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Working with us as an outside collaborator

Anthony Akentiev edited this page Jun 23, 2018 · 3 revisions

Working with us as an outside collaborator

  1. Fork the repository to your local Github account. All branches will be copied too. Now your origin points to YOUR fork of the project.

  2. We work in the dev2 branch. Switch to it.

git fetch origin
git checkout dev2
  1. Build
npm install
  1. Run all tests. Test should pass.
npm run test
  1. Now check the task tracker. You should move the task to 'In progress'. DO NOT WORK without open task! Even if this is a minor change -> better to open new task. For example: Tasks picture

  2. Now write the code. Don't forget to write or update tests.

  3. Run all tests before committing. They should pass.

npm run test
  1. Now commit your changes:
git commit -a -m "I fixed the bug #23 - wrong number of arguments in the Voting constructor"
  1. Ok. Now push your commits to YOUR fork on the github.
# Pushing to dev2 branch
git push origin dev2
  1. Once code is pushed to YOUR repository -> create new Pull Request TO our main repository. Pull Request

  2. You SHOULD request the code review. We do not allow to merge the Pull Request without it going through the code review. During the code review we can ask you for some changes or will write you some comments.

  3. Move task to 'In review' column

  4. Once code review is complete -> we will merge your Pull Request to the dev2 branch

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