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Car Price Prediction

Hello Everyone,

Here is My Regression Project based on Predicting Price of Car using Linear Regression.


I used Honda Used Car Selling Dataset which is one of my own Dataset uploaded on Kaggle.

Link to the Dataset : Car Price Dataset

Problem Statement

  • To develop a Machine Learning Model that can accurately predict the prices of used cars based on various features and attributes.

  • The predicted prices will assist both buyers and sellers in making informed decisions, ensuring fair transactions in the used car market.

Streamlit Web App

  • For my Car Price Prediction Project, I have created a Streamlit Web App for predicting the prices of cars in more interactive and user friendly way.

  • This Web App allows you to predict the price of a car by just selecting some of its features and fill in some details.

  • These all are the features you need to select or enter before Pressing the Predict Button :

    • 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 : Select the manufacturing Year of the Car.
    • 𝗸𝗺𝘀 𝗗𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗻 : Input the Total Distance the Car has traveled.
    • 𝗙𝘂𝗲𝗹 𝗧𝘆𝗽𝗲 : Choose the Fuel Type of the Car.
    • 𝗦𝘂𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 : Pick the Type of Suspension the Car has.
    • 𝗖𝗮𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗹 : Select Your Car Model from the available options.
  • After selecting all these features, Just hit the '𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝘁' Button.

  • This Web App also has multiple constraints in the Input Feilds.

  • I have named it AutoValuate.

Link to the Web App : Car Price Prediction App


Table of Contents

Setting up the Enviroment

Jupyter Notebook is required for this project and you can install and set it up in the terminal.

  • Install the Notebook - pip install notebook

  • Run the Notebook - jupyter notebook

Libraries required for the Project


  • Go to Terminal and run this code - pip install numpy

  • Go to Jupyter Notebook and run this code from a cell - !pip install numpy


  • Go to Terminal and run this code - pip install pandas

  • Go to Jupyter Notebook and run this code from a cell - !pip install pandas


  • Go to Terminal and run this code - pip install matplotlib

  • Go to Jupyter Notebook and run this code from a cell - !pip install matplotlib


  • Go to Terminal and run this code - pip install seaborn

  • Go to Jupyter Notebook and run this code from a cell - !pip install seaborn


  • Go to Terminal and run this code - pip install sklearn

  • Go to Jupyter Notebook and run this code from a cell - !pip install sklearn

Getting Started

  • Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command :
git clone

Steps involved in the Project

Data Cleaning

  • Fuel Type, Suspension and Car Model has extra whitespaces which is removed by str.strip() Method.

  • Removing kms Suffix from kms Driven Column by using str.split() Method and keeping only Numeric Part of the String and removing kms Suffix.

  • After that we can convert kms Driven Column to int DataType.

  • Modifying Price Column from 6.45 Lakh to 645000 and convering it into Integer by using a Custom Made Function.

  • From Car Model Column we will keep only First 3 Words of Cae Model and removing the rest of the Words for better Model Traning.

Data Visualization

  • Visualizing Year with Price by using sns.swarmplot().


  • Visualizing kms Driven with Price by using sns.relplot().


  • Visualizing Car Model with Price by using sns.relplot() and Suspension as Hue Parameter.


Dummy Variable

  • We first Create Dummy Variable Column based on the Text Column.

  • Then we change it into a DataFrame.

  • After that we will Merge the Dummies DataFrame and our Orignal DataFrame.

  • Finally we will drop the Text Column from our Dataset.

Outlier Removal

  • After describing the Dataset I noticed that in our kms Driven Column, 75% of Cars has driven 85000 kms and our Maximum Value in kms Driven is 11 Lakh kms which is an Outlier.

  • And Similarly In our Price Column, 75% of Cars has Price 7 Lakh and our Maximum Price is 26 Lakh which is an Outlier.

Model Building

  • Firstly I have definied Dependent and Independent Variables for our Traning and Testing.

  • I have splitted data into Traning and Testing Set by using Train Test Split.

  • Then I fitted the Model with X_train and y_train and checked the Score.

  • After that I used KFold Cross Validation for Measuring Accuracy of our Model.

  • So I cheked Cross_Val_Score of our Model for Measuring the Best Score of Model and then I have taken Mean of All that Scores.

  • And Finally I predicted the Result from our Trained Model.


  • Developed a highly accurate Linear Regression Model using various features and attributes to predict used car prices, achieving an average prediction accuracy of 82%.

  • Further Model showcased its robustness by undergoing rigorous k-fold cross-validation, resulting in a mean cross-validation score of 83%.

Link to the Notebook

Car Price Prediction

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