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Discord Bots

About this bot

This bot was officially featured in this PUBG Spotlight Article back on November 12, 2018.

This bot uses the Official PUBG Api to provide ranking information and statistics.

This bot allows you to retrieve PUBG Stat information ranging from season stats, match data, and allows you to make local leaderboards to compare stats across friends.

Bot Usage

  1. Add bot to your server by going to this url.
  2. You can now interact with the bot on your server/direct messages by using the default prefix !pubg-.
  3. I recommend running !pubg-help to list all available commands and running !pubg-help <command-name> to understand what each command does.
  4. In order to setup server defaults (prefix, season, region, mode, squad size) you should run !pubg-setup with its requried parameters which you can read about by running !pubg-help setup.

Developing and Contributing

Refer to