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Crawls recursive path in file system looking for data, encrypts regex matches and exfiltrates via email.


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alt text alt text


This tool may be used for legal purposes only.
Users take full responsibility for any actions performed using this tool.
The author accepts no liability for damage caused by this tool.
If these terms are not acceptable to you, then do not use this tool.


This program recursively crawls through the users directory hierarchy in the file system. It uses regex to match specified file extension types; searching through the document for a regex match (email, ip address, phone). The program continues through a combination of hashing => encrypting => hashing encrypted data => writing hashes to a text file => encrypting hash file with separate key. Finally, the program completes by emailing the encrypted results and deleting the locally created logs.


The program is licensed under GNU Public License v3.0

Contributions or Issues



This program runs on Windows 10 and Debian-based Linux, written in Python 3.8 and updated to version 3.10.6


  • Run the script to build a virtual environment and install all external packages in the created venv.

  - Windows: python venv
  - Linux: python3 venv

  • Once virtual env is built traverse to the (Scripts-Windows or bin-Linux) directory in the environment folder just created.
  • For Windows, in the venv\Scripts directory, execute activate or activate.bat script to activate the virtual environment.
  • For Linux, in the venv/bin directory, execute source activate to activate the virtual environment.
  • If for some reason issues are experienced with the setup script, the alternative is to manually create an environment, activate it, then run pip install -r packages.txt in project root.
  • To exit from the virtual environment when finished, execute deactivate.

How to use

  • In your Google account, set up multi-factor authentication and generate an application password for gmail
  • Open up the in text editor of choice, find email login section at beginning of send_mail, and add username and app password
  • Open up shell (CMD or terminal)
  • Enter directory containing program and execute in shell
  • The program length greatly varies depending on the amount of contents in the crawl path (could be ten minutes or a few hours), check your email when it is finished
  • Download encrypted files and copy them into the program folder
  • Run the hash decrypt program which reveals the text hash file with the hashes for encrypted and unencrypted data
  • Optional - use hash generator to confirm sha256 encrypted file hashes retained integrity
  • Run file decrypt program to decrypt all the other files
  • Optional - use hash generator to confirm sha256 plain text file hashes retained integrity

Function Layout

-- --

create_attachment  -  Creates attachment instance, populates it, and returns it to send_main() function.

smtp_handler  -  Facilitates sending the email to Gmail through SMTP protocol.

create_email  -  Creates email instance and formats the header and body. This sets the email to send to itself, since the goal is to log in and yourself email with the attached data.

send_email  -  Facilitates exfiltrating encrypted loot data via Gmail.

crypto_hash  -  Encrypts the hashes file.

crypto_data  -  Hashes the plain text data, encrypts the data, then hashes the encrypted data.

match_logger  -  Iterates through file line by line, attempting to find regex matches to log to the log file.

size_check  -  Checks the size of the passed in log name. If it is greater than or equal to 20 MB, increment the log number and reset the log name with the log number. So log_name1 would become log_name2.

CompiledRegex  -  Class to group various compiled regex statements.

print_err  -  Prints error message through stderr.

main  -  Recursively crawls through user directories, searching through files for regex matches to log to a text file to encrypt and exfiltrate via email.

-- --

print_err  -  Displays the passed in error message via stderr.

main  -  Decrypts the encrypted exfiltration data.

-- --

print_err  -  Displays the passed in error message via stderr.

main  -  Decrypts the encrypted exfiltration data.


Crawls recursive path in file system looking for data, encrypts regex matches and exfiltrates via email.








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