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Adding A Custom Item Reward

Turkey2349 edited this page Mar 14, 2019 · 6 revisions

Before you add an item reward, you need to have the basic reward setup. If you have not done that already, you need to head here to set up the base for the reward.


Field Name Type Default Field Description
item NBT Inset nbt data inside this tag. This item data follows all normal minecraft nbt rules There are only 2 things you may/ must do. The first being you have to make sure each key has quotes surrounding it. The second, for item ids the format is Mod:ItemName
delay Integer 0 The delay for the itemstack to wait after the Chance Cube is broken before being spawned


		"chance": 0,
			{"item":{"id":"minecraft:stone_button", "damage":0,"Count":"%%RND(1,10)%%","tag":{"display":{"Name":"Renamed Item Display Name","Lore":["HAHAHA"]}}}, "delay":20}

Config Tutorial: