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Catherine edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 5 revisions

Why are you using Unity? Why not use UnrealEngine or Qt3D or straight OpenGL?

Because Unity has a block for a logo.

Why are you using GitHub? Why not BitBucket or SVN or Mercurial?

Because GitHub has a Cat for a logo.

Is it OpenSource?

Yes. The source code is BSD 3-clause licensed and artwork is CC0 or CCBY licensed. Note that some 3rd party assets may be under the Free Unity Store Asset license. In general artwork will have the authors name and license as part of the filename and 3rd party content will be in its own folder with any included license information.

What can I do with it?

Practically anything you want. You can play pre-created stages in it and create your own stages, obviously. You can modify it and distribute your modified version commercially or non-commercially. Note that some 3rd party content has attribution requirements, but all first-party content is BSD and CC0 licensed giving a very great deal of freedom. We have taken care to ensure that no 3rd party content has "share-alike" or GPL-like requirements so that people may freely use this project as the basis of commercial development.

Does gravity/edge mechanics work like in Catherine?

Yes! Also like in Robo5. We are still working on Pushmo support.

How will you deal with levels that have random chunks like multiplayer and Babel from Catherine 1?

We will have a way to specify that a chunk is randomly spawning. This does not yet exist, though. You can, however, create stages that fall in sections as seen in the Stages/Testing/Cathy1/Easy/1-1 With Sections.json stage definition.

Are you using Scrum/TDD/XP/etc?

We are using a form of Agile Software Development without too much formality or overhead. Frequent committers give constant updates in our Discord chat but we don't have formal daily/weekly/etc. meetings or anything. Regarding TDD we have basically 0 unit tests or other formal tests at the moment - if you think that sucks then you are very welcome to write some! Things are starting to get stable and complex enough where formal testing is more than a time-waster.

What formatting style does your code use?

You must be an old-school C developer ;-) That is mostly up to the author of a class, however we mostly follow standard C# capitalization conventions and rely on MonoDevelop and VisualStudio to auto-format code. Anything reasonably readable is perfectly ok, though formatting within a class should try to follow the same conventions.

What IDE are your developers using?

Whatever they want so long as there are no license restrictions on the code written using it. We recommend MonoDevelop or VisualStudio, however vim, ecmacs, etc will all work fine.