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Megaman is a collection of some cool React component that simplify logic handling in your code.


npm i @theremjx01/megaman --save

or with yarn:

yarn add @theremjx01/megaman


See Megaman story-book for live documentation and interaction



This component help you to control visible of component without manual control.


import * as React from 'react';
import { Fragment } from 'react';
import { Hidden } from '@theremjx01/megaman';

const WithoutHidden = () => (
   {true && 'This block will always be hidden'}
   {false && 'This block will always be visible'}

const WithHidden = () => (
      <Hidden when={true}>
        This block will always be hidden
      <Hidden when={false}>
        This block will always be visible


type HiddenProps = {
	when?: boolean | (props?: object) => boolean; // children component will visible only when "when" is false or "when" func return false 
	children: React.ReactElement | React.ReactElement[] | string;


This component help you to show a modal-like automatically when has incompleteFlow stored in flowManager in localStorage.


export type ReminderComponent = (props: {
  incompleteFlow: {currentStep: string, extraProps: object, currentUrl: string}, // data of incomplete flow
  resetFlow: () => void,// a func that will reset current state of the flow
  confirmRestoreIncompleteFlow: (navigateFunc) => void // a func that will call navigateFunc with the `currentUrl` of incomplete flow when being called
  // ... extraReminderProps will be passed through 
}) => React.ReactNode;

export interface FlowManagerReminderProps {
	flowKey: string;
	Reminder: ReminderComponent; // allow you to customize UI/UXReminder component by yourself. Parent component will pass [incompleteFlow, resetFlow, restoreFlow] then let you to make decision by yourself
	extraReminderProps?: any;
	getEntityId: (props?: object) => id: string | number;


This component simulate browser ui. Especially helpful on test - in my case, I'm using it in my story book. Go to Megaman's StoryBook to see the interact demo


export type WithSetUrlProps = {
	setUrl: (url: string) => void;

export type Route = {
	url: string;
	component: any;

export type MockBrowserProps = {
	domain?: string; // domain url that you want to display on address bar
	initialUrl?: string; // initial url that display, ie: index.html
	QuickAccess?: React.FC<WithSetUrlProps>; // area next to the address bar that you can custom yourself - <usually some link or button>. Access setUrl as props to let you navigate between
	style?: object; // customized style of browser
	Routes: Route[]; // defined {url, component} so when the mockBrowser url hit the route url, the component will be displayed 

Higher-order Components


A higher-order component that let your component access to incompleteFlow data which identified by flowKey.


export type WithIncompleteFlow = (
	params: {
       flowKey: string; // key that identify flow 
       getEntityId: (props?: object); => string | number, // a func that help to get id of entity, can access to all props of component
}) => (Component: React.Component) => any;


import {flowManager} from '@theremjx01/megaman';

const EnhancedComponent =  flowManager.withIncompleteFlow({
		flowKey: 'check-in',
		getEntityId: (props) =>,
	})(({incompleteFlow}) => {
      return (


A higher-order component that help you to access to setFlowStep as a prop to wrapped component When you call setFlowStep, it saved down your flowData to localStorage. After that, you can go back to it later - even you have closed the browser.


import * as React from 'react';
import {useEffect} from 'react';
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import {flowManager} from '@theremjx01/megaman';

const WithSetFlowStep = flowManager.withSetFlowStepHandlers({
 flow: 'check-out',
 step: 'middle-step',
 getEntityId: props =>,
 getCurrentUrl: props => props.location.url,
  ({setFlowStep}) => {
    useEffect(() => {
    return (
      <div>Checkpoint saved that restored later</div>


export type WithSetFlowComponent = (props: {
  setFlowStep: () => void // a passed down func that will save flow data when being called - recommend to call it in componentDidMount or react hook
}) => React.ReactElement;

export type WithSetFlowStepHandlers = (params: {
  flow: string; // flowKey that saved
  step: string; // step of the flow that saved
  getEntityId: (props?: object) => string | number // a func that help to get entity id by props as the params
  getCurrentUrl: (props?: object) => string | number // a func that help to access the url by props as the params
}) => (Comopnent: WithSetFlowComponent) => React.ReactElement;


Why flow manager stuffs?

Given a scenario:

You have some complex UI with some long steps that need to complete. I.e: A complex booking flow with multiple step and long form: - Check in - Contact - Review - Make Payment - Get Receipt - Send Email

Then your customer browser quit with some reasons, so when customer go back, you don't want your customer to start from begin again, you want him to go back to the right url with the right step.

So by using megaman's FlowManagerReminder, flowManager.withSetFlowStepsHandlers and flowManager.withIncompleteFlow, we help you to simplify as much as possible your code and template.


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