fix set_value error in iOS tests when using needle


Release date: 2015-06-02

  • Allow to find elements by ios_uiautomation in visual assertions
  • Fix app_strings error in mobile web tests
  • Use set_value instead of send_keys to run tests faster


Release date: 2015-05-21

  • Add swipe method in Utils to allow swipe over an element
  • Only one property file is mandatory if Files_properties has multiple values
  • Allow to exclude elements from visual screenshots


Release date: 2015-05-12

  • Output path (screenshots, videos, visualtests) can be specified with a system property: Files_output_path

  • Update app_strings in Appium tests only if the driver has changed

  • Move visual properties from [Server] section to [VisualTests] section

  • With a visual assertion error, the test can fail or give an error message and continue

    New config property 'fail' in [VisualTests] section to fail the test when there is a visual error

  • Create a html report with the visual tests results

    New config property 'complete_report' in [VisualTests] section to include also correct visual assertions in report

  • Configure multiple baseline name for different browsers, languages and versions

    New config property 'baseline_name' in [VisualTests] section to configure the name of the baseline folder
    Allow {browser}, {language} and {platformVersion} variables, e.g. baseline_name = {browser}-{language}
    The default baseline_name is {browser}.
  • Add assertFullScreenshot method in SeleniumTestCase


Release date: 2015-04-17

  • Add wait_until_element_visible method in utils class
  • Logger filename can be specified with a system property: Files_log_filename


Release date: 2015-03-23

  • Add Button page element
  • AppiumTestCase has a new attribute app_strings, a dict with application strings in the active language


Release date: 2015-03-05

  • Allow to set firefox and chrome preferences from properties file

    New config section [FirefoxPreferences] with firefox preferences, e.g. ' = /tmp'
    New config section [ChromePreferences] with chrome preferences, e.g. 'download.default_directory = /tmp'


Release date: 2015-02-11

  • Read properties file before each test to allow executing tests with different configurations (android, iphone, ...)


Release date: 2015-02-04

  • Logging and properties config files can be specified with a system property: Files_logging and Files_properties

    Files_properties allows multiple files separated by ;


Release date: 2015-01-26

  • Fixed minor bugs
  • Add visual testing to lettuce tests


Release date: 2015-01-20

  • Add visual testing to SeleniumTestCase and AppiumTestCase

    New config property 'visualtests_enabled' in [Server] section to enable visual testing
    New config property 'visualtests_save' in [Server] section to overwrite baseline images with actual screenshots
    New config property 'visualtests_engine' in [Server] section to select image engine (pil or perceptualdiff)


Release date: 2014-12-23

  • Allow to autocomplete self.driver and self.utils in IDEs
  • Remove non-mandatory requirements


Release date: 2014-12-05

  • Multiple tests of a class can be linked to the same Jira Test Case
  • If test fails, the error message will be added as a comment to the Jira Test Case Execution
  • Update Jira Test Cases also in lettuce tests


Release date: 2014-12-01

  • Downloads the saved video if the test has been executed in a VideoGrid
  • Add BasicTestCase class to be used in Api tests or in other tests without selenium driver


Release date: 2014-11-12

  • Add Lettuce terrain file to initialize Selenium driver
  • Add ConfigDriver.create_driver method to create a new driver with specific configuration
  • Add wait_until_element_not_visible method in utils class


Release date: 2014-06-12

  • Add a config property 'implicitly_wait' in [Common] section to set an implicit timeout
  • Add a config property 'reuse_driver' in [Common] section to use the same driver in all tests of each class
  • The driver can be reused only in a test class setting a class variable 'reuse_driver = True'


Release date: 2014-05-13

  • Now depends on Appium 1.0


Release date: 2014-03-04

  • First version of the selenium library in python