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📄 Resume Builder

  license   react   mui   tailwindcss   netlify-status


👷 About

Introducing Resume Builder, the ultimate React application that empowers you to craft eye-catching resumes like never before. You can easily customize your resume with Resume Builder's user-friendly interface to highlight your unique skills and professional experience.

Stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression with Resume Builder, the perfect tool to land your dream job. 🤩 Just select template - Fill in the details and voila! Your resume is ready to preview and download.

🏗 Start building your future today!

Resume Builder

Major Technologies

  • mui
  • jspdf
  • react
  • redux
  • tailwindcss
  • react-hook-form
  • react-router-dom


│   ├───Header
│   ├───Icons
│   ├───Layouts
│   ├───Locales
│   ├───Logos
│   └───Themes
│       └───Styles
│   ├───actions
│   ├───forms
│   ├───locales
│   ├───paginations
│   ├───templates
│   └───Web
│   └───Mui
│   ├───AboutUs
│   │   └───Components
│   │       └───Sharer
│   ├───Error
│   ├───FillDetails
│   │   └───Components
│   │       ├───Buttons
│   │       ├───Dialogs
│   │       ├───Footer
│   │       ├───Forms
│   │       ├───Sidebars
│   │       ├───Styles
│   │       └───Tabs
│   ├───GeneratedResume
│   │   └───Components
│   │       ├───Cards
│   │       └───Errors
│   ├───Home
│   │   └───Components
│   │       └───Cards
│   └───MyResume
│       └───Components
│           ├───Cards
│           └───Errors
│   ├───features
│   │   ├───forms
│   │   ├───settings
│   │   └───templates
│   └───stores
│   ├───TemplateFive
│   │   ├───Components
│   │   │   ├───Left
│   │   │   ├───Right
│   │   │   ├───Steps
│   │   │   └───Top
│   │   └───Data
│   ├───TemplateFour
│   │   ├───Components
│   │   │   ├───Left
│   │   │   ├───Right
│   │   │   └───Steps
│   │   └───Data
│   ├───TemplateOne
│   │   ├───Components
│   │   │   ├───Bottom
│   │   │   ├───Layouts
│   │   │   ├───Steps
│   │   │   └───Top
│   │   └───Data
│   ├───TemplateThree
│   │   ├───Components
│   │   │   ├───Left
│   │   │   ├───Right
│   │   │   └───Steps
│   │   └───Data
│   ├───TemplateTwo
│   │   ├───Components
│   │   │   ├───Bottom
│   │   │   ├───Layouts
│   │   │   ├───Steps
│   │   │   └───Top
│   │   └───Data
│   ├───TemplateZero
│   └───Utils

Getting Started 🎉

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


We recommend that you have a basic understanding of Node.js

# Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd ResumeBuilder
# Build for production
$ npm install
$ npm run build
# Run the development server
$ npm install
$ npm start dev

Repository Branches

  • master -> any pull request of changes this branch
  • main -> don´t modify, this is what is running in production


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Pull Requests
  1. Fork the repo and create your branch: #[type]/PR description
  2. Ensure to describe your pull request: Edit the PR title by adding a semantic prefix like Added, Updated:, Fixed: etc. Title: #[issue] PR title -> #90 Fixed styles the button


Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that the Resume Builder community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within resume builder, please send an e-mail to Raman Verma via e-mail. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The Resume Builder is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License