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Editor Launcher Hub

Cordemans Robin edited this page Sep 11, 2022 · 1 revision


Glorious has its own launcher/hub for managing projects and editor installations, similar to the Unity Hub. This wiki aims to showcase the Hub and its features.

Building the Hub

The Hub can be built by building the GloriousLauncher project. When you build the Glorious project (the editor), it will automatically be copied to a folder inside the Editor folder of the launcher. If you have an editor installation available, you must copy it to the Editor folder of the launcher, each editor installation must be contained in a new folder. If you want to run the launcher through your debugger, you must copy any editor installation to the Editor folder inside the GloriousLauncher project.

The Hub

The Hub currently contains 2 tabs, Projects and Installs. You can navigate these tabs with the respectable buttons on the left, the Projects tab will be open by default.

The Hub
The Hub

More tabs will be added as the project develops.

Projects Tab

In this tab you can see a list of your ongoing projects. This list shows information about where the project is located, when it was last modified, and the editor version it was last saved in. Clicking on a project will open it in the selected editor.

The ADD button on the top right allows you to add a project to the hub manually, by locating its .gproj file in a file browser.
The NEW button will open the new project wizard.

You can use the dropdown under Editor Version to select any editor you currently have installed.

Editor Selection
Select an editor

Installs Tab

The installs tab shows your currently installed editors, these are the editors located in /Editor/. The Locate and Install Editor buttons currently do nothing.

Installs Tab
Installs Tab

Creating a New Project

Click the NEW button in the Projects tab to open the project wizard. Configuration of a new project is split up in multiple tabs, at the moment there are only 2 tabs, but more tabs will be added for settings like templates, default values, etc, as the project develops.

New Project
New Project Wizard

When any of the selected settings are invalid, the Create Project button will be grayed out and a red text will display what the problem currently is.

General Project Settings

In the General tab you must select the editor you wish to use for this project, if none is selected the Create Project button will be grayed out, and the Engine tab will have its settings grayed out.

Enter a name for your project or click the Browse button to save to a custom location and name.

Engine Settings Tab

Since the engine is modular, the modules you wish to use need to be specified. The Engine settings tab allows you to do this. Window, Graphics, Renderer and Scene Management modules are required, leaving these blank will block you from creating the project, as the editor can not open without these. Optional Modules are not required to open the editor, however, 2 optional modules will be set by default, 1 for model loading, and 1 for texture loading. Removing these will not prevent you from creating the project, however, using a game engine without the ability to load textures or models seems quite useless. You may replace these with your own loaders, or add more modules as you see fit.

Use the + and - button to add and remove optional modules, then select a module from the dropdown.
You can not add the same module twice!

Engine Settings
Engine Settings Tab