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Config File Settings

ThioJoe edited this page Jan 22, 2022 · 15 revisions

About the Config File

  • Can be used to pre-set and skip any prompt or option that the program asks when running
    • Example: You can enter your channel ID in the your_channel_id setting, so the app doesn't ask you to confirm your channel every time upon running
  • Also contains some settings exclusive to the config file, and cannot be changed in the program itself
  • Can be configured to run the program fully autonomously, given all necessary options are set
  • Direct Link in Repo:
  • If the version at the bottom of this page isn't the latest config version, it probably means I forgot to update this page. Just submit an issue to remind me.

Multiple Config Files

  • You are able to create multiple config files with different sets of favorite settings
  • If the program detects multiple config files, it will ask you which one to use, or none (default settings)
    • The 'main' config is SpamPurgeConfig.ini, and additional config files must be named such as SpamPurgeConfig2.ini, SpamPurgeConfig3.ini
      • The numbers need not be sequential, you can use whatever numbers you want in the file names
    • If in the main config, use_this_config is True, it will use the main config and ignore the extras
    • If in the main config, use_this_config is False, it will use default settings, and ignore the extras
  • You can create the config file using the "Create config file" option at the main menu, or by just copy and pasting an existing file and renaming it
  • You can change the description of a config file shown in the config selection menu by changing the this_config_description setting of each file

Config Selection Menu

List of Config Settings


  • For complete descriptions and possible values for each, you can look in the config file itself here
  • Some config settings are only allowed in certain filtering modes
  • Settings marked with a πŸ“ icon indicates it can only be chosen/set via the config file, and are not prompted for in the program

Config Meta

  • use_this_config: Whether to use the config file on launch or not, or ask every time
  • πŸ“this_config_description: The description to show for this config when asking which to choose


  • your_channel_id: Prevents having to confirm logged-in user each run
  • πŸ“auto_check_update: Whether to automatically check for updates of program and spam lists upon running
  • πŸ“release_channel: Whether to be notified of all new releases (including beta), or only stable releases
  • πŸ“skip_confirm_video: Don't ask to confirm the video is correct after entering a video link/ID
  • πŸ“moderator_mode: Overrides 'not your channel mode', so those with moderator permissions on a channel have the option to hold comments for review
  • πŸ“auto_close: Makes the program close instead of prompt to return to the main menu, after a full scan is complete


  • scan_mode: Sets the scanning mode (what to scan)
  • max_comments: Maximum number of comments to scan in
  • video_to_scan: If chose to scan a video, this sets the video to scan
  • channel_to_scan: If chose to scan recent videos on a channel, this sets which channel
  • recent_videos_amount: If chose to scan recent videos, this sets how many (up to 5)


  • filter_mode: Sets the filtering mode (what to scan for)
  • filter_subMode: When searching a comment/username/both, sets whether to search for individual characters, strings, or custom regex
  • channel_ids_to_filter: In Channel ID Mode - Sets the specific channel IDs / links of users to search for (chan
  • autoASCII_sensitivity: In ASCII Mode - Sets the sensitivity to use (allow extended ASCII, standard ASCII, or only alphanumeric)
  • characters_to_filter: (Submode) - Filter for individual characters
  • strings_to_filter: (Submode) - Filter for words, phrases, sentences, etc
  • regex_to_filter: (Submode) - Filter using a custom regex expression

AutoSmart Customization

  • πŸ“detect_link_spam: In Auto-Smart and Sensitive-Smart modes, sets whether it will flag comments that contain nothing but a youtube video/channel link

Advanced Filtering

  • πŸ“duplicate_check_modes: List of filtering modes where it will also check for non-matched users that posted several duplicate comments
  • πŸ“levenshtein_distance: Determines at least how similar two comments must be to be considered a duplicate
  • πŸ“minimum_duplicates: Minimum number of duplicate/similar comments a single user must leave before they are flagged / counted as a match


  • skip_deletion: Sets whether to skip deleting matched comments
  • πŸ“delete_without_reviewing: Sets whether to remove comments without
  • enable_ban: Sets whether to ban matched users
  • removal_type: Sets whether to delete, hold for review, or report matched comments
  • whitelist_excluded: Whether to whitelist any authors that were excluded from deletion
  • πŸ“check_deletion_success: Sets whether to check that comments were successfully deleted, to save on time and API quota


  • enable_logging: Whether to create log file or not
  • πŸ“log_path: Change the path of where the log file is saved
  • πŸ“log_mode: Sets the format of the log files, whether Rich Text Format (default) or plaintext
  • πŸ“json_log: Whether to additionally also create a json version of the logged match data
  • πŸ“json_encoding: Sets the encoding method to be used in the json file
  • πŸ“json_extra_data: Whether to add extra information about each comment to the json file
  • πŸ“json_profile_picture: Whether to also fetch profile picture thumbnails for matched commenters (while in json logging mode)


  • πŸ“quota_limit: If Google has granted you extra quota, you can change this to modify how the program will warn you about quota in some places


  • config_version = 23: Used to alert user if their config file is out of date