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Releases: TheComputerGeek2/MagicSpells


12 Jun 20:47
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Version Support

This build only supports Paper server version 1.20.6.

Breaking Changes

  1. During the update to 1.20.5/6, the identifiers of several data types were renamed to match their vanilla counterparts. For example, the spell_mob and redstone particles were renamed to entity_effect and dust, respectively. In most cases spell options will still accept the legacy names; users are still advised to migrate away from them, however.
  2. The entity_effect particle now requires a color. For the particles, particlespersonal and particlecloud spell effects, this is done with the new argb-color option.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented ListSpell and SublistSpell from listing temp-granted spells.
  • Fixed an issue that caused ListSpell and SublistSpell to list empty spell lists improperly in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented SummonSpell from functioning without a caster when casting at an entity from a location.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented replacement and certain spell effect options from working when using the trail effect position in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented ProjectileSpell from checking intermediate entity collisions properly.


  • ListSpell and SublistSpell now list spells in alphabetical order.
  • SummonSpell now checks can-target and target-modifiers, as well as applying variable-mods-target.


  • Added the argb-color option to the particles, particlespersonal and particlecloud effect types. Specifies an ARGB color to be used for the particle. Applicable to the entity_effect particle.
  • Added the body and body-drop-chance options to the equipment section of entity data. Applicable to mob entities.
  • Added the only-count-on-success option to LoopSpell. When true, an iteration of the loop only counts towards iterations if all of the subspells in spells succeed. Defaults to false.
  • Added the pitch and yaw angle options to spell effects, entity data, and OffsetLocationSpell. Specifies an angle for pitch and yaw, respectively. Optionally supports starting with a ~ to specify a relative angle. Both options default to ~.
  • Added the should-burn-in-day option to entity data. If false, the spawned mob will no longer burn in the day. Defaults to false.


18 May 14:33
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Supports only version 1.20.4.



06 Nov 18:28
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  • Fixed an issue where the height option of VelocitySpell was divided by 10.
  • Fixed an issue where the velocity option of VelocitySpell wasn't divided by 10.
  • Fixed an issue with ExplodeSpell that caused it to error out in specific circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented change-pitch option of ParticleProjectileSpell from functioning properly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused self-targeting to error out in specific circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the cast-time spell option from functioning.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the duration option of the bossbar effect to not function properly.


  • Added the projectile-horiz-offset, projectile-vert-offset, projectile-horiz-spread, and projectile-vert-spread options to HomingMissileSpell.
  • The remove option of CleanseSpell now supports removing totems spawned by TotemSpell, using the format totem:<totem spell name>.
  • The namespace-key option of the bossbar effect now supports replacement.


19 Oct 18:30
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This release includes many bugfixes, long awaited global variable replacement and many other additions!
Beta 13 supports 1.19.4 - 1.20.2.



10 Jul 09:17
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Supports 1.19 only.

Minor changes and bugfixes


Added always modifier.
Added bow-items, ammo-items, disallowed-bow-items, disallowed-ammo-items for BowSpell.
Added strict-enchants and strict-enchant-level for MagicItems.
Added potion-effects list for PotionEffectSpell (Format: <PotionType> <Duration> <Strength> <Hidden> <Ambient> <Icon>).
Added icon parameter for PotionEffectSpell.
Subspells will check their target lists when casting at an entity.


03 May 18:00
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Supports 1.18.2 only.

Minor changes and bugfixes
Requires Java 17 and Paper or its forks to run


Added spell-on-entity-location for BowSpell.
Added spell-on-entity-location for BeamSpell.
Added spell-on-entity-location for ProjectileSpell.
Added RiptideSpell.
Added RiptidingCondition.
Added Anvil, Enchant, Grindstone and Smith passive triggers.
Added str-on-teach for spells.
Added LoopSpell, LoopActiveCondition and OwnedLoopActiveCondition.
Added force option for particles effect.
Added error-log-limit in general.yml
Added world.time and world.gametime data elements.


22 Nov 11:32
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Supports 1.17.1 only.
Minor changes and bugfixes
Requires Java 16 and Paper or its forks to run


Added support for dust_color_transition and vibration particles:

  • added to-color, which accepts a hex value
  • added arrival-time, which accepts an integer value
  • added vibration-offset, which accepts a vector value
  • added vibration-relative-offset, which accepts a vector value

Added pass-targeting for AreaEffectSpell and TargetedMultiSpell, which is true by default. It passes down the target list to its subspells when its set to true, means you dont have to make separate AOE subspells if you want them to target the caster and other entities.
Fixes for MenuSpell
BowSpell supports crossbows
Added effectlib-instance-limit to general.yml - its the limit for effectlib effect instances, default to 20000.
Added terminate-effectlib-instances to general.yml - whether it should terminate all effectlib effect instances when the effectlib-instance-limit is reached, otherwise it just wont play further effectlib effects. default set to true.
Added equip and unequip passive triggers.
Added partial block data support, currently works for NovaEffect, LookingAtBlock, InBlock, OnBlock, OverBlock, TestForBlock and UnderBlock modifiers.


25 Jun 05:53
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1.16.5 Version support
Lots of changes and optimizations
Fixed effectlib memory leaks and bugs

Requires Java 11 and Paper or its forks to run

Full changelog:


08 Dec 11:38
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1.16.4 Version support
Small additions

Full changelog:


28 Oct 22:39
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1.16.2+ Version support
Command framework rework
PassiveSpell mob cast support
Many bugfixes

Full changelog: