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Voice acting phrases

Catherine edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 2 revisions

Block Movement

Sound effects

  • stone sliding together
  • stone sliding on ice
  • stone falling onto stone
  • stone falling onto ice


  • EDGE
  • mother-fucking EDGE"
  • another god damned EDGE"
  • guess what? EDGE, that's what
  • do I really have to say this shit every time a block moves? fine. fuck it. EDGE

Player Movement

Sound effects

  • Pushing heavy object sound
  • Idle sound (humming or whistling or something)
  • Jumping sound
  • Walking sound


  • "Which way?"
  • "Jump!"
  • "Boingee!"
  • "I don't think that's the right way"
  • I don't think I can do this
  • Nope, we are fucked. Better start over.
  • I'm not sure about that
  • Good idea
  • Great thinking!
  • I think you are right
  • "up"
  • "down"
  • "left"
  • "right"
  • "forward"
  • "back"
  • "toward"
  • "away"
  • "move up"
  • "move down"
  • "move left"
  • "move right"
  • "move forward"
  • "move back"
  • "move toward"
  • "move away"



  • Use the arrow keys or directional pad to move your character
  • Use the arrows to move your character
  • Grab a block by holding the space bar or A button; then use the arrow keys or directional pad to push or pull the block.
  • Grab a block by holding the grab button; then use the arrows to push or pull the block
  • Use the mouse or right stick to look around

#Block Types


  • Normal
  • Variation 1
  • Variation 2
  • Variation 3
  • Variation 4
  • Single Cracked
  • Double Cracked
  • Heavy
  • Immobile
  • Unmovable
  • Small bomb
  • Large bomb
  • Ice
  • Spring
  • Trap
  • Vortex
  • Toilet
  • Monster
  • Random
  • Mystery
  • Goal



  • Player 1 start
  • Player 2 start
  • Player 1
  • Player 2
  • Checkpoint
  • Checkpoint reached

Level Completion

  • "You got out by the skin of your teeth!"
  • "Way to go! You made it!"
  • "Perfect climbing! That was amazing!"
  • I knew you could do it!
  • Fuck yeah!
  • Fuckin' a
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