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Action Commands

Robert McKenzie edited this page Sep 27, 2019 · 4 revisions
  1. Create/Find your Bot TOKEN and Chat ID, this is a good guide that covers how to make your system linux commands

  2. Setup Octoprint/Octopi if you haven't....

  3. Install Action Commands plugin

  4. Add the following commands as per the screenshot bellow in combination with your System Command from step 1 // action:m600
    // action:mmuAttention
    // action:mmuFailedLoadFINDA
    // action:mmuFailedLoadIR_SENSOR
    // action:mmuFailedUnload
    // action:jamDetected

MMU2S-Octoprint-Action-Command-Setup-3 0 0-RC2

Note: I have stumbled on a couple of characters that OctoPi/Octoprint doesn't like. Exclamation(!) marks & apostrophes (').
There is most likely a way to escape these characters but I've just avoided them at this stage.

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