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vampcat edited this page Oct 21, 2017 · 17 revisions


The api for each widget is detailed in it's javadoc. More info here. If a widget can have an interaction listener added, then the circumstances that will fire it are listed under the Listener heading. Each table contains the json attributes settable via a .ui prefab.

The source for each example can be found in this repositories code.

Box (UIBox)

Displays a simple box that can contain another widget or layout

Name Description
updateContent Should the content inside the box be updated as well
content The widget or layout to render inside the box


Button (UIButton)

Displays a clickable button with custom text and/or image.

Listener Activates when the button is pressed.

Name Description
image The image to display on the button
text The text to display on the button
clickSound The sound to play when the button is clicked
clickVolume The volume at which to play the sound


Checkbox (UICheckbox)

A checkbox that can be ticked or unticked.

Listener Triggers when ticked or unticked.

Name Description
enabled Controls if the checkbox should start out ticked or not


Double Slider (UIDoubleSlider)

A slider bar with two sliders on it, allowing for two values to be set. The left bar cannot higher than the right bar.

Name Description
minimum The minimum value of the slider
range The range of values available
increment Minumum amount the slider bar can move by
precision Number of decimal places to show precision to
valueLeft Inital value of the left slider
valueRight Inital value of the right slider


Dropdown (UIDropdown)

A simple dropdown screen with a list of options. The selected option is displayed in the dropdown's box. This version is not scrollable.


Scrollable Dropdown (UIDropdownScrollable)

A scrolllable version of Core-Widgets#Dropdown


Icon Bar (UIIconBar)

A bar comprised of icons that can display a value.

Name Description
halfIconMode The mode to use to display decimal values. Can be "SPLIT", "SHRINK" or "NONE"
maxIcons The number of icons to use in total
spacing The space between each icon
value The current value of the bar
maxValue The maximum value the bar can display
icon The icon to use in the bar


Image (UIImage)

Displays an image. The image can be tinted set colours

Name Description
image The image to display
tint The tint to apply (if any). Can be any value from Color
ignoreAspectRatio Whether to stretch the image non-uniformly. This is equivalent to creating a new skin with the scale mode set to stretch. The default value is false


Label (UILabel)

Displays some text in a label.

Name Description
text The text to show.


List (UIList)

Displays a vertical list of buttons. Each element in the list can be selected.


Loading Bar (UILoadBar)

A loading bar. It uses a tiled texture to display the load amount.

Name Description
fillTexture The texture to tile across the bar.
animate Controls whether the bar should be animated (Tiles scroll to the right)
value The inital percentage loaded. Can be from 0 to 1.


Scrollbar (UIScrollbar)

A scrollbar that can be oriented horizontally or vertically.

Name Description
value The initial level of scrolling
minimum The smallest value scrollable to
range The maximum value scrollable to
vertical A boolean setting the orientation of the bar


Scrolling Text (UIScrollingText)

A widget that displays some text that scrolls upwards.

Name Description
text The text to display
step The number of pixels to go up each frame
lineSpacing The space between each line of text
offsetBottom The offset from the bottom of the parent widget
offsetTop The offset from the top of the parent widget
autoReset Sets whether the widget should restart scrolling once finished


Slider (UISlider)

A slider bar that can be set to any value in a range.

Name Description
increment The smallest increment a value can be changed by
value The initial value of the slider
precision The number of decimal points to display the value to
range The largest value settable
minimum The smallest value settable


Space (UISpace)

A spacer UI element designed to be used with some layouts

Name Description
size An array containing the horizontal and vertical size.


Text (UIText)

Name Description
text The text to display
multiline Should the content be displayed on multiple lines
readOnly Allows the text to be editable when false.
