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ChamberCrawler3000 (CC3k) is a simplified rogue-like game!


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ChamberCrawler3000 (CC3k) is a simplified rogue-like game!



Hiii 👋🏻,

I'm Hoang, this is a project for a second-year CS course, CS 246, at University of Waterloo 🇨🇦. I took this course when I was on exchange, yes, I was an exchange student from Vietnam 🇻🇳.

CC3k is my first ever personal project and I have put a lot of effort into it. The project was built on top of C++ using different OOP concepts like Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation.

This is a game where we control a hero ⚔️ to explore dungeon with different floors and different chambers. A long the way, there will be many item that we can pick up and use like Gold or Potion. And of course, the most important component of the game is the Enemy 😈 which can come from different kinds with different abilities, who is always ready to fight our hero!

Hope you guys will like it!

Cheers 🤗,
Hoang Dang.



Hoang is a king in ChinSu kingdom, he has a beatiful daughter, Nam. This year, Nam turns 18 and Hoang wants to find for his daughter a good hushband. In his speech in front of the citizens, Hoang said "No matter who you are, no matter where you are from, whoever complete the Dark Dungeon, consisting of different floors with many dangerous enemies, will get my daughter as your wife!".

In this game, you will be a hero and your goal is to complete the Dark Dungeon by reaching the stair of the last floor.


Heroes 🐈

At the beginning of the game, user can choose between five different heroes

Hero HP Atk Def Ability
Shade 125 25 25 Double the score at the end of game
Drow 150 25 15
  • x1.5 effect of potions
  • Elf can only attack once every turn
  • Vampire 50 25 25
  • No maximum HP
  • Gains 5 HP every successful attack
  • Lose 5 HP instead of attack Dwarf
  • Troll 120 25 15 Regains 5 HP every turn
    Goblin 110 15 20
  • steals 5 gold from every slain enemy
  • Orcs does 50% more damage to Goblin
  • Max HP for all races is the starting HP, except for vampires that have no maximum. In our game board, the player character is always denoted by the @ symbol.

    Control 🕹

    The following commands can be supplied to your command interpreter:

    • no, so, ea, we, ne, nw, se, sw: moves the player character one block in the appropriate cardinal direction.
    • u + direction: uses the potion indicated by the direction (e.g. no, so, ea).
    • a + direction: attacks the enemy in the specified direction (only if the monster is in one block north of the @).
    • f: stops enemies from moving until this key is pressed again.
    • r: restarts the game. All stats, inventory, and gold are reset. A new race should be selected.
    • q: allows the player to admit defeat and exit the game.

    Enemies 😈

    In a traditional rogue-like game, the enemy character would have some degree of artificial intelligence. However, for simplicity in CC3k, enemies, except for dragons, move one square randomly within the confines of the chamber they were spawned in, while Dragons are stationary and always guard a treasure hoard.

    Enemy HP Atk Def Ability
    Human 140 20 20 Drops two normal piles of gold
    Dwarf 100 20 30 Vampires are allergic to dwarves and lose 5 HP rather than gain
    Elf 140 30 10 Gets two attacks against every race except drow
    Orcs 180 30 25 Does 50% more damage to goblins
    Merchant 30 70 5 Steals 5 gold from every slain enemy
    Dragon 150 20 20 Always guards a treasure hoard
    Halfling 100 15 20 Has a 50% chance to cause the player character to miss in combat

    By default, Merchants are neutral to all parties. However, Merchants can be attacked and slain by the player character. Attacking or slaying a Merchant causes every Merchant from that point forward to become hostile to the player character (and will attack them if they pass within a one block radius).

    Upon their demise, any enemy that is not a Dragon, Human, or Merchant will drop either a small pile or normal pile of gold.

    Enemies are denoted on the map as follows: (H)uman, d(W)arf, (E)lf, (O)rc, (M)erchant, (D)ragon, and Half(L)ing.

    Potions 🧪

    Potions are of two types: positive and negative. Regardless of the potion itself, all potions are denoted on the map with a P symbol. Accordingly, a potion cannot be used unless a player is standing within a one block radius of it.

    The effects of a particular potion are not known until it is used for the first time. In other words, hero will only learn about the effects of that particular potion after using it, while other potions will NOT have their effects revealed.

    Positive Potions:

    • Restore health (RH): restore up to 10 HP (cannot exceed maximum prescribed by race)
    • Boost Atk (BA): increase ATK by 5
    • Boost Def (BD): increase Def by 5

    Negative Potions:

    • Poison health (PH): lose up to 10 HP (cannot fall below 0 HP)
    • Wound Atk (WA): decrease Atk by 5
    • Wound Def (WD): decrease Def by 5

    The effects of RH and PH are permanent while the effects of all other potions are limited to the floor they are used on. For example, using a BA potion will only boost the player character’s Atk until the beginning of the next floor. Note that the PC’s Atk and Def can never drop below 0.

    Treasure 💰

    Treasure in CC3k consists only of gold. Gold can be in different types:

    Name Value
    Small Gold 1
    Normal Gold 2
    Dragon Hoard 6

    Recall, a Dragon must always protect a Dragon Hoard whenever it randomly spawns. A Dragon Hoard can only be picked up once the Dragon guarding it has been slain. Gold, regardless of type, is denoted by G on the map.


    By default, all enemies except for Merchants and Dragons are hostile to the player character. If the player character enters within a 1 block radius of any hostile enemy, they will attempt to attack the player character (even before the player character has had a chance to attack). If the player character is not within a 1 block radius of the enemy then it will resume random movement.

    Dragons are considered hostile when the player is next to its Dragon hoard or itself, and will use their fire breath to defend its hoard. This means that a Dragon might attack even if the player is not next to the Dragon, but because it is next to a Dragon hoard. Recall that Merchants can become hostile when one is attacked/slain by the player character.

    Combat is resolved as follows: Enemies will auto-attack players given the previously specified criteria, however, there is a 50% chance their attack misses. The player character has the option of attacking any of the 8 squares adjacent to them and within a 1 block radius. The PC never misses. Recall, that the PC has initiative and always attacks first.

    Damage is calculated as follows:

    Damage(Defender) = ceiling((100/(100 + Def(Defender))) ∗ Atk(Attacker))

    where Attacker specifies the attacking character (enemy or PC) and defender specifies the character being attacked. Thus, in a single round a character can be both an attacker and a defender.

    Game Execution 🏃

    Follow Installation to download and setup the game if you have not done so. After that, cd to CC3k/src and the game can be executed in the following ways:



    Default map layout with 5 floors, each floor has 5 chambers, and random objects generation.

    Seed Specified

    ./cc3k -s [seed]

    Default map layout with 5 floors, each floor has 5 chambers, objects are generated based on provided seed!


    ./cc3k -s 123

    Map Specified

    ./cc3k [map]

    If provided file only has map layout but no objects like hero/enemies/potions/treasure/stair, the program will generate random objects for you. You can try this out by running:

    ./cc3k mapWithNoObjects.txt

    If provided file has both map layout and objects layout: The program will generate map and objects based on provided file, this ensures that there will be no random objects generation. You can try this out by running:

    ./cc3k mapWithObjects.txt

    Game Mode Specified

    ./cc3k -m [mode]

    For now, CC3k only has normal and hard game modes. While normal mode is applied by default, hard mode needs to be specified when running the game. You can read more about hard mode here.

    ./cc3k -m hard


    You can combine map, seed, and game mode all together when running the game too! The followings are all valid game executions:

    ./cc3k -s 100 -m hard
    ./cc3k -s 123 mapWithNoObjects.txt
    ./cc3k mapWithObjects.txt -m normal
    ./cc3k mapWithNoObjects.txt -m hard -s 2000

    Game End 🏁

    A game session ends in one of the following ways:

    • the player character reaches the last stair
    • the player character’s health reaches 0
    • the player restarts the game or quits

    A player’s score is only generated in the first two cases. Score is determined by the amount of gold they have collected in their current character’s life time.

    Display ©

    The followings are all symbols used in the game

    Symbol Meaning Type Color Note
    @ Shade/Drow/Vampire/Troll/Goblin Hero 🟦
    H Human Enemy 🟥
    W Dwarf Enemy 🟥
    E Elf Enemy 🟥
    O Orc Enemy 🟥
    M Merchant Enemy 🟥
    D Dragon Enemy 🟥
    L Halfling Enemy 🟥
    P RH/BA/BD/PH/WA/WD Potion 🟩 Can be used by walking on
    G Small Gold/Normal Gold/Dragon Hoard Treasure 🟨 Can be picked up by walking on
    / Stair Object 🟦 Takes Hero to new floor
    - and | Wall Map ⬜️ Not walkable on
    + Doorway Map ⬜️
    # Passage Map ⬜️
    . Floor tile Map ⬜️


    Beautiful UI ✨

    Game beginning, Hero choosing, and Game Ending are supported with ASCII designs to improve user experience!

    Create your own maps! 🗺

    All maps used in the game are stored in CC3k/src/layout. By applying some algorithms, users can now create there own maps instead of following the default layout like in default.txt. You can try this out by running:

    ./cc3k layout1.txt

    or even better

    ./cc3k big.txt

    Note: Users still need to follow some basic map structure. Try to do something similar to the provided maps and don't do anything weird 😂

    Game stat 📊

    Game statistic will be displayed at the end of the game

    Seeds Support 🌱

    If there is no seed specified when running the game, a random seed for that play will be generated and stored in CC3k/data/seeds.txt (the last one). Thus, user can later copy the seed use it to re-play that game a again.

    In other words, the purpose of seed is to ensure randomizations to be the same. Everytime you use the same seed, objects will be generated in the same way.

    Hard Mode 💀

    Player only knows the layout of chambers and passages if he/she has been there before, otherwise they are all blank!


    Open either Terminal if you are using MacOS/Linux or Command Prompt if you are a Window user.

    Make sure you have a C++ compiler by running g++ --version. If not, use chat GPT to look up how to download g++ for Mac/Win/Linux with version >= 11 (I did so too, it won't take much time!)

    cd to the your desired directory and clone the repository by running

    git clone

    After that, cd to CC3k/src. For example, if you use Mac and download the game in Downloads folder, run cd ~/Downloads/CC3k/src. On the other hand, if you use Window and download the game to Downloads folder, run cd %userprofile%\Downloads\CC3k\src

    Run make to compile the game (You only need to do this once, if you have done this before, no need to do this again).

    Your game is now ready to be played!


    Version 1.0.0 (released Aug 2, 2023)

    Future Plan

    • There will be a few default maps when running ./cc3k instead of one like right now
    • More game modes
    • Random map generation :D OMG SUPER HARD!



    ChamberCrawler3000 (CC3k) is a simplified rogue-like game!







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