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Adding A Custom Message Reward

Turkey2349 edited this page Mar 14, 2019 · 11 revisions

Before you add a message reward, you need to have the basic reward setup. If you have not done that already, you need to head here to set up the base for the reward.


Field Name Type Default Field Description
message String "No message was specified to send lel" The message to be sent to the player who broke the Chance Cube.
delay Integer 0 The delay for the message to wait after the Chance Cube is broken before being sent.
serverWide Boolean False If the message should be sent to all players on the server.
range Integer 32 Range that all players that are with in will receive the message (If not server wide).


		"chance": 0,
			{"message":"Custom Reward!", "delay":1, "serverWide": false, "range": "%%RND(16,48)%%"}

Config Tutorial:

The message reward is a fairly easy reward to setup. The first step is adding the message reward type identifier of

"Message": []

after either the chance value or the last reward that you added. Once that is done simply add


between the square brackets of the message reward. After that simply replace customMessage with your desired message and viola! You have added a message reward!