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TheTechnobear edited this page Feb 16, 2024 · 2 revisions

Function : trigger different actions

Developer: TheTechnobear

I develop these plugins for free, please consider supporting my efforts with a donation.

Menu Items

Name Values Desc
On Release on/off (def off) create trig/toggle on release of key
Exclusive on/off (def off) functions are 'exclusive' for toggle


Name Values Desc
Type Gate/Trig/Toggle Type of output for the funcions


Name Values Desc
Disable 0/10v disable the module , 10v disables
Key special represents key being pressed on harp
Gate 0/10 gate function from a key, you can use Z too
KG special represents information about the keygroup


|LED | special | digital stream used to populate leds on harp|

Func 1 - 4


Name Values Desc
Row 0-24 Row of function key, 0 is inactive
Col 0-5 Column of function key, 0 is inactive


Name Values Desc
F 1-4 0/10 output state depending on type

General Usage

Gate : means the function will gate whilst you hold the key Trig : when you press/release the key, you will get a momentary trigger Toggle: press/release will toggle the state of the functions output.

Toggle (exclusive), functions are exclusive. activating one will deactivate others. note: this does NOT mean you always have one active, you can still disable the active one.

Function12 is similar but with 12 functions, but less configurable.


the LED will only be lit on Eigenharp IF the relevant output is connected.

you can feed Z into Gate, there is hystersis set to 2v and 0.2v to prevent bounce.

tip: I tend to use Function12, at least for intial patching, then move to this for honing my patch.