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TheTechnobear edited this page Feb 16, 2024 · 3 revisions

Scaler : keys to notes

Developer: TheTechnobear

I develop these plugins for free, please consider supporting my efforts with a donation.

Menu Items

Name Values Desc
Scale chromatic + user defined musical scale to use



Name Values Desc
x Row +/- 24 Row multipler
x Col +/- 24 Column multpiler

Pitch Bend Range

Name Values Desc
Note +/- 12 Pitch bend range for note input
Global +/- 12 Pitch bend range for global input

|Ref Note| +/- 12| Reference note for start of scale|

LEDS 1-3

Name Values Desc
Scale Degree 0-11 degree of scale to light
Colour off, red, green , orange colour for led, or off


Name Values Desc
Disable 0/10v disable the module , 10v disables
Key special represents key being pressed on harp
Note -5 to +5 key bend
Global -5 to +5 global bend
KG special represents information about the keygroup


Name Values Desc
v/oct -10 to + 10v v/oct output
LED special digital stream used to populate leds on harp

General Usage

Scaler is very simple to use, but may be daunting at first, as its extremely flexible.

Its primary purpose is convert our keygroup , which is a grid format into a musical note. and in particualr v/oct which is used in modular to define pitch.

I will start with a basic default scale (chromatic).

X Row determines for each row in the keygroup, how many scale degress will it increase/decrease. X Column determines for each column in the keygroup, how many scale degress will it increase/decrease.

so for a chromatic scale, with xRow = 1, xCol=4 then you will have semitones going down the harp, and then next column will be a 4th above. so a common isomophic layout.

if you did something like xRow = 5, and xCol = -1, then the scale would be playes across the harp from left to right.

but importantly, I said above that xRow/xCol are measures of scale degrees. thats because we can use a scale (defined as a scala file , see below), therefore we can have steps in diatonic scales, or even microtonal scales.

when we decide on using a scale, its important we use a 'reference note'. i.e we have a major scale, then the reference note needs to be defined as C, Bb, D etc. this is what we use Ref Note for...

Ref Note 0 = C, and proceeds up/down in semitones.

once we have determined this base v/oct from the scale. we then can apply a pitch bend either at the key (note input) or global level (e.g for ribbon strips)

Finally, for visualisation, then LED section allows us to light up to 3 different scale degrees with 3 different colours.


Scale files

we use scala file format to defined scales, as these are freely available to download a huge number can be found here:

user scale files should be located in: ~/Documents/Rack2/MetaMorph/scales

important note ONLY place scales you are using, all scales present are loaded into RAM. so you are placing additional load on your computer for redundant files. also its only a simple list in the menu, since i dont expect users to be using many. unlikely to change in the near future ;)