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A template for MERN projects to be deployed to Heroku.





link to youtube tutorial


  • Download the repositiory

  • Open terminal from the root directory, or open terminal and then navigate to the root directory with cd

  • Run the command

npm run install-all
  • This will install the node_modules for both the server and the client

  • Rest your eyes for a second while it installs

  • Replace author, title, and description in the package.json

  • Replace this README with your own

  • Be sure to add your MongoDB connection string as the MONGO_URI in both the .env file in the root folder of this app and also in the config variables section on Heroku, in the settings of your app on Heroku


Server routes paths should begin with


Since the front end will proxy requests to any url beginning with /api/ from port 3000 to port 8000 in development

example route:"/api/auth/register", (req, res) => {....})

And in the front end, any requests being sent to the server should begin with the prefix as well:"/api/auth/register", {formData}).then(result=>{....}).catch(err=>{....})

This is being set up by setupProxy.js in development, and automatically handled by Heroku in deployment So you will want to leave setupProxy.js exactly as it is now inside /client/src If you want to read more about what's going on here check out this section of the Create React App docs

If you already have a React app built, just rename your React app project folder "client" and replace the client folder with it, and if you are planning to set up a backend or already have a backend, make sure to copy over the setupProxy.js file to your React project's src folder, and in your React project's directory, run

npm i -D http-proxy-middleware

If you already have server routes written you can import/use your express routes in index.js. Be sure to use the same /api/ prefix for requests between the front end and backend.

In the React front end you can import your components with absolute paths instead of relative paths, so instead of

import LoginForm from "../../../../components/LoginForm/LoginForm"

you can just use an absolute path starting, with the src folder being the root like

import LoginForm from "components/LoginForm/LoginForm"

This is because of the jsconfig.json file inside of the src folder. For more on that, check out this article from HackerNoon.


all of these commands must be run in a terminal from the root folder of your project:

heroku login

Only run this one if you have not already initialized the git repository. If you already have your project hooked up to a GitHub repo do not run this one. If you cloned this repository

git init
git add .
git commit -m “initial commit”
heroku create

'heroku create' gives two urls, use the second one for the next command

git remote add heroku <url goes here>

Ignore the 'fatal error' message. I know this sounds like terrible advice but trust me it's fine.

git push heroku master
heroku apps:rename (new name goes here)

Heroku gives you a random app name and you probably don't want to build a brand with a random name so change the app name using this command

heroku open

