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TheLsbt edited this page Jun 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Unsupported features


Although these features are currently not supported, they may be implemented in future versions.

  • Allowed Mentions Object

    • The Allowed Mention's object allows for more granular control over mentions without various hacks to the message content. This will always validate against message content to avoid phantom pings (e.g. to ping everyone, you must still have @everyone in the message content), and check against user/bot permissions.
  • Attachment Object

    • The Attachment Object is used to upload files with a message, as a whole file uploading is not supported and there is no reason to implement this object. If in future updates uploading gets supported the Attachment Object will be added.
  • Some embed features

    • These are unsupported by discord itself and as such are nowhere to be found in the GodotDiscordWebHooks api.
    • For the webhook embed objects, you can set every field except type (it will be rich regardless of if you try to set it), provider, video, and any height, width, or proxy_url values for images.
  • Webhooks in threads

    • Sending a webhook message in discord threads is not supported, this feature is very likely to be implemented.

Supported features

  • Message

    • Normal text
    • tts message
    • Webhook profile picture
    • Webhook username
    • Supressing notifications and embeds (Message Flags)
  • Embed

    • Title
    • Description
    • Url
    • Timestamp
    • Color
    • Footer
    • Image
    • Thumbnail
    • Author
    • Fields
  • Poll

    • Creating a poll with questions and awnsers
    • Duration
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