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Duplicate Comment Scanning

ThioJoe edited this page Jan 24, 2022 · 6 revisions

About the Duplicate Scanning Feature

  • By default, at the end of Auto-Smart mode and Sensitive-Smart mode, the program will then check for users who left repeated comments
  • Comments need not be exactly the same, the program uses an algorithm called Levenshtein distance to detect similar comments
  • The default settings will flag a user for duplicates if on one video (or community post), they make 5 or more comments that are >90% similar to each other

Duplicate Match

Customizing Duplicate Settings

The config file has three settings related to duplicate scanning:

  • duplicate_check_modes - Allows you to choose which filtering modes will also scan for duplicates
    • You can also disable it completely by entering 'None'
  • levenshtein_distance - Determines at least how similar two comments must be to be considered a duplicate
    • 1.0 means comments must be 100% the same, 0.5 means 50% similar, etc.
    • If you enter 0.0, it will flag the comments of any user who leaves more comments than the minimum_duplicates setting, regardless of how similar they are
  • minimum_duplicates - The minimum number of duplicate/similar comments a single user must leave before they are flagged / counted as a match
    • When the threshold is reached, all of the users' comments will be flagged, not just the similar ones

Where To Find Duplicate Results

  • Duplicates are checked separately & after the regular filter mode has run
  • The results are displayed at the same time as the rest of the results, but the match samples are separated
  • If a commenter was already flagged by the regular filter mode, it wont be also displayed in the duplicate results
    • Therefore the duplicate results show only users who did not match your filter criteria, but are still worth your attention
    • It is a good way to spot spammers who may have gotten around the filter, but also be sure to check for false positives